Falling on the ground, he looked up at the thing in front of him that was hanging like a cocoon a few feet above the ground.

The black chains that were wrapped around each other, coupled with countless yellow talismans with ghostly drawings, gave people a strong visual impact.

Li Guanhai tried to use the eyes of the devil to spy, but he only saw a hazy mist locked in the chains and yellow paper talismans, which was not clear.

Even the eyes of the devil could not see clearly, what exactly was sealed inside?

Li Guanhai was suspicious and frowned in thought.

Should the seal be unsealed?

What if after the seal was unsealed, an unmatched demon was released, poisoning the people and causing chaos in the world, then wouldn’t he become the culprit and a sinner for all eternity?

In fact, Li Guanhai didn’t care about becoming a sinner for all eternity. He was worried about whether this demon would threaten him.

He was worried about two aspects. One was his own life, but he was not too worried about this. With his current level of cultivation, he had fought with any strong man. Even if he could not defeat them, escaping was not a problem.

As long as he did not encounter a monster as strong as Li Yanying that was beyond imagination.

Another aspect was that if the one sealed here was really the legendary demon lord, then what would he be?

If he returned to the upper realm, it would be difficult to ensure that there would be no traitors among the demons guarding the Mingshan Absolute Vein, and his status would inevitably be affected.

After weighing the pros and cons, Li Guanhai decided to unlock the seal.

But not here, but to find a way to move this small space into the inner universe.

As long as he was in the inner universe, no matter who he was or what kind of power he had, he would suffer!

Although moving space sounds incredible, it may not be impossible for Li Guanhai, and he has some experience in this regard.

At the beginning, the underground world in the extreme north was forcibly moved away by Li Guanhai using the method of space moving, which took a lot of effort.

Now he wanted to repeat the trick.

He took out the Immortal Cauldron of Creation and grew it to the size of a water tank. The dark mouth of the cauldron was aimed at the sealed object tied like a cocoon in the air, and a strong absorption force burst out.

Suddenly, the chains that were originally motionless and connected to the rock walls on all sides began to tremble, becoming more and more violent, making a crisp "click" sound.

Under the seal, array patterns lit up one after another, connecting to each other, forming a barrier, and actually resisted the suction force of the Immortal Cauldron of Creation.

Li Guanhai frowned.

The things sealed here are indeed not simple. I didn't expect that there are multiple layers of array barriers here, which will be activated once there is external force contact.

This is not difficult for him. Li Guanhai controlled the Immortal Cauldron of Creation with his right hand to continuously burst out the suction force, and held the wreath in his left hand and pushed forward with one palm.

With a whoosh, a circle of ripples was hit in the air, and a palm force that was unstoppable and overwhelming roared out, hitting the array barrier fiercely.

How could those few layers of array barriers withstand his palm power? They broke layer by layer, like a mirror.

The palm power blasted towards the seal suspended in the air by chains, and hit hundreds of yellow paper talismans.

I thought that even if this palm didn't break the seal into pieces, it would at least make a lot of noise.

Unexpectedly, the surging palm power hit the seal, but it was like a drop in the ocean, unable to stir up the slightest wave, and even the seal didn't even shake.

What's going on?

Li Guanhai was stunned for a long time, but he didn't believe it, and slapped again.

This time, the palm was not as careless and vague as before. The magic power condensed into a dragon-shaped energy, and roared away with a violent and hot breath!

The result was the same as before, a stone sinking into the sea.

It was really strange.

Li Guanhai was not surprised but happy. This just shows that the seal in front of him is not simple. Maybe it really seals the legendary demon lord.

Thinking of this, he no longer wasted his energy. He controlled the Creation Cauldron to release a stronger suction force to forcibly suck this space into the cauldron.

The space trembled and shook violently, as if the whole stone chamber would collapse in the next moment.

The Creation Cauldron refines everything, but this sealed place is also extraordinary. It is not appropriate to move it by force.

So Li Guanhai thought about it and came up with a good idea.

He did not use the devouring power of the Creation Cauldron directly on this stone chamber, but covered a larger space around it, and directly moved the things in this space together with the stone chamber and the seal into the cauldron.

It took a full hour, and even made him feel a little tired, before he moved this space into the Creation Cauldron.

Li Guanhai was overjoyed and could not wait to take back the Cauldron of Creation and open the space portal to enter the inner universe.

Ignoring the hopeful eyes of Xiaolu's seven brothers and sisters, Li Guanhai flew straight to the vast plain in the east.

Now standing on the soft grass, Li Guanhai took a deep breath, took out the Cauldron of Creation, and moved out the small space that was moved into the cauldron.

Suddenly, a huge irregularly shaped rock appeared on the plain. It was very large, like a mountain.

And the cave, which was not known whether it was naturally formed or artificially excavated, was inside the big rock.

This is the inner universe. Li Guanhai was very confident and he did not hesitate to strike directly.

The dragon-shaped palm force roared violently, crushing everything, and the rock layer quickly collapsed. As a white light lit up, the palm force finally failed to forcibly break the seal.

But the cave that sealed the seal was exposed.

Li Guanhai directly inspired the space runes to enter the cave. He looked at the sealed objects hanging in the air by chains and thought about how to unlock the seal.

It's probably impossible to use brute force. Although the two palms struck before were not at full strength, their power should not be underestimated. The result was like a cow in mud, unable to shake even half a point.

Brutal force cannot succeed, only skill can be used, but Li Guanhai's knowledge of formations is too shallow. In the past, he only knew how to use brute force to break formations, with almost no skills.

Now that he encountered a seal that could not be broken with brute force, he was a little helpless.

After thinking for a long time with no results, he finally left in despair and went to consult the Divine Tree of Creation.

The Divine Tree of Creation is rooted in chaos and is the origin of everything. There is nothing in the sky and on the earth that it does not know. You are right to ask it.

But Xiao Lu, the translator, quit her job and got into a bad temper, refusing to translate for Li Guanhai.

Li Guanhai knew what this guy was thinking, so he immediately took out large and small bags of delicious food and threw them to him, then carried him to the tree of creation and told him his needs.

After getting the food, Xiaolu was very affectionate and acted as a translator, but he still said too much, "Why do you have problems every day?"

Li Guanhai looked at him sideways, "Why, you still have an opinion."

"No." Xiao Lu immediately shook his head and waved his hands, "I'm just curious."

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