Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

319: Love to eat spicy snails, is Qi Xueyao pregnant with the little princess?

"This is the information about the target you want to assassinate, you should take a look first.""

Matsushima Kirina's strength has been affirmed by Chen Tiansheng.

He threw Qi Lin's information on the coffee table in front of Matsushima Kirina.

Matsushima Kirina didn't even look at it: "I never believe the information given by others, I only believe what I see with my own eyes, I don't need to give me his belief information, I only need to know his name and Appearance will do.

"Besides, it is our Matsushima family's rule to pay half the remuneration before the assassination."

Chen Tiansheng was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said: "These are all small issues, as long as you are sure, A Chuan, go and get my check."

After Chen Tiansheng signed the cheque for 50 million, it was directly handed over to Matsushima Kirina.

After confirming that the check was correct, Matsushima Kirina didn't stay in the villa for a second, turned around and left.

After Matsushima Kirina left, Chen Jiawei said excitedly: "Dad, this killer looks quite reliable. As long as no one leaks the news this time, that bastard Qi Lin is definitely dead."

Chen Tiansheng smiled lightly: "The death of the little beast is only the beginning. After getting rid of him, the next target is Yu Jin. I want her to know what it will be like to betray our Chen family."5

Matsushima Kirina is superb in ninjutsu.

Chen Tiantian is arrogant and flawless.

But neither of them knew that everything they talked about when they met was heard clearly by a Costin hiding in the shade of a tree outside the window.

Seeing that Matsushima Kirina had already left, Qing Qing, whose figure was even smaller, flew into the sky, locking her movements tightly.

And Kun Kun flew in the direction of Qi Lin's villa to tell the owner what happened here.

Qi Lin's villa.

"Husband, those two pet birds you keep are too much, I'm their mistress? Don't let me touch it, and when they fly away, they look at me with contempt. I'm so angry. 99

Chen Shuyi pouted and complained to Qi Lin.

After all, such a big thing happened, Chen Shuyi came to the villa to find Qi Lin for comfort.

And she has now become Qi Lin's woman. Logically, she should have a room for her in the villa.

This is also her home of Chen Shuyi.

"Shuyi, after this newlywed bridal chamber is different, she started acting like a spoiled child in front of me.

Qi Xueyao, who was snarling the spicy snails, laughed and joked with the little sister.

Before two months of pregnancy, Qi Xueyao didn't eat regularly.

But since entering the three-month pregnancy period, Qi Xueyao has become addicted to spicy food, and these days, he misses the spicy fried snails in his hometown.

Chen Shuyi's flat floor was renovated, and Aunt Chen came back to work.

Knowing that Qi Xueyao wanted to eat spicy fried snails, she went to the vegetable market early in the morning, bought dozens of kilograms of fresh snails, washed them repeatedly with water, and then fried them all and stored them in the refrigerator.

As long as Qi Xueyao wants to eat, she can put a bowl in the refrigerator.

"Can't you? Qi Lin is not your husband alone々︾."5

Chen Shuyi's pretty face blushed, but she was joking with Qi Xueyao.

"Okay, okay, I can leave him to you alone, anyway, I have my little baby now, it's best that this guy don't bother me."9

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes turned white to Qi Lin, and there was a hint of charm between her brows.

This bastard didn't know what tormented her last night.

With such a big movement, I don't know if the baby will learn from the stinky father.

"How do you say that old saying? A sour girl. 35

"Xueyao, you like spicy food so much now, will you give birth to a little princess? 35

Chen Shuyi's tone had a hint of envy.

Women are like that.

Before his innocence was handed over to Qi Lin, he thought about it every day, when would Qi Lin come back to bully him.

Now that he is with Qi Lin, he has begun to think about their future love crystallization.

Qi Lin is so handsome, and she is also a beautiful woman. Chen Shuyi also wants to see whether their future baby will look like her father or herself.

Qi Xueyao was not surprised, and smiled lightly: "I knew you would say that. Yesterday, my mother, Aunt Chen, and even Si Ling said that I was carrying a little princess in my stomach."

"Everyone wants a son. In fact, I think the little princess is pretty good. After she is born, although she is the eldest sister, there will be so many younger brothers to protect her in the future, and there is no need to fight with the younger brothers for family property, and she will live happily ever after. Finish this life.35

Chen Shuyi's pretty face was stunned, and then she said happily: "Xueyao, I didn't expect that our ideas are similar, and I don't like intrigue in the big family, as long as the money is enough, it would be nice for the family to live a warm life.

Qi Xueyao curled her lips slightly: "This depends on your husband, the more he messes with flowers and weeds outside, the more likely he will meet a woman with a scheming girl. Kicked all of us yellow-faced women.


Qi Lin slapped Qi Xueyao's little ass and said with a smile: "Qi Xueyao, the more you talk about it, the more it goes too far? As long as I am here, it is impossible for children to fight for family property. I can't find a reliable successor, so I will hand over the entire estate to the family trust fund for management. A child will be given 2 million pocket money every month. This money is enough for them to enjoy for a lifetime, and it can be guaranteed Our family is enduring.

This is how many rich people in Hong Kong deal with their inheritance.

The ship king's son Xu Heng married star Li Jiaxin.

Li Jiaxin thought that he would be able to enjoy the extravagant life of a rich wife by marrying the second generation of diamond rich.

Who knew that after the death of the ship king, he did not hand over the inheritance to Xu Heng, but only gave him 2 million pocket money every month, and the remaining more than 100 billion family property was only handed over to the family trust for management.

When the family trust jury finds out that the next generation of the Xu family has an outstanding heir, it will hand over the group to this heir for management.

That's the best way to keep your family alive forever.

In addition, Qi Lin's situation is different from that of Ship King.

He has a system that can check the loyalty of each heroine at any time, even the loyalty of his children, so that he can distinguish whether it is true or false.

In addition, Qi Lin, who has a system, does not rule out that he can obtain future immortality technology in the future.

Life is infinite, so naturally there is no need to consider the issue of heirs. With him around, can't you suppress a group of little bastards?


Just as a few people were chatting, a bird chirped.

In the next second, Kun Kun hovered down and landed on Qi Lin's shoulders, and the soft feathers rubbed against Qi Lin's cheeks affectionately.

"Husband, I want to touch it too.

When Chen Shuyi saw Kun Kun, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she began to act coquettishly again.

Qi Lin looked helpless and said to Kun Kun, "Who asked her to be your mistress, touch her twice.

Kun Kun's sharp eyes were full of resistance.

It is a well-deserved overlord of the sky, and letting a female outside the owner touch it is simply too much of a loss of identity.

But just like what Qi Lin said, who is Chen Shuyi is Qi Lin's wife, is his mistress.

If you don't listen to the words of the mistress, you can't ignore the words of the master.

Reluctantly, Kun Kun stood there, waiting for Chen Shuyi's touch.

"`"Wow, such smooth feathers, Kun Kun is so cute.

Chen Shuyi got her wish, with a happy smile in her beautiful eyes.

Kun Kun shook his feathers, and immediately flew to Qi Lin's other shoulder, disgusting it.

"Tell me, what's new for me. 35

Qi Lin gently touched Kun Kun twice, and asked with a smile.

"Master, Chen Tiansheng has invited a new killer from Sakura Country, and I want to do something to you this time."

"The killer's name is Matsushima Kirina, a ninja from the Sakura Country.""

Many words Kun Kun do not know what it means.

But it had an amazing memory and told Qi Lin all the information it heard.

After listening to Kunkun's report, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with interest: "Sakura country actually has ninjas, and now there are good things to play. 35

"Kun Kun, what does Matsushima Kirina look like? Is she beautiful?

Qi Lin asked again.

Unfortunately, the aesthetics of birds are not the same as those of humans.

Kun Kun said honestly: "Like the master, with one nose and one mouth, two ears and two legs, isn't it very beautiful? 35

Qi Lin:

"Master, that ninja will also use (money) ninjutsu to briefly release a puff of smoke, and then use the surrounding environment to hide himself and move to a new place.

Suddenly, Kun Kun told Qi Lin another news.

"Isn't this the recluse in ninjutsu? It belongs to a kind of Chinese book of Qimen Dunjia, Kun Kun, you can actually see the other party's true body?"

Qi Lin was a little curious.

Kunkun: "Qingqing and I can both see it, but for some reason, Chen Tiansheng's humans are kept in the dark.

Qi Lin's black eyes were thoughtful.

It seems that the internal structure of birds is not the same as that of humans. They can discard environmental influences and directly see the essence of things.

This ability is simply the natural nemesis of ninjas.

"Where's Qingqing, why didn't I come back with you?"

Qi Lin asked again.

Kun Kun replied: "It is tracking Matsushima Kirina, so that the owner can easily know her movements at any time.

Qi Lin patted Kunkun's bird head with satisfaction: "Well done, come back and cook gooseneck barnacles for you.

These two little things are quite enjoyable. Recently, I fell in love with the Cordyceps sinensis and gooseneck barnacles in the shellfish.

"Chen Tiansheng, Chen Tiansheng! I actually invited the Ninja of the Sakura Ninja to deal with me this time. If I don't prepare some surprises for you, I'm sorry for taking care of me so much."5

At this moment, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with a hint of playfulness.

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