Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

223: Zhou Pojun is crazy, the wife of the king of soldiers

Qiu Shanhai has been thinking about the problem that Qiu Yuelin has a big belly. When she goes to work in the future, she may be stared at by relatives and friends around her, but she has not considered the impact on Qi Lin after her engagement.

No matter how mature Qi Lin is, he is still only an 18-year-old boy, still in the third year of high school, and Qiu Yuelin is also teaching in the No.

What Fang Yuanyuan said was quite reasonable.

Anyway, both of them are billionaire families, so they don't lack Qiu Yuelin's salary.

The big deal is to wait for Qiu Yuelin to finish giving birth before letting her go back to work.

And it is not an example of not getting on the bus first and then refilling the ticket.

It is quite interesting to think about the scene as the child held the hand of his parents and walked down the red carpet together.

At that time, when 720 antivirus developed, I am afraid that the two companies were already tens of billions of billions of dollars.

Who dares to gossip about Qi Lin and Qiu Yuelin?

Thinking of this, Qiu Shanhai smiled and nodded: "I'm a little too anxious, what President Fang said makes sense, Qi Lin is really too young, even if he gets engaged in advance, he is still not enough to marry the legal age of 22. Several years.""

"Then do as President Qi said, don't entertain anyone, just have a meal for the two of us, let's get a wedding ceremony for the two children, and bypass the engagement ceremony directly. 35

"When Qi Lin is of legal age, let's hold a big banquet and hold a wedding for the two children.

Hearing Qiu Shanhai's words, Fang Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

This stinky boy only cares about being merry outside, and as soon as his trousers are loosened, he has caused himself such a big trouble.

"It's fortunate that the old lady is clever, otherwise I'd have to be embarrassed to step down today, and when I go back, I must treat Qi Lin, this stinky boy.

One business is done, but there is another business.

Fang Yuanyuan's pretty face was a little embarrassed, but she still said: "Lin'er and Yueyue's marriage is our family's high rise, and now the Qiu Zong 720 antivirus software company is in the limelight, and maybe it will be ranked in the world's top 500 by then. .

"Our family's Lin'er made a mistake, and Mr. Qiu not only didn't blame him, but he also talked about the marriage of our two children, which really made our husband and wife feel very embarrassed.

"But even if I'm embarrassed, I still have one thing to mention. Our Tianlin Group's current electrical 07 brain system has also collapsed. I wonder if Qiu can always give priority to us for the sake of the two families being in-laws. A copy of 720 Antivirus Enterprise Edition software?

Hearing Fang Yuanyuan's words, Qiu Shanhai's expression suddenly became strange.

Holding back his smile, he asked, "Mr. Fang, Qi Lin didn't mention the 720 antivirus software to the two of you?"

Fang Yuanyuan looked blank: "720 antivirus? What to mention? He never told us.


At this moment, Qiu Shanhai couldn't bear it any longer, and burst into laughter.

While smiling, he said: "This, this 720 antivirus software was developed by Qi Lin, I'm just in charge of capital injection."

"All the shares in this company belong to the two children, and I just work for them.

"When the two kids get married, that's their common asset."

"So, this is Mr. Fang Qi's own company!"

"If you want 720 anti-virus software, how can there be two people who will go there in person. You can directly find Qi Lin, or give me a call, and the technicians will come to your door to help you install it. 39

With Qiu Shanhai's words, he exited.

Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng's mouths widened in shock.

They originally thought that Qi Lin was just an occasional brainer and came up with such a sunrise industry as crayfish.

Maybe in a few years, the Qi family can also grow into a tens of billions of enterprises.

But who knows that this kid hides the truth from the two, and quietly harms a daughter-in-law without saying anything, and also creates a unicorn company with a market value of over 100 million, and its value is still skyrocketing!

This really brightened the eyes of the two parents.

"Would you like to go back and beat that stinky boy Qi Lin? It's too much to hide such a big thing from us. It's too much to take our parents seriously."

Fang Yuanyuan gritted her silver teeth and said angrily.

Is she really angry with Qi Lin?

Not really.

This is just when the mother's panic son has become more and more mature, and even the achievements are still far more than their parents, and may no longer need her love in the future.

This was unacceptable to Fang Yuanyuan, who was accused by her son.

"It's not good, Xiaolin is so old, do you still want to beat him?"

Qi Feng is an open-minded father who does not approve of spanking children.

In fact, Qi Lin didn't seem to have been beaten since he was a child, even if what he did was outrageous.

"Even if he's 80 years old, he's still my Fang Yuanyuan's son, huh, if I don't beat this kid this time, next time he'll be the opposite.

Fang Yuanyuan had a pretty face, but she was thinking that if the stinky boy didn't coax her properly, she would definitely reward him with a few chestnuts when she went back.

After chatting with Qiu Shanhai for a while, the distance between the two families was shortened.

In the end, Fang Yuanyuan was content with the brand-new 720 antivirus software enterprise edition CD and went home triumphantly.

As she passed the bosses who were still waiting for the 720 Antivirus Enterprise Edition, Fang Yuanyuan raised her face proudly, like a peacock showing off its tail.

"What if the business is doing well? Is there a good son from the old lady?"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly miss Lin'er. When the stinky boy comes back, I want to kiss him a few times."5

Qi Feng looked at the arrogant Fang Yuanyuan and shook his head with a helpless smile.

Women are so duplicitous.

Just now she said she was going to beat her son, but now she was passing by these bosses, Fang Yuanyuan was prouder than any mother.

After dealing with the purchase of the house, Qi Lin sent Chen Shuyi and Chen Yun back to their home and company.

After that, Qi Lin restarted the car and called Yan Yan by the way.

"Mrs. Yan Yan, how is the investigation of the data of the remaining three hospital directors? Do we need to file a mission today?

Qi Lin asked in a teasing tone.

But at this time, Yan Yan had no intention of teasing Qi Lin.

She said anxiously: "Qi Lin, hurry up and come to the hospital, the Zhou Pojun you brought back last time went crazy."

"A sedative injected by the doctor did not stabilize him. Now he has injured the security of the hospital and wants to force his way out. Our side is almost unable to stop him."

Hearing Yan Yan's words, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with solemnity.

He has undergone a systematic transformation and belongs to the culmination of Muay Thai, a human weapon with no weaknesses, in order to suppress Zhou Pojun.

And Zhou Pojun belonged to the kind that did not appear on his own, but was completely human-shaped beast, invincible in the world.

"It will be of great use after breaking the army this week, but I can't let him run away.

Thinking of this, Qi Lin said to Yan Yan: "You try to stay away from Zhou Pojun, don't let yourself get hurt, I'm driving now, I'll be there soon.

Yan Yan nodded, and the young woman said in a soft voice, "Be careful on the road yourself."

ten minutes later.

Qi Lin waved his tail with a dragon, and dashingly parked his car at the entrance of Huamei Zixin headquarters.

A few minutes later, Qi Lin came to the inpatient department of the emergency room.


As soon as he arrived at the gate, Qi Lin heard a deafening and violent slam on the door.

Looking around, he saw Zhou Pojun with his upper body naked, his muscles exploding, holding a rest seat made of stainless steel in the hospital, and smashing the tempered glass door.

"Don't come here! I don't want to hurt anyone!"

"I just want to go back and find my wife! 39

"She can't live without me, she hasn't eaten for two days, she's really going to die without me!"

A humanoid beast like Zhou Pojun would cry too.

While smashing the glass door, he burst into tears.

Qi Lin's face was pale, and he walked directly towards the tempered glass door.

"Little handsome guy, don't go there! He has gone crazy and will hurt you!"

"Five or six of our security guards can't control him, little handsome guy, don't be so arrogant!

Seeing that Qi Lin dared to walk over, the expressions of the surrounding doctors, nurses, and even security guards changed drastically.

Qi Lin ignored these people, walked in front of Zhou Pojun, and said lightly, "Put down the chair.

This familiar voice made Zhou Pojun stunned for a moment.

When he saw that the person opposite the glass door was actually Qi Lin, his eyes flashed with fear.

"Impossible, no one can stop me from going back! 35

But the next second, thinking of his unattended wife, Zhou Pojun began to go into a frenzy again, slamming on the door frantically.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin shook his head.


The next second, the shocking scene made everyone present immediately horrified.

Qi Lin raised his right hand and charged for bombardment.

Zhou Pojun smashed it for a long time. Although it was shattered, he still stubbornly blocked the tempered glass door in front of him. He actually smashed a big hole.

Then, Qi Lin changed his fist into a grab and grabbed Zhou Pojun's throat directly.


Zhou Pojun's expression changed drastically in an instant, he threw away the chair in his hand, and grabbed Qi Lin's arm with both hands, trying to let him go.

But this is only in vain.

Qi Lin easily pinched him off the ground.

Zhou Pojun is a muscular man who is 1.8 meters tall and weighs 180 pounds!

With just one hand, Zhou Pojun, who is 180 pounds can be lifted, what an inhuman arm strength!!!

Those onlookers, doctors, nurses and security guards, were still completely frightened.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and give him a tranquilizer.""

Qi Lin said lightly.

At this time, those doctors and nurses just woke up like a dream.

He rushed over and injected Zhou Pojun with two tranquilizers.

This time, the dose of sedative took effect, and Zhou Pojun gradually calmed down.

"Clean up this place, Mr. Yan will go back to Zhou Pojun's ward with me.

Qi Lin ordered the doctors and nurses and threw Zhou Pojun on the mobile bed.

It's a mixed bag here, Qi Lin didn't show too much intimacy with Yan Yan.

Seeing Zhou Pojun who made everyone feel helpless, Qi Lin easily subdued, her beautiful eyes flashed a splendid look, she nodded, and then quickly followed Qi Lin's footsteps.

five minutes later.

"Tell me, why hurt the medical staff here? 35

"You should know that I saved your life. If it wasn't for me, the eighth master would have killed you with one shot when you were seriously injured, and threw it into the river to feed the fish. Is this how you treat your benefactor?

Qi Lin sat on the chair and asked Zhou Pojun indifferently on the hospital bed.

Yan Yan stood behind Qi Lin, and everyone in the ward was cleared out by Yan Yan.

After all, the origin of Zhou Pojun is too amazing to let anyone know.

"Please let me go, my wife is still at home, I am the only one to take care of her, I haven't been home for two days, she will starve to death."

Zhou Pojun prayed to Qi Lin with a painful expression.

"You still have a wife?"

Qi Lin was stunned for a moment, this was something he didn't expect.

"My wife is ill, her spirit is also stimulated, she can't take care of herself, this boss, I don't think you look like a vicious person, or you would have killed me directly in the ring, please let me go. 99

Zhou Pojun prayed again.

As a big villain, more and more people will be offended in the future, and the opponent's forces will become stronger and stronger.

Qi Lin didn't kill Zhou Pojun because he had the idea of ​​conquering him for his own use.

Whether it is used to protect parents, or to improve the force of their own travel.

After all, Qi Lin is a boss, so if any scoundrel came to harass him, he had to do it himself, which seemed too out of style.

"If you want to get the strong to submit, either you have a handle on him, or you are kind to him.

"It seems that her wife should be quite troublesome, let's follow it to see what's going on.

Qi Lin immediately had an idea in his mind.

"Impulse is a reckless act. If I don't come and the hospital calls the police, you are likely to be shot, you know?"

"You were severely injured by me, and you can't even show 30% of your strength. Do you think you can beat those policemen?"

Qi Lin said lightly.

With Zhou Pojun in his heyday, how could the security guards at those hospitals be able to stop him.

It was because he was seriously injured by Qi Lin and injected with a dose of tranquilizer, all Zhou Pojun failed to escape when Qi Lin arrived.

"But, but as long as I think about my wife, I can't keep calm, she is the only relative of mine in this world. 99

Zhou 760 Po Jun's eyes were red, and his tone was sad.

"Okay, take a break for half an hour, and when your tranquilizer is over, you can go by yourself, and I'll take you to find your wife.

Qi Lin was a little funny when a big man cried like this.

"Thank you boss, thank you boss!"

Hearing that Qi Lin agreed to his terms, Zhou Pojun was very grateful.

Twenty minutes later.

"Boss, I can move now, can I go? 35

Zhou Pojun limped and looked at Qi Lin eagerly.

Seeing Zhou Pojun who couldn't wait for a moment, Qi Lin shook his head.

"Come with me. 35

With Du Zhou Pojun's delighted eyes, the three went downstairs.

Following Zhou Pojun's directions, the three drove to the house he rented.

"Can you drive?"

In the car, Qi Lin asked.

Every time he went out, he drove the car, and Qi Lin also wanted to be like a boss, chatting with the heroine in the back.

"Yes, I have a car driver's license and a semi-trailer license.

Zhou Pojun absently basked in the grass.

"You're very good, in the cold weapon era, you can become a master with your military skills, what did you do in the past?

Qi Lin asked again.

When Zhou Pojun was in the ring, he didn't like killing people, but his decisive killing skills showed that his previous identity was not so simple.

"I used to be a bodyguard for others and trained in a security company for a period of time.

Zhou Pojun lowered his head and said.


Qi Lin smiled slightly, not really believing it.

The security company couldn't cultivate an opponent of Zhou Pojun's level. If it hadn't been killed from the mountain of corpses and blood, it wouldn't have had such a strong murderous aura.

It is estimated that Zhou Pojun did not want to bring up the past, so he made up a story casually.

For this, Qi Lin did not intend to expose it.

When the time has come, Zhou Pojun will also say it himself.

The time to chat has arrived at the position that Zhou Pojun said.

Without waiting for Qi Lin, after Zhou Pojun got out of the car, he limped and walked towards the community in excitement.

Qi Lin and Yan Yan followed Zhou Pojue and walked into a six-story stair room.

The three came all the way to a room on the left hand side of the third floor.

Zhou Pojun took out the key in his pocket, almost trembling his fingers, and opened the door.

The moment the door opened, Zhou Pojun rushed in.

"Xiaojuan! Xiaojuan! I'm back, you're fine, right? You must be fine, right?"

Zhou Pojun ran into a room with a trembling voice.


After entering the door, Zhou Pojun saw his pale wife who rolled on the floor, her lips pursed tightly.

This is a beautiful looking woman, although she is not as beautiful as Yan Yan, but she is not bad.

However, he may have been suffering from pain for a long time, and because he had not eaten for two days, he had poor nutrient absorption, and some of them were out of shape.

"Wuwuwu, Xiaojuan, don't scare me, don't let anything happen, it's all my fault, I haven't come back after two days of going out, it's me, damn it, I didn't protect you well."

Zhou Pojun hugged his wife and cried like a tearful man.

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