Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

289: Maybach pick up, little loli Lin Yuner's shock

The more he came into contact with Zhou Pojun, the more he discovered that Zhou Pojun's strength was unfathomable.

There were several times when the three were ambushed by the police, but it was Zhou Pojun who rescued the three with his invincible marksmanship.

By the way, Zhou Pojun is the ace of the border anti-narcotics special team, and his spear skills are also one of his proficient skills.

Zhou Tai and Wei Cheng are both mindless reckless men.

The two of them have been killing crazy these days. Seeing that the underground forces in the prosperous international metropolis of Bower have been completely captured by the Black Dragon Gang, they shouted: "What is the Po Tianlin Gang? With Mr. Zhou leading, it's still not harmonious. Like those local gangsters who chop melons and vegetables, we were killed by us.

"Do you have your share of words here?"

Hearing the two brothers clamoring, Zhou Pojun immediately looked at the two with a hint of coldness.

In Bower, the two brothers who were extremely brutal and slashed, shrank their necks in the face of Zhou Pojun, and immediately shut up.

"Tianlin Group is the boss's industry, and I have a hunch that this Tianlin group may also be a force supported by the boss. 99

Zhou Pojun said lightly.

He protects Qi Lin closely, and may be more familiar with some of Qi Lin's secrets than those heroines.

Hearing Zhou Pojun's words, the three Zhang Qian brothers looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

Originally thought that the Tianlin Gang was a local gangster, but unexpectedly it was also a force supported by the boss.

How powerful is this mysterious boss?

Two of the largest community forces in the bow met at the JW Marriott Hotel.

In the luxurious dining room, Zhang Man and Zhou Pojun were all stunned the moment they saw each other.

"Zhou Pojun, why are you here?"5

Zhang Man first asked with a frown.

Zhou Pojun has been protecting Qi Lin closely, Zhang Man does not know that Qi Lin's strength is higher than Zhou Pojun.

Suddenly Zhou Pojun appeared in the bow, and she was worried that something happened to Qi Lin.

After finally expanding the power in the bow, there was a problem in the old nest, which Zhang Man did not want to see anyway.

Under the shocked eyes of the three Zhang Qian brothers, Zhou Pojun, who had always had a stern face, stood up, smiled for the first time, and bowed slightly to Zhang Man: "Madam, the boss asked me to help you, he is afraid You are weak here, so let me cultivate a force to help you.

Hearing Zhou Pojun's words, Zhang Man was slightly taken aback, and then his heart warmed.

She originally thought that after Qi Lin sent her to the peninsula, she would not care about her movements, but only care about the final result.

Unexpectedly, this bastard didn't worry about himself, and secretly sent someone to protect her.

"Ma'am, what's going on here?

After explaining his side, Zhou Pojun asked Zhang Man curiously.

Zhang Man smiled lightly: "I still underestimate the chaebol power behind KBS, although Yuan Xiuyan managed it, but was blocked by the police controlled by the chaebol, and couldn't go back, I thought of creating a power first. Avoid the limelight, wait for the time to come, and then find an opportunity to return to China.

Hearing this, Zhou Pojun sneered in his eyes: "Don't let Madam go back? I think these chaebols have eaten the gall of bears and leopards. 35

"Now we control the entire underground forces in Bower, and Bower is in chaos. We have the final say. If these politicians don't want the votes in their hands, we can help them."

Now a few people do have the strength to say this.

Different from Huaxia, if the elites of the peninsula want to run the government, they not only need the support of the chaebols, but also the votes of the voters.

If there are violent incidents in Bower every day and it is worthy of hell on earth, then this current Bower government must step down.

As for getting the police to clear the entire Bower gang?

I'm sorry, don't forget that Rose is a gangster.

During this period of time, she did not idle, but used the resources in her hand to contact the arms dealer in the Maoxiong country.

The oil and water of the Bower gang has to be said to be too sufficient.

The 10 million automatic funds have now developed into hundreds of millions of gray businesses.

Rose chose the thugs who were loyal to the Tianlin Society and formed a small arms team with about 200 people.

If the Bower government does not want to turn the result into a small war, it must agree to the negotiating conditions proposed here.

This is also what Zhang Man and Rose have already discussed.

"Ma'am, I think the two societies will be merged now, and then send someone to shock those financial groups and politicians."

Zhou Pojun suggested.

However, Zhang Man shook his head and smiled faintly: "It can't be merged, the underground forces of Bower all belong to one person, which will make the peninsula government feel like it is on pins and needles.

"Maybe they will really send troops to destroy us, maybe 々°""


"In private, I'm still fighting, giving them a feeling of incompatibility. The forces on my side are enough to deter the Bower government. Next, I will find a way to negotiate with them so that the boss's forces can be completely here. If I take root, I can also return to China smoothly."

Zhou Pojun knew that Zhang Man was the right and left arm of Qi Lin, and he was definitely more comprehensive than himself.

He nodded, then said to Zhang Man: "Madam, how do we divide the forces on both sides? These three brothers are not the masters of peace, and once I return to China, they may not be obedient. 99

Without even intending to avoid the three brothers, Zhou Pojun directly expressed his concerns to Zhang Man.

The three of Zhang Qian were shocked, and there was a trace of nervousness on their faces.

Zhou Pojun's strength was in the eyes of the three. If he felt that the three brothers had no use value and chose to die with cunning rabbits and cook with running dogs, they would have no hope of stocking them.

Zhang Manmei looked at the three brothers Zhang Qian lightly, and then said something that shocked Zhang Qian and the others.

"This hair tying is a bit cunning, if you don't deal with it, it may indeed become a trouble later, and the remaining two people are just reckless men, and they can't make any waves.

At this moment, Rose, who had been silent for a while, suddenly walked out from behind Zhang Man.

She sneered at Zhang Qian: "It's just a defeated general, I don't know why you are nervous.

"Zhang Qian, do you still know me?"

Zhang Qian kept his eyes on Ma Dongci and Zhang Man, but didn't notice Rose.

When he heard Rose call himself, Zhang Qian fixed his eyes, and then suddenly shivered.

A few years ago, when Zhang Qian kidnapped a fat sheep for the fourth master, he suddenly encountered the Rose Gang led by Rose.

At first, he dismissed the kidnapping of a group of women, and didn't take Rose seriously at all.

But after he really got the hang of it, Zhang Qian was almost scared to pee.

Even if everyone on his side is an opponent of Rose.

The women under her are also like wolves and tigers, and they are extremely cruel.

What's even more frightening is that these people are equipped with pistols and grenades, and they don't tell you any morals.

Seeing that you were upset, a grenade was thrown over.

If it wasn't for Zhang Qian's sensitive sixth sense, sensed danger and ran fast, he would have been killed by a grenade on the spot.

But one of his younger brothers didn't have such good luck, he blew up in front of him, and blood sprayed his face.

He still remembers that terrifying scene to this day.

"Damn, who is the boss behind me? How could even a gangster like Rose be subdued?

Zhang Qian smiled bitterly in his heart.

"Miss Rose, long time no see?"

Zhang Qian smiled embarrassingly and said hello to Rose.

Rose sneered: "It's almost like a fart, who is your sister Rose? Are you qualified to call me that?

After finishing speaking, Rose said to Zhang Man: "Hey, leave these two clubs to me to manage, with me, they can't make a splash.

Zhang Man smiled and looked at Rose: "I don't have the final say on this. You can call the boss yourself and ask him what his opinion is."

"Humph! 35

"Ask just ask. 99

Rose glared at Zhang Man and went out to make a phone call.

Not long after, Rose came back, with a hint of pride on her pretty face: "The boss agreed, I will control the two clubs in the future, and he also instructed me to kill Zhang Qian and the others if they have any changes, Ma Dongci The two sides check and balance each other with Zhang Qian, and if the other side has any abnormality, you can report to me.""

Ma Dongci was originally a salted fish and was forced to join the team.

And he doesn't have any ambitions. As the second-in-command of the Tianlin Club, he is satisfied and has no other ideas.

"Mr. Man and eldest sister can rest assured, I will keep an eye on the three of them."

Ma Dongci grinned.

For some reason, when he saw the three brothers across from him, he felt unhappy, and he always felt that he didn't find fault with him, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

How could he know that this is the awakening of the fetters of the previous life.

In his previous life, he was a policeman and personally arrested the three brothers.

In this life, he became the leader of the society. Although he belonged to the same force, he would not give the three brothers a good look.

In addition, Ma Dongci also understood that the boss did not want to see him and the three brothers Zhang Qian getting too close.

Check and balance between the two parties is what the boss wants to see, so that his status and security issues can also be preserved.

Zhang Qian glanced at Ma Dongci coldly: "You are a peninsula, who knows if you have a plan for the boss, you better not have any messy thoughts, or I will personally get rid of you for the boss. 39

Seeing this scene, Zhang Man nodded in satisfaction.

Check and balance between the two parties, coupled with rose deterrence.

This bow's underground forces are also strong enough to hold in their hands.

In this way, she also has the ability to challenge the consortium.

After the two sides docked for a while, they pretended to be casual and had a little trouble.

But on Zhang Man's side, a big move started.

In order to get the Bower government to give up her wanted and blockade, she made more than 2,000 members of her association start a riot.

The most basic thing is to smash the store, and then to harass the citizens so that they can't go out.

This set of procedures has made the residents of half of Bower miserable, and the complaint mailboxes of the Bower government have been filled.

The Bower government also thought about encircling and suppressing this social group.

But when they really fought against the Tianlin Club, they found that they underestimated the strength of this club.

Not only do they have big hands with super fighting ability, but they also have a lot of ammunition in their hands.

Unless the army is involved, the thousands of police officers in Bower alone may not be enough to deliver food to others.

"Contact the leader of this Tianlin club, I want to talk to him. 35

Mayor Bow finally gave in.

No way, his polls have dropped by more than a dozen points in the past few days, and his political opponents are continuing to impeach him.

This is the disadvantage of capital governance. Politicians are at risk of being coerced by bad people or capital.

"Are you the leader of the Tianlin Society?"

In the spacious and bright forward mayor's office, the mayor asked Ma Dongci coldly.

Ma Dongci never thought that he would be able to see such a big man who only appeared on TV.

Thinking of the task Zhang Man gave him, he straightened his voice: "I am only negotiating on behalf of the Tianlin Club, not the leader of the club.

The mayor thought that it would be a pity in his life. If the leader of the other party was really bold and dared to come, he would come to capture the thief first.

But the other party is not the leader, and it is useless to arrest the other party, but it will cause the other party to retaliate more violently.

"You guys are making a lot of trouble now, I just want to ask you, what are you trying to do?"

The mayor's business carried a trace of anger, trying to overwhelm Ma Dongci in momentum.

"`"As long as you lift the ban and let our esteemed guests go, we promise that nothing like this will happen in the future, at least during your term as mayor.

"If the mayor doesn't agree, then we're going to have to do our own thing."

"Forgot to tell the mayor that we have the firepower to form 1,000 people, not to mention gadgets such as grenades and TNT. If you don't want to see a tragic incident, just discuss it with us. .

Ma Dongci smiled lightly.


Hearing Ma Dongci's words, the mayor took a deep breath.

If so much firepower really broke out in Bower City, he, the mayor, would probably be the first mayor to be hanged on the execution platform.

"Who is the distinguished guest you speak of?"

The mayor couldn't help asking.

Ma Dongci looked condensed: "Ms. Zhang Man, she is a friend of our boss. This time she only came to the peninsula to do business, but being treated like this by you is a bit too much."5

The arrest warrant for Zhang Man was due to pressure from the chaebol behind KBS, and the mayor had to issue an order to the police chief.

The mayor is not afraid of the chaebol behind KBS, because he is supported by another chaebol, and he just sold it to KBS for a little face.

Knowing that such a big mess had arisen because of this trivial matter, the mayor couldn't help but feel anger in his heart.

"Those idiots below are so abhorrent that they disobeyed orders at will and arrested friendly foreign friends who came to do business on our peninsula."

I don't know if this sentence is scolding his subordinates, or scolding his KBS.

"I will order this matter to continue, and the arrest warrant for Ms. Zhang Man will be revoked. She can go back to China at any time now."

"As for you~"

Seeing that the military advisor's arrest warrant was easily resolved, Ma Dongci smiled lightly: "Mayor please rest assured, as long as Miss Zhang Man leaves the peninsula, we will be the friendliest citizens under the mayor's rule. In the future, we will concentrate on business development and cooperate with the mayor's guarantee. Bower's long-term peace."

"What? The mayor revoked the arrest warrant, and those Chinese Zhang Man and Yuan Xiuyan have left the peninsula?"

The president of KBS TV station, who was furious at this time, lost his temper at his subordinates (of money).

"Trash! It's all trash!

"Don't the mayor know that this 'full house' not only represents money, but is also the best work of cultural promotion of the Great Cold and Ming Kingdom?

"Without such phenomenal works, how can we and Huaxia seize the cultural market in Southeast Asia or even the whole of Asia?"

Incompetent fury is the most useless, Zhang Man has left the peninsula with Yuan Xiuyan.

And next time, when Zhang Man or Qi Lin arrives here, it may be another bloody storm.

Go back to 10 days ago.

Lin Yuner walked to the plane, and for the first time came to the territory of Huaxia and entered the territory of Jianghan City.

After leaving the country where she had lived for more than ten years, leaving her mother who depended on each other, and setting foot on a strange land, Lin Yuner began to panic after a novelty.

Especially when she left the ticket gate, she didn't see a sign with her name written on it, and no one called her.

"Didn't Sister Zhang Man say that someone will pick me up? Why is no one greeting me?"

With a hint of panic, 13-year-old Lin Yuner pulled her small suitcase and walked out of the airport.

Fortunately, this fear did not last long.

Because she saw the rear window of an extremely luxurious Maybach slowly sliding down, a handsome face with a hint of a smile, and extended her hand to say hello to herself.

"Wow, isn't this the top-of-the-line limousine Maybach? I didn't expect sister Zhang Man to arrange to pick me up with such a high standard treatment. 35

Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

At this time, the peninsula was more developed than China, and Lin Yuner often saw the footage of chaebol interviews on TV.

Those who control the economic lifeline of the entire peninsula, the car is the famous Maybach.

Lin Dong saw the little girl waiting for the boss coming, and walked over to open the door for him.

As soon as Qi Lin got out of the car, Lin Yuner was panting and stopped in front of him.

The cute little loli Lin Yuner calmed her breath and bowed politely to Qi Lin: "Oppa has worked hard, thank you Oppa for making a special trip to pick up Yuner."

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