Zhao Shihan had never seen such a scene before.

She puffed up her mouth and was completely stunned.

Zhao Shihan couldn't believe that everything that happened in front of her was real.

This young master named Chen Luo came towards me with a purpose, just to treat me to a hand-grabbed pancake?

What was going on?

Zhao Shihan didn't understand.

Deep in her heart, she quickly had many more thoughts.

"This guy...There must be an ulterior motive, right?"

"Did he just secretly put drugs in this pancake?"

"This Chen Luo, is he trying to knock me out?...Wow, this guy is so bad....Why hasn't Brother Ye Feng come yet? I'm afraid..."

Zhao Shihan seemed to have paranoia about being a villain.

Chen Luo had tried his best to keep his face calm.

There was no aggression at all.

But...The result was still the same.

However, Chen Luo didn't care at all.

After all, things given by strangers should not be eaten.

Although, he and Zhao Shihan are not strangers.

One is the villain and the other is the heroine.

They are bound to have some intersections.

But even if Chen Luo bought the scallion pancake in front of Zhao Shihan. He walked straight over after buying it.

It was useless.

Zhao Shihan:"I won't eat it, take it away!"

"Humph, I warn you, don't try to do anything to me. I've already told Brother Ye Feng, so stay away from me!"

"You, you definitely have bad intentions. Don't think I'm stupid enough to not see it. You put drugs in it, right?"

Zhao Shihan said angrily.

Chen Luo:"???"

Chen Luo:"What's wrong with you?"

Chen Luo was used to this kind of scene.

He was not in a hurry.

His goal had not been achieved yet.

Chen Luo:"Haha, if you don't want to eat it, forget it, I'll eat it myself."

Chen Luo replied calmly.

But these words fell into Zhao Shihan's ears.

She was a little shocked.

Zhao Shihan:"He...He wants to eat it himself? Didn't he put any drugs in it? Wait, this Chen Luo, it seems that he walked straight towards me after buying it. I watched him the whole time, and he really didn't put any drugs in it...."

"Then why would I imagine that he drugged me?"

"snort...But no matter if this guy is playing tricks or not, he definitely has no good intentions."

Zhao Shihan didn't bother to think about it.

Even if Chen Luo sincerely invited her to eat shou zhu bing.

Zhao Shihan would not eat a single bit.

Just kidding, this Chen Luo and her brother Ye Feng are enemies.

How could Zhao Shihan eat food offered by her enemy?

But...When Chen Luo opened the package, he saw the golden yellow stuffed pancake with bacon, cheese, chicken fillet, meat floss and other ingredients.

Zhao Shihan's eyes lit up immediately.

Zhao Shihan:"Wow!"...This pancake looks delicious...."

Zhao Shihan couldn't take her eyes off the food.

She stared at the soft and tender pancake and her mouth was watering.


Zhao Shihan swallowed her saliva, almost unable to control herself.

But Chen Luo didn't care at all.

He opened his mouth and bit down directly.

"Um~~~It's so delicious."

Seeing Chen Luo eating with a satisfied look on his face,

Zhao Shihan could only swallow her saliva beside him.

Zhao Shihan:"Wow, this hand-pulled pancake, I really want to eat it...How can it smell so good? Is it really unhygienic? But so many people are eating it, so it shouldn’t be a problem if I eat it once in a while, right?"

"But this is Chen Luo’s scallion pancake, there is definitely something wrong. Is he pretending now?"

"He took another bite??? Why did he eat it again? Is it really that delicious? Is it really okay?"

"Wow, could it be that Chen Luo really just wants to treat me to a scallion pancake?"

"No! Zhao Shihan, calm down! It's just a hand-pulled pancake. Brother Ye Feng can definitely buy one for me. I want to eat the one in Brother Ye Feng's hand."

"ah~~~He is still eating...Woo woo woo...I'm mentally broken..."

Zhao Shihan's heart was about to collapse. She was in a state of confusion.

She stared at Chen Luo in front of her, eating the pancake with great satisfaction.

The tender and crispy crust, the delicious crackers, and the various ingredients filled the air with fragrance.

Soon, Chen Luo had finished the whole pancake.

Zhao Shihan was stunned by what she saw.

Zhao Shihan:"No...No more, I am such a big hand-pulled pancake, woo woo woo...I want to eat it ~..."

In fact, this is because Zhao Shihan is the heroine.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary beauty be so fascinated by a hand-pulled pancake.

Or, how could she not secretly buy it herself?

But unfortunately, Zhao Shihan’s personality is like this.

Therefore, without external interference.

Zhao Shihan really wouldn’t dare to take the initiative to buy hand-pulled pancakes easily.

But she has a special liking for this hand-pulled pancake.

Chen Luo:"I don’t understand, Zhao Shihan, this hand-pulled pancake is so delicious, why don’t you eat it? Don’t you want to eat it?"

Zhao Shihan:"!!!@#¥@#¥"

Zhao Shihan:"Why wouldn't I want to eat?"

Zhao Shihan had something in her mind, but she didn't know whether to say it or not.

Zhao Shihan:"Hmph, even if I want to eat, I won't eat the pancake you bought for me. Chen Luo, you'd better stay away from me. I don't want to see you. I tell you, Brother Ye Feng will be here soon. Don't think of taking advantage of me."

Zhao Shihan's attitude was still very bad.

Chen Luo didn't care at all, and his words went in one ear and out the other.

"I'm planning to take advantage of you? You're overthinking it. I just saw you come here often, watching others eat shouzhubing, and you looked like you really wanted to eat it, but you never bought it."

"I was just thinking of buying one for you. To be honest, that pancake is really delicious. Hiss~ Now when I think about it, it’s so delicious. No, I have to buy another one."

Chen Luo’s words immediately made Zhao Shihan a little uneasy.

Zhao Shihan:"!!! Buy more?"

But Chen Luo was very fast.

He walked over and bought another deluxe version of pancake for 25 yuan.

Then he walked in front of Zhao Shihan and didn’t ask this time.

Just eat it!

Show off!

Soft and crispy taste.

Every bite contained a satisfied emotion.

Zhao Shihan’s saliva was almost flowing out.

Zhao Shihan:"Woo woo woo, this Chen Luo, bullying me!!!"

Not long after, Chen Luo finished another pancake.

Chen Luo:"Burp, I’m so full!"

Zhao Shihan:"Chen Luo!!! What are your intentions? What do you want to do?"

Zhao Shihan couldn’t stand it anymore.

She felt that Chen Luo was too much.

What was his purpose?

Chen Luo:"Didn’t I just say? I saw you standing here, looking like you really wanted to eat, but you never bought anything, so I thought you had some concerns."

"I didn't expect that you wouldn't eat it either. Well, if you don't want to eat it, forget it. Just take my kindness as an insult. Goodbye."

After saying that, Chen Luo waved his hand and prepared to go back.

This confused Zhao Shihan.

Zhao Shihan:"Chen Luo, is he leaving now? ?"

"Is it true? Could it be true what he said? Impossible! This guy has such a bad character, how could he really just want to treat me to a hand-pulled pancake?"

"There must be other purposes!!"

It's not so easy for Zhao Shihan to have any feelings towards Chen Luo.

She was very alert.

But Chen Luo was not in a hurry at all.

How could he, a villain, take down these heroines so easily? He is not like Ye Feng, the male protagonist in the harem of Long Aotian's cool novel.

Just two A's and the heroines would surrender.

Not long after Chen Luo left, Ye Feng came in a hurry.

When he saw Zhao Shihan standing there, he immediately ran over with an anxious look on his face:"Sister Shihan, are you okay? Did Chen Luo do anything to you? Where are he?" Zhao Shihan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ye Feng.

The panic in her heart disappeared instantly.

She even felt a little wronged.

But just when she was about to complain to Ye Feng.

Zhao Shihan thought of this Chen Luo.

...It seems that I didn't do anything.

Should I sue Brother Ye Feng and say: Chen Luo showed off two double cheese spicy deluxe hand-pulled pancakes in front of me?

Zhao Shihan felt...It's a bit strange for some reason.

However, her desire to eat shou gu fang pancake has reached its peak.

Zhao Shihan hopes that Ye Feng can buy it for her.

Of course, just like in the original novel.

Zhao Shihan will not say it actively.

In the original novel, Ye Feng also saw that Zhao Shihan had been staring at the shou gu fang pancake stall.

Then he immediately understood.

To be honest, fortunately, Zhao Shihan wanted to eat shou gu fang pancake in the setting.

If she wanted to eat the delicacies in Tianshang Renjian and Shenxiao Restaurant.

Then Ye Feng would have to think about it.

Although he has the money and makes money very quickly.

But in the early stage, Ye Feng would still consider spending tens of thousands at a time.

The main thing is that if he has to spend so much money just for one heroine.

Ye Feng would feel that it is not worth it....

Why spend so much money if you can get it with a hand-pulled pancake?

However, what Zhao Shihan didn't know was that Ye Feng was with another heroine, Shen Yun, before he came. He was only halfway through his communication with Shen Yun. Unexpectedly, Zhao Shihan had an accident. Ye Feng would not abandon Zhao Shihan. There were still many tasks between him and Zhao Shihan that had not been completed. It's just that

...Shen Yun's place is also equally important.

Therefore, Ye Feng was a little anxious....

"No, Chen Luo didn't do anything. Don't worry, Brother Ye Feng, I'm fine."

In the end, Zhao Shihan didn't say it.

She felt that there was nothing to say.

Chen Luo didn't do anything.

Zhao Shihan still has the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

After all, she is a great and glorious heroine, and she won't throw dirty water on others casually.

"Really? That's great, sister Shihan, I was scared to death, where is that guy? I'm going to go find him and settle the score!"

Zhao Shihan was unwilling to hear this.

She now hoped that Ye Feng could buy her a hand-pulled pancake to try....

"He left. Brother Ye Feng, forget it. He was probably just passing by. I was too scared, so I sent you a message. Don't worry, I'm fine."

After saying that, Zhao Shihan looked at the hand-pulled pancake stand.

There were still many students crowded there.

However...Ye Feng was anxious. This time, he obviously didn't notice the changes on Zhao Shihan's side.

He looked around, his eyes full of resentment towards Chen Luo.

At the same time, he snorted in his heart.

"Haha, Master Chen, just wait for me!"

Ye Feng cursed Chen Luo in his heart.

Then he looked at Zhao Shihan and said with a smile:"Okay, sister Shihan, I will take you back. Don't worry, I am here. Even if you run into Chen Luo again, don't worry. I will definitely protect you." As soon as these words came out, Zhao Shihan's favorability towards Ye Feng increased a lot.

However, compared with the original book, it was not that much.

Because...Zhao Shihan wanted to eat scallion pancakes! She did n’t want to go back....Ye Feng was anxious and wanted to go back to find Shen Yun.

As the male lead, he couldn't leave

Zhao Shihan here under such circumstances.

In addition, Zhao Shihan was set as the female lead and would not cause unnecessary trouble to the male lead. She would be very sensible.

So Zhao Shihan could only nod silently in the end.

But in Ye Feng's eyes, he was quite satisfied.

To be honest, if Zhao Shihan didn't agree to go back now,

Ye Feng would have a headache.

Because...He couldn't make a choice, Zhao Shihan and Shen Yun, one or the other?

Haha, for the male protagonist of a harem novel,

Ye Feng had only one purpose.

That was...

"I want them all!!!"

Ye Feng would never give up on anyone.

Zhao Shihan's obedience also made Ye Feng like her more.

Ye Feng secretly vowed in his heart

"I will definitely let Sister Shihan live a good life in the future. I will not let Sister Shihan down."

Ye Feng felt that as long as he became strong enough and had a place for Sister Shihan in his heart, he would not have let her down.

As for loving Zhao Shihan, but also having an ambiguous relationship with other female protagonists...

In Ye Feng's opinion, this was a very normal move.

It was nothing.

Soon, Ye Feng sent Zhao Shihan back to the dormitory.

He immediately ran to the venue of the reading club and continued to communicate with Shen Yun.

Shen Yun naturally didn't care about this little thing at all.

Just smiled slightly:"Have you dealt with it?"

Ye Feng nodded:"Yes."

Shen Yun:"Haha, you are really a busy man."

Shen Yun's words were obviously a little jealous.

For Chen Luo...

Are you jealous?

You're in love already?

Shen Yun is also set as a cool senior.

But obviously, this cool senior will not be cool for long in front of our Long Aotian harem hero.

Ye Feng also gave a classic, awkward smile.

Shen Yun, of course, could not really embarrass Ye Feng.

Her solution afterwards was nothing more than:"How are you going to compensate me? The remaining time..."

"I will punish you more tonight, stay with me for a while"

"How are you going to compensate me, little guy?"

Then some students from the reading club around him looked at Ye Feng with new eyes.

"That’s amazing! Could it be that this student Ye is favored by senior sister Shen?"

"Oh, I'm so envious. I didn't expect that Senior Shen, who is always aloof, would be so nice to this junior."

"Tsk tsk, if XX knew about this, this junior would be in trouble...."

Therefore, the hero, Ye Feng, pretended to be awesome again.

His fame in Nancheng University also became a little bigger.

Everyone, including some villains, knew that this man named Ye Feng was not only close to the freshman school beauty Xia Qingyue, but also held hands with the civil engineering goddess Zhang Xiaoyu and dated her. He also seemed to have an extraordinary relationship with the senior beauty student union president Shen Yun.

After this legend spread, Ye Feng's position as the hero was further consolidated.

Readers would also enjoy it.

Of course, Chen Luo fully supported this. Anyway, it had nothing to do with him.

It's just that...Late at night.

When Zhao Shihan was lying on the bed in the dormitory, she dozed off.

Suddenly she sat up and said,"No, why? Then how can Chen Luo show off two deluxe hand-grabbed pancakes? Woohoo, I want to eat them too...."

Zhao Shihan didn't expect that Ye Feng didn't buy it for her.

However, this was normal and Zhao Shihan could understand it.

After all, she thought that her brother Ye Feng couldn't read minds or anything like that.

She didn't say it, so how could Ye Feng know?

But...Ye Feng failed to understand her heart, which made Zhao Shihan feel a little disappointed deep down.

In her mind, she kept thinking about the two hand-pulled pancakes that Chen Luo ate and the fragrance.

Zhao Shihan wanted to run out and buy a hand-pulled pancake to try.

But the vendor had already gone home.

"Otherwise, I will secretly buy one tomorrow, it should be okay, right?"

With Chen Luo joining in, Zhao Shihan finally changed a little.

However, the next day.

Zhao Shihan,���She hesitated.

Her character was like this, and she couldn't help but think of

"No, my parents said I can’t eat these things because they are unclean and will upset my stomach."

"I have to listen to my parents...."

Zhao Shihan still didn't dare to buy it.

But what made her pupils shrink was that Zhao Shihan saw a familiar figure appear in her sight.

That's right, that person...It’s Chen Luo!...

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