Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

350: Boss~ Can I Bring Dong With Me When I Go To Xiangjiang?

Rose is a woman. Although she is a big sister in the club, she is not interested in any girl group news.

"I knew you would ask such silly things."

"I don't know what you said. If you want to know, don't you know it when you come to the peninsula?"

Rose said angrily.

I don't know why, but she doesn't want to tell Qi Lin these things from the bottom of her heart, seeing him messing around.

"Why do you sound a little jealous?"

Qi Lin asked in a joking tone.

"Jealous you big-headed ghost, if you talk nonsense again, I'll hang up the phone?"

Rose pretty blushed, pretending to be fierce.

"Just hang up, anyway, you don't have anything interesting to tell me on the peninsula, just chatting like this, it's quite boring.

Qi Lin shrugged indifferently.

"Who said there wasn't one? Recently, a group of thugs came here from Jiaoer, intending to rob the local gold shop, and even published the news in the newspaper. No matter how many policemen there are, it's useless.

"The owners of the gold shops who paid the protection fee came to us for help, so we fought with that gangster."

Rose has a breaking news.

"Why are the gangsters so arrogant? Biaoer has changed the world, and this is no longer a secret in many places. How dare you come here to make trouble?"

Qi Lin asked a little curiously.

Rose said unhappily: "It's because we succeeded so easily, and the clubs at Xiangjiang 903 are ready to move, and they want to come to share a piece of the action."

"This gangster is called Ye Huan, and he is quite famous in Xiangjiang. He used an AK47 to scan against the Xiangjiang police, and was arrested."

"But in the end, relying on the opportunity of being released on parole for medical treatment, he hijacked the ambulance driver and successfully escaped from prison."

"After escaping from the prison, a group of desperadoes were assembled to act like gangsters."

After hearing the news of Rose, this is a heart move.

Tomorrow he was going to Xiangjiang, and he wondered whether Zhang Qiang, the thief king of the century, would appear at the same time.

Before leaving for Xiangjiang, news came from Rose that Ye Huan, the partner of world thief king Zhang Qiang, appeared.

Ye Huan and Zhang Qiang met in the cell, and they hit it off right away, and have cooperated many times since they were released from prison.

When Zhang Qiang hijacked Li Chaoren's eldest son, Ye Huan was also prepared to participate.

However, when I crossed to the border of Xiangjiang by force, I ran into the coast patrol police.

There was a fierce confrontation between the two sides.

In the end, Ye Huan was shot in the thigh, lost his ability to move, and was captured alive by the police.

Although Ye Huan was arrested, his accomplices still went to the appointment and participated in Zhang Qiang's kidnapping of Li Chaoren's eldest son.

In the end, he successfully extorted a huge sum of 1 billion from Li Chaoren, which was also the largest kidnapping case in history.

Now that Ye Huan has appeared, is it still far from the kidnapping of Li Chaoren's eldest son by the thief king Zhang Qiang?

"The result? Did Ye Huan succeed?"

Qi Lin continued to ask.

Rose smiled triumphantly: "I don't even look at who I am, but when it comes to gangsters, he shoots with an AK47. Compared with the grenade explosives I carry with me, it is far behind. If I hadn't been tricked by you bastard, I would It's still cool outside..."

"To digress, Ye Huan was discovered by our people the moment he arrived in Biaoer, and there was a fierce exchange of fire. We were outnumbered and killed two of his subordinates directly."

"I've been rushing this way too, planning to leave Ye Huan in Baoer completely this time, to make an example to the monkeys, and let those associations who want to see Baoer see who is the fat and oily one.

"But that Ye Huan is too cunning. Seeing that we are not easy to deal with, he escaped from the encirclement and slipped away in a speedboat."

"According to the news from my horses stationed in other big cities in Biaoer, after Ye Huan left in a speedboat, he didn't sneak back. Instead, he went directly to the south. It seems that he is going to return to his old job in Xiangjiang."

Rose told the outcome of the matter in full.

"Going to Xiangjiang? The kidnapping of Li Chaoren's eldest son really happened in the past few days."

A light flashed in Qi Lin's black eyes.

Li Chaoren's favor is not cheap, if he helps his eldest son through this crisis when his eldest son is kidnapped, then Qi Lin may get a big deal.

"Tuk Tuk ~"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the presidential suite.

"Let's not talk, I have something to do, you should pay attention to safety over there, you are not the gangster you used to be, but the big sister of the society that controls the lives of tens of thousands of people, and even my confidant and beloved general, I don't want to see any accidents happen to you.

"If there is any dangerous matter, let Zhang (cdfa) Qian and Ma Dong give them a chance to do it. Their death is nothing. 11

Qi Lin said lightly.

"Understood, I'm not a child, do I need you to teach me like this?"

Rose said coquettishly, but there was a trace of warmth in her heart.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lin got up and opened the door.


Lin Dong, who was carrying a few handbags, saw that Qi Lin was only wearing boxer pants.

The exaggerated mermaid vest line, under the light, was pleated and glowing. She blushed pretty, and couldn't help raising her tender white hands to cover her eyes.


Lin Dong's ten fingers were spread open, and through the gaps between his fingertips, he could see Qi Lin's fit figure clearly.

"Don't pretend, if you want to see it, just look at it openly. "Is it necessary to hide your ears like this?"

Qi Lin rubbed Lin Dong's little head with a funny face, and directly took a few bags from her hand.

Seeing Qi Lin walk back to the living room and sit down on the sofa, Lin Dong closed the door and followed.

"Boss, is there anyone else here besides you?"

Gently swallowing a small mouthful of saliva, Lin Dong asked cautiously.

At the same time, her heart was pounding like a deer.

Being in the same room with the boss, the atmosphere is so ambiguous, it is inevitable that Lin Dong will not think wrong.

Qi Lin said without raising his head, "There is still someone in the bathroom."

Because the dress hadn't been bought yet, after taking a bath, Huang Yiyi simply took a bath in the bathtub, which would probably make her almost pass out.

I'm talking.

Huang Yiyi heard movement outside, so she walked out from inside

Hearing movement behind him, Lin Dong also looked over curiously.

Suddenly, two pairs of beautiful eyes looked at each other.


This is Huang Yiyi screaming in panic.


Lin Dong immediately hid behind Qi Lin and covered his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin laughed and said, "They're all girls, do you need to be so exaggerated?"

"Here, this is the new skirt that Lin Dong bought for you."

"I forgot to introduce you, she is my personal bodyguard, Lin Dong."

"Rin Dong, this is Huang Yiyi, a signed actor of Sugarman Entertainment.

At this time, Huang Yiyi just woke up like a dream, immediately took the dress, and then greeted Lin Dong: "Hello.

Finally, hugging the dress, turned around and ran into the room.

"Stop standing there, come and sit."

Seeing Lin Dong still foolishly hiding behind the sofa, Qi Lin smiled and waved.

Lin Dong nodded, walked around the sofa, and prepared to sit next to Qi Lin.

But Qi Lin took her tender little hand and let her sit directly on his lap.

"Boss is going to Xiangjiang tomorrow."

Qi Lin told Lin Dong a news.

Lin Dong's pretty face was hot, because this was the first time she was so intimate with the boss.

"Boss, can you bring Dongya with you to Xiangjiang?"

Hearing that Qi Lin was going out of town again, Lin Dong couldn't care less about being shy, and looked at him pitifully with beautiful eyes.

Originally, Qi Lin was going to tell Lin Dong directly that he would bring her along, but when he saw Lin Dong's beautiful little face close at hand, his heart suddenly moved.

He leaned close to Lin Dong's ear, smiled and said a word.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Lin Dong was stunned, and a mist quickly appeared in her beautiful eyes. .

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