Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

345: Wu Nai Matsushima And Chen Tiansheng Turned Against Each Other, And The One-Egg Man Became Zero

"Because I negotiated a deal today, without paying any cost, I earned 50 million with my partner alone.


When Chen Tiansheng just turned on the TV and saw a face that deserved a beating, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

If it is not a question of quality.

He really wanted to scold: "Fuck! Isn't this bastard already dead? Why did he appear on TV again? Is this the fucking hell?"

Chen Jiawei was also smoking beside him.

When he saw Qi Lin jumping around on TV...

"Cough cough cough!!!"

A puff of thick smoke directly choked him into his lungs, almost choking him to death.

He jumped up from the sofa and said in shock: "In the video that the woman Matsushima Wu Nai showed us, Qi Lin is indeed dead? Why does he still appear on TV now?"

Chen Tiansheng has gradually calmed down at this moment.

"When this happens, there are only two possibilities."

"The first one is that in order to stabilize the morale of the army, Qi Lin found someone to pretend to be Qi Lin. In fact, they are already in chaos."

"The second one is that this woman, Matsushima Wuna, is in collusion with Qi Lin and tricked us all."

"I'm leaning toward the second."

"It's our negligence. To kill someone, you must pay attention to death and see the corpse, or Qi Lin's obituary will be credible.

"We just watched the video brought by Matsushima Yuna, and we were convinced that Qi Lin was dead, so we took it lightly.

"And you should pay attention to what Qi Lin said just now. He said that he made a big business today, and he and his partner didn't invest any cost. They earned 50 million yuan alone. Isn't this just ironic that we were cheated by Matsushima Wuna , Did the two of them share the 100 million we gave you equally?"

Chen Tiansheng's analysis is simply too spot on.

Hearing that the truth of the matter was so cruel, Chen Jiawei almost went crazy.

After finally thinking that Qi Lin was dead, he was even happy about the 460 all night, and even planned how to get Yu Jin back, and then slowly played and tortured this little bitch.

But now the facts tell him that Qi Lin is not dead, he was just tricked by Qi Lin and Matsushima Wuna.

"Matsushima Wuna, a bitch, dares to betray us, who gave her such courage?"

"Aaron! Summon the contact person of Huaxia Darknet, I'm going to ask him for an explanation!"

Chen Jiawei ordered angrily.

half an hour later.

The contact person from Huaxia Darknet is here.

"Impossible, this is the first time we have encountered such a thing."

"You should know that if a killer cheats his employer, he will be permanently blacklisted by our dark web, and there is even a risk of being hunted down."

"Matsushima Yuna is the daughter of the Matsushima family in Sakura Country. Although she can get 50 million by doing this, it will also damage the reputation of the Matsushima family. She can't pass the level of Matsushima Chio alone."

Seeing that Chen's father and son were very angry, the Huaxia Darknet contact person even revealed Matsushima Sonona's background.

I don't know if it's a coincidence.

Just when several people in the villa were angry at Matsushima Yuna's betrayal.

The female ninja who had just been crushed by Qi Lin came back.

Before that, she went back to the place where she lived, packed up and saluted, and then took off the disguise.

She is about to give up the mission and return to Sakura Country.

The guards around Qi Lin are too perverted, especially that strange bird can see through her recluse.

Having lost her greatest advantage, what else can she use to fight Qi Lin?

Serve Qi Lin directly, give it to her?

In the bewildered eyes of Chen Tiansheng and Chen Jiawei.

A cloud of smoke and smoke appeared in front of them.

After the smoke gradually dissipated, a beautiful figure in a ninja suit appeared in front of them.

"The difficulty of Qi Lin's assassination far exceeds the value of 100 million yuan. I will not accept this order. I am going back to the country of cherry blossoms."

Matsushima Yuna directly stated her intention of coming.

"How dare you come back, you bitch?"

"But it's good, let's find the source if it's spared."

The moment he saw Matsushima Yuna, Chen Jiawei said with a grin.

Hearing Chen Jiawei's outrageous words, Matsushima Wuna's beautiful Liu Yemei frowned slightly.

It's fine if she can't do anything to Qi Lin, but she can't do anything to a rich second generation like Chen Jiawei?

"If you don't give an account of your insults, you won't be as lucky today as you were last time.

Kirina Matsushima said with a pretty face.

Chen Jiawei sneered and said, "Let me give an explanation? Let me ask you, why did you betray us and lie to us with Qi Lin?"

"Yesterday you came back and showed us the video, saying that you had killed Qi Lin and took away our 50 million."

"But that bastard Qi Lin appeared on TV today, how do you explain that?"

Regarding Chen Jiawei's questioning, Matsushima Yuna was at a loss.

"When did I betray you? I have been assassinating Qi Lin for the past two days, and even got close to him, although the assassination failed in the end."

"You said that I came to look for you yesterday. This is impossible, because I have been lurking by Qi Lin's side for the past two days."

"Not to mention taking you 50 million."

Chen Jiawei didn't want to talk to Matsushima Kirina anymore.

Although Matsushima Wuna betrayed them, Matsushima Wuna's own strength and the Matsushima family behind her are not easy to mess with.

"Hmph, I don't want to talk to you anymore, return our family's 100 million yuan to us, and this cooperation will end immediately.

Matsushima Kirina frowned: "You must have made a mistake, the deposit can be refunded, and I will return the 50 million to you, but I didn't take the remaining 50 million at all."

Regarding Matsushima Wuna's denial, Chen Tiansheng's eyes flashed with displeasure: "I don't want to pursue the fact that you betrayed us and partnered with Qi Lin to deceive us. Now you still want to swallow the 50 million. Our Chen family is too easy to bully?"

Matsushima Wuna was impatient and entangled with Chen Tiansheng: "Anyway, I didn't take the remaining 50 million. I put the check here. I'm going back to Sakura Country today. You should ask someone else to assassinate Qi Lin."

After speaking, Matsushima Kirina was about to turn around and leave.

Chen Tiansheng lost 50 million, how could it be possible to relax and take it away from Dao Xun.

"Since you don't want to pay back the money, don't blame me for being rude, and take her down for me."

Chen Tiansheng's eyes turned cold, and he gave instructions to the bodyguard behind him.

In an instant, more than a dozen professional bodyguards rushed out and surrounded Matsushima Wuna.

With a gun in their hands, they blocked all the retreat routes of Matsushima Yuna.

Seeing such a big battle [Songdao Condom's tone is light: "Do you think this can trap me?"

After finishing speaking, a dense fog burst out in front of her, and Matsushima Yuna's figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

Regarding the sudden disappearance of Matsushima Kira, Chen Tiansheng was not flustered, he said lightly: "You Sakura Kingdom ninjas hide and disappear, I have long been afraid, do you think I will be defenseless against you?"

"Get things out."

He waved his hand and ordered to his bodyguard.

Just when Matsushima Yuna's vigilance was raised, those bodyguards quickly tore off the gray cloth on the wall.

When she came in, Matsushima Kirina didn't observe carefully, she just thought it was a decoration.

When the gray cloth was lifted, she realized that it was actually a mirror, and all of them were focused in the mist that she was hiding in.

Under the strong light of the mirror, the fog dissipated, revealing Matsushima Kirina's hidden figure.

"Damn it, it was plotted against."

The former Matsushima Kira would never make such a low-level mistake.

But during this period of time, Qi Lin suffered losses twice in a row, and today he even lost his first kiss, and his heart was in such a mess that he caught Chen Tiansheng's advice.

"What are you still doing in a daze, this woman has already revealed her true spirit, hurry up and catch her!"

With a deep voice, Chen Tiansheng gave the bodyguard the order to die.


The dozen or so bodyguards nodded, and then quickly surrounded Matsushima Sonona.

Although Matsushima Yuna was shown her real body, she was not made of mud.

The strength of Jonin in Sakura Country is definitely not what it seems on the surface.

"Don't let me go? Then you all stay!"

Matsushima Kirina's eyes narrowed, and another marble appeared on the tip of her left finger, and she threw it towards the bodyguards surrounded by her on the left.


What appeared in this explosion was not a gray mist, but a burst of pink mist.

"I feel dizzy~~~"

"Hold your breath, this smoke is poisonous!"

The bodyguards on the left can only protect themselves for the time being, and have lost their attack power.

Immediately afterwards, Matsushima Murona threw a sharp kunai towards the bodyguard on the right.



Killing two birds with one stone, two bodyguards had their throats cut at the same time.

"Don't catch her alive, just kill her!"

Seeing that Matsushima Yuna can still unleash such amazing combat power in a desperate situation, in order to prevent nights from having more dreams, Chen Shengsheng directly asked the bodyguards to shoot him to death.

Matsushima Kirina also heard Chen Tiansheng's order.

In order to escape from birth, she also made her own decision.

A pair of cold and beautiful eyes locked directly on Chen Jiawei: "Twice insulting me, today I will completely send you to heaven."

"Quick! Come up and protect me!"

Chen Jiawei also saw Matsushima Yuna's murderous eyes, and backed away in horror.

But Matsushima Yuna moved faster, took out a new kunai, and stabbed at Chen Jiawei's neck.

Those bodyguards also reacted and grabbed Chen Jiawei's arm directly, trying to get him out of Matsushima Yuna's attack range.

Unfortunately, the action is still a bit slow.


Chen Jiawei howled miserably, bleeding from his lower body.

turn out to be.

Seeing that Chen Jiawei was going to be left by the bodyguards, Matsushima Wuna threw Kunai out of his hand.

Coincidentally, this kunai directly stabbed Chen Jiawei's balls.

Chen Jiawei, who was originally a one-egg man, has become a complete zero egg now.

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