Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

309: I don't want to be a widow, remember to protect yourself

Chen Jiawei's eyes showed a trace of unwillingness: "Jin'er, after all, we have fallen in love with each other once, do you have to do this absolutely?"

Yu Jin was stunned for a moment, then looked as if he had heard a big joke.

"Chen Jiawei, have you been doing something wrong all the time? What kind of confidence makes you think I like you?"

"Sorry, my engagement with you is just my father's decision, I have never been interested in you, let alone falling in love with you.

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes showed a hint of coldness.

She didn't lie.

At the beginning, Yu Jin wanted to be a reporter, but Yu Zhen asked her to stay at home and help in the company.

In the end, Yu Jin agreed to be engaged to Chen Jiawei in exchange for letting her go to work on the TV station.

Without Qi Lin's appearance, she would have just followed her parents' orders to marry Chen Jiawei and then realize her dream of being a journalist.

Hearing Yu Jin's cruel words, Chen Jiawei couldn't help but look ashen.

"You've been desperate to get in touch with me, is it for that bastard Qi Lin?"

"I don't blame you for not loving me anymore, but why did you choose that bastard Qi Lin? He is my worst enemy!

Chen Jiawei asked in a frantic tone.

"Does this have anything to do with you? You should be more concerned about your murder now."

Yu Jin didn't want to talk about this with Chen Jiawei.

She couldn't even tell her feelings for Qi Lin, how could she tell Chen Jiawei.

"How many videos are there?"

Chen Jiawei took a deep breath and asked.

"Just one in the laptop and one in the camera."

"This is the camera memory card, you can destroy it yourself.""

Yu Jin threw a memory card in front of Chen Jiawei.

Chen Jiawei took the notebook and memory card very decisively.

"I hope you don't lie to me, otherwise, don't blame me for not remembering the past."

After speaking, Chen Jiawei stood up, turned and left the cafe.

After Chen Jiawei left.

Yu Jin picked up the coffee cup again.

This time, she could no longer hold back the guilt and fear in her heart, and her hands slowly began to shake.

In the end, the cup of coffee was not brought to Yu Jin's lips, her beautiful eyes reddened, and she suddenly lay on the table, crying heartbroken.

She is not Qi Lin, nor is she a big villain, she can't do anything that goes back on her word.

She really gave all the video to Chen Jiawei.

And this also declared that she chose to fight for her own happiness and concealed the bloody reality that the senior engineer was killed.

She broke her promise when she became a reporter, and even violated her conscience.

This made Yu Jin suffer.

"Can you tell me something sad?"

Suddenly, there was another figure sitting next to Yu Jin, and that magnetic voice also gave Yu Jin a sense of security.

Hearing this voice, Yu Jin slowly raised his head and looked at the happiness in front of him with tears in his eyes.

Yes, the person in front of her is precisely the happiness that she protects by abandoning the reporter's conscience.

"Uuuuu, why did you come here, do you bastard know how I got here in the past two days"?"

Yu Jin couldn't bear it any longer, and threw himself into Qi Lin's arms, dragging his clothes, crying with rain.

"Then do you know how I came here for the past five years?

Qi Lin's black eyes showed a trace of vicissitudes.

Yu Jin's pretty face was stunned for a moment, then she stopped crying, and asked stupidly, "How did you come here?"

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "Smoking, drinking, scalding your hair, picking up girls, just don't feel too comfortable.

Yu Jin:

She thought that Qi Lin was going to talk about her vicissitudes of life, and after a long time, this guy was just teasing her.

But the effect is also good.

"You bastard hate it to death, and now you are bullying me.""

Yu Jin cried and laughed, her pink fist lightly pressing against Qi Lin's chest.

The two quarreled for a while, maybe they were tired, Yu Jin's little head slowly leaned against Qi Lin's arms, and murmured, "Did I really do something wrong? Faced with a choice, I actually chose myself. happiness, not justice."

Qi Lin stroked Yu Jin's hair, and a smile flashed in his black eyes: "One person can only choose one option when faced with a choice, but when two people are faced with a choice, they can choose two options."

Yu Jinmei's eyes were stunned, and she asked inexplicably, "What do you mean by that?"

Qi Lin smiled and kissed Yu Jin's mouth: "Stupid wife, aren't you just sullen, can't you do justice for that senior engineer, can't you avenge him?"

"Although you promised Chen Jiawei not to publicize the secret that he instigated the murder, you didn't say that I couldn't tell the story.

After hearing Qi Lin's words, Yu Jin's beautiful eyes lit up.

However, it darkened immediately: "You can say to the outside that Chen Jiawei instigated the murder, but I gave him the video, and you have no evidence, and Chen Jiawei's family is so powerful, no one will believe it."5

Qi Lin's black eyes carried a hint of deep meaning: "Who said that only you have a video screen in your hand?

Yu Jin was really dumbfounded this time, she stammered and asked, "No, you're not there that day, are you?"

"My silly daughter-in-law is not stupid, but you guessed wrong. I was not there at the time, but the person I sent to protect you was there and took a video. 35

Qi Lin played with Yu Jin's delicate and tender little hands and made fun of Yu Jin.

Hearing that Qi Lin was still sending someone to protect herself, she felt warm at the moment, and her eyes looked at Qi Lin with a hint of tenderness.

She felt that the choice she just made seemed to be the right one.

"Go back and get a good night's sleep, leave the next thing to me, and I will give that poor senior engineer an explanation.

Qi Lin said to Yu Jin with a smile.


Yu Jin suddenly made a sneak attack on Qi Lin's face.

After taking a sip of Qi Lin, she stood up with a blushing face: "Chen Jiawei's family is so powerful, you should be careful yourself, my mother and I are waiting for you to come back for dinner, please don't make me a widow. .

Last time, Yu Jin also said that he didn't want to be a widow, so he didn't want to marry Qi Lin, because he offended Chen Jiawei.

This time, Yu Jin still said that he didn't want to be a widow, but his meaning changed completely.

Although she didn't say it explicitly, she actually told Qi Lin that she was willing to be Qi Lin's daughter-in-law.

"Small naughty~"

Looking at Yu Jin, who had spit out his sweet tongue towards him and left with a smile, the corners of Qi Lin's mouth were slightly upturned.

"Po Jun, Chen Jiawei may attack Yu Jin these few days, you protect her in the dark and ensure that he will not be harmed in the slightest. 99

Qi Lin lit a cigarette, spit out a smoke ring, and said lightly to Zhou Pojun, who was standing straight behind him.

"Yes, boss!"

Zhou Pojun nodded, and his back disappeared into the cafe.

Entering the Internet era, also announced the end of the era when the print media controlled the throat of news dissemination.

Qi Lin has a video of Chen Jiawei instigating Ali to kill.

Without the help of a TV station, he can easily let this video ferment in the entire Jianghan City, the entire Chu Province, and even the entire China.

Qi Lin came to 720 Antivirus Company, which he hadn't been to for a long time.

"You kid doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall without anything, this girl, Yueyue, has been complaining to me all this time, saying that you don't go to school and don't care about her. Tell me honestly, kid, have you changed your mind, no? I like our girl Yueyue."

In the general manager's office, Qiu Shanhai scolded Qi Lin with a stern face.

He is also in his 50s and has no desire for material things. The only thing he is worried about now is the happiness of his daughter Qiu Yuelin.

Qi Lin and Qiu Yuelin have already married under the witness of their parents, but now Qiu Yuelin is still living in the villa at home, Qi Lin is also in the dark, and she is worried that the relationship between the two children will change.

Qi Lin smiled embarrassingly: "`"Dad, what are you talking about, Yueyuesheng's national beauty is beautiful, she is also a lady, and she is my daughter-in-law, how could I not like her.

I like Qiu Yuelin, but there are still women outside, but I don't mention a word.

"Don't worry, Dad, I have been busy with business recently, and I may have neglected Yueyue. I promise you that I will go to her in the next two days. 39

What Qi Lin said was the truth, Qiu Yuelin was a beautiful woman no matter what, and she had already married her.

If you don't eat her, it will be rotten in the ground, which is a pity.

"Forget it, as long as you know what's wrong, I won't tell you more, tell me why you came here, you will definitely not come to me for no reason.

Qiu Shanhai waved his hand and said helplessly.

Qi Lin sat on the sofa and said with a smile: "Dad, what happened to the news pop-up I asked you to launch?"

At the beginning of the millennium, the Internet belongs to the era of portals.

Taking portal news network traffic as the king, driving the software's own benefits.

During this period, Penguin, Sohu, Gangyi, and Xinlang all launched their own portals, collectively known as the four major portals in China.

However, this pomp may be shattered by the appearance of Qi Lin.

720 kill (money obtained) virus software, the number of Huaxia users has exceeded 100 million.

At the same time, news portals pop up on hundreds of millions of computers, occupying the forefront of online news outlets and controlling the right to speak on the Internet.

Qi Lin has taken an important step towards becoming an Internet unicorn in the future.

And this is also the reason why he did not choose to sell software to make money when the panda burning incense virus was raging, but provided it to netizens for free.

Customers are money, and as long as they have a large user base, these users can provide Qi Lin with a steady stream of benefits.

Qiu Shanhai smiled and said, "The chairman of 720 Antivirus Company is your daughter-in-law, and 100% of the shares are in her hands. Can I ignore your suggestion?

"Don't say it, your idea is quite good. By using the rogue pop-up window, almost all users who have installed 720 antivirus software have become users of the 720 portal. After paying attention to this matter, there are already many advertisers. I found us and wanted to advertise on our news network. The income alone has exceeded tens of millions.

You know, this was in 2002, and advertising on the Internet was still a new thing.

A few thousand dollars in advertising fees may already be a staggering amount for some websites.

The 720 portal has only been opened for less than half a month, and the advertising revenue has already reached tens of millions.

I have to say, this is too amazing to drag.

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