Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

365: As Long As The Boss Lets My Brother Off, I’M Willing To Give You My Innocence

When Jiang Lei saw Li Chaoren, he already understood that his layout from beginning to end was a big joke.

"Why does Qi Lin know a big guy like Li Chaoren?"

"With Li Chaoren's status in Xiangjiang, let alone 50 million smuggled goods, maybe 500 million, can keep Qi Lin safe and sound."

At this time, Jiang Lei was already numb, so numb that he didn't even want to speak.

But Jiang Lei didn't want to talk, but Qi Lin wanted to tease him.

"Jiang Lei, what else do you want to say, you rebellious boy?"

"You keep saying that I am your boss, and this is how you repay the boss to me?"

Qi Lin asked with a faint smile.

When Jiang Lei heard Qi Lin's voice, Qi Lin became annoyed: "What is there to say? The winner is the king and the loser, the winner is the king. From the moment you snatched Xueyao away, we are doomed. One must die."

"Now I'm in your hands, you can kill or cut whatever you want, if I frown, I won't be called Jiang Lei.

"Papa papa!"

As soon as Jiang Lei finished speaking, Qi Lin clapped his hands and said with a smile: "You have a good backbone, and I can indeed kill you with one shot right now."

"But if you die, someone will be heartbroken."

Did not continue chatting with Jiang Lei.

Qi Lin took Jiang Lei and followed Li Chaoren's bulletproof BMW 760 back to his villa.

After returning to the villa.

Jiang Lei was tied up and thrown in the middle of the living room.

Zhou Pojun forced him to kneel in front of Qi Lin.

Li Chaoren saw that Qi Lin was going to deal with private matters, so he smiled and took Li Kai out.

Qi Lin thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and called Jiang Nannan: "Jiang Nannan, take a taxi and come to Villa 76, Deep Water Bay, Xiangjiang. I have something to do with you."

"Oh, ok, I'll be right over."

Hearing that Qi Lin's tone was not right, Jiang Nannan didn't dare to ask more questions.

After Qi Lin hung up the phone, he immediately took a taxi to drive here.

Hearing Qi Lin calling his 723 sister, Jiang Lei, who had been lowering his head, suddenly excited Qi Lin: "Qi Lin, what do you want to do to my sister? One person does things and one person is responsible. I set up a game for you. You Can't you just kill me to vent your anger?"

The more Jiang Lei cared about Jiang Nannan, the more pleasing Qi Lin was.

"Sorry, now you are a prisoner and you are not qualified to talk to me.

Speaking of this, Qi Lin said indifferently to Zhou Pojun: "Pojun, let him taste the pain of flesh and blood first, as long as he doesn't kill anyone.

Zhou Pojun nodded, and then turned into a strong man.


A fist as big as a sandbag is not something that an ordinary person like Jiang Lei can withstand.

It didn't take long for him to lie on the ground with a painful expression, and muffled groans came from his mouth.

Jiang Nannan's efficiency was quite fast, and she arrived at Li Chaoren's villa in less than 20 minutes.

Notify the guards and let them let Jiang Nannan in.


Seeing such a luxurious and unique villa for the first time, Jiang Nannan felt a little restrained.

After entering the door, he subconsciously called the boss.

However, before the boss finished calling, he saw Jiang Lei lying on the ground, bloody and bloody from the beating.

Her pretty face froze.

next second......

"Brother! How did you become like this? Who beat you like this?"

Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes turned red, and she burst into tears immediately.

Although Zhou Pojun's actions (cdbi) are very measured, it still looks quite scary on the outside.

His nose was blue and his face was swollen, and the corners of his nose and mouth were bleeding.

Seeing Jiang Nannan wanted to rush over.

Lin Dong beside her immediately grabbed her.

In Lin Dong's eyes, Jiang Nannan is also the boss's woman.

No man can touch her except the boss.

There was no one else here, Jiang Nannan soon found out who beat her big brother.

"Boss, my brother didn't mess with you, why did you beat him like this?"

Jiang Nannan questioned Qi Lin weeping.

Qi Lin is not interested in explaining to a woman who has lost her mind.

"Ask yourself and see what he did."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Jiang Nannan felt an ominous premonition.

"Brother, what did you do to the boss, tell me quickly!"

Jiang Nannan was so anxious that she was about to cry, she looked at her big brother.


Jiang Lei sneered.


But because the body was too painful, I was choked again.

Finally relieved, he grinned and said: "I didn't do anything, I just set a dead end for Qi Lin, but this bastard was lucky, and he escaped."

"Now that my skills are inferior to others, I have nothing to say."

I heard Jiang Lei himself admitting that Qi Lin set up a dead end.

Jiang Nannan felt like the sky was falling all of a sudden.

Now that the two most important men in her life have come to this point, what should she do.

Guessing what foolish things Jiang Lei might do, Jiang Nannan didn't expect that this moment would come so early.

"Let go of me, I'm going to the boss."

Jiang Nannan struggled to get rid of Lin Dong.

Seeing that Jiang Nannan was lost looking for Qi Lin, Lin Dong let her go.

"Boss, please let my brother go. He's just fascinated by ghosts for a while. He's really not a bad person."

Jiang Nannan Lihua cried with rain.

To Jiang Nannan, Jiang Lei is certainly not bad, on the contrary, he is not good.

But he is Qi Lin's mortal enemy and one of the leading actors, how could Qi Lin let him go so easily.


Before Qi Lin could speak, Jiang Lei said stiffly: "Nan Nan, you don't need to beg this bastard. Since I dare to set up a trap against him, I, Jiang Lei, have already looked down on life and death. Isn't it just a bad life? I don't care." .”

Qi Lin looked at the girl holding his arm, and said lightly: "You heard it yourself, your brother doesn't want to live anymore, so it's useless to ask me.

"Linglingyi, go and cut off one of his fingers, I really want to see if he is really what he said."

Qi Lin said to Ling Lingyi behind him.

Zero Zero One is now nothing more than an emotionless killing machine.

He only listened to Qi Lin's orders.

As soon as Qi Lin finished speaking, Ling Lingyi flashed past with a dagger.

In the next second, Min raised his sword and fell.

"Ugh! Ahh!!!"

Jiang Lei's violent screams sounded.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, this inhuman pain cannot be easily relieved by relying on willpower.

"elder brother!"

Seeing this tragic scene, Jiang Nannan's heart was broken.

This time Jiang Nannan was more straightforward.

Turning around, he knelt in front of Qi Lin, hugged Qi Lin's leg, and cried hoarsely: "Boss, please don't bully my brother anymore, if this continues, he will really die.

"As long as, as long as the boss lets my brother go, Nan Nan will promise you anything."

Seeing that Jiang Nannan had knelt down to Qi Lin, Jiang Lei's veins bulged again, suppressing the inhuman pain, and cursed loudly: "Jiang Nannan, get up for me, and if you dare to beg Qi Lin for that bastard, I will not let Jiang Lei back. Without your sister!"

"Zuzuzu, Nannan, you have also seen it. It's not that I want to kill him, it's your brother who is thinking about it. Since he has made up his mind, let me give him a ride."

Qi Lin's black eyes were filled with amusement.

"Linglingyi, go give him a good time."

Qi Lin said lightly.

Possibly, this is the fastest speed in Jiang Nannan's life.

She actually struggled to get up and stood in front of Jiang Lei, letting the tears fall wantonly on the ground.

Ling Lingyi doesn't care who Jiang Nannan is, anyone who dares to stand in front of him will die.

Seeing that the dagger was about to cut through Jiang Nannan's fair and slender swan neck.


Only then did Qi Lin stop Ling Lingyi, and then he looked at Jiang Nannan with a pair of black eyes.

"Boss, don't, don't kill my brother, just ask the boss to let my brother live, Nan Nan is willing to give you her innocence."

Jiang Nannan kept shaking her head, her crying tone was extremely humble.


At this point, Qi Lin's goal has basically been achieved.

However, Qi Lin has not played enough.

"What does it mean to give me innocence? It sounds like you are giving me alms. Could it be that in Nan Nan's eyes, I am that kind of heinous big devil?"

Qi Lin played with Jiang Nannan.

At this moment, Jiang Nannan's self-esteem has been completely destroyed.

If Jiang Lei survived, he could tell.

"I'm sorry boss, but Nannan can't speak. From now on, Nannan is willing to serve the boss. As the boss's canary, no matter how the boss treats Nannan, Nannan is willing."

As much as Jiang Nannan loves Qi Lin, he is afraid of Qi Lin.

From this moment on, she finally fell into the darkness completely, tightly controlled by Qi Lin, and could no longer break free from his clutches.

"Yes, that sounds like the same thing."

Qi Lin nodded in satisfaction.

"Jiang Nannan!"

"I don't have a shameless sister like you!"

Jiang Lei saw that things were going towards the scene he was least willing to develop.

He growled in despair.

The new injury and the old injury broke out together, and finally passed out directly in the midst of excessive blood loss and emotional breakdown.

"elder brother!"

Seeing Jiang Lei lying in a pool of blood, Jiang Nannan's heart was broken and she wanted to go over.

She thought Jiang Lei had already died.

"Don't worry, it's just too much blood loss."

"Didn't you say that from now on, the boss has the most important position in your heart? If you don't care about the boss now, what are you going to do with him?"

Qi Lin pulled Jiang Nannan's arm hard.

The weak little girl was brought into King Qi.

Holding Jiang Nannan's white chin, Qi Lin's black eyes were evil.

"Boss, can you send my brother to the hospital quickly? Nannan begs you."

Jiang Nannan was going crazy at the moment, kisses as fine as raindrops fell on Qi Lin's face, on the corner of his mouth, begging for this boss whom she loved and feared at the same time.

"Since I have promised you to let him go, nothing will happen to him.

"Go and fix your makeup first, wash your face, I don't want to see you in such a mess now.

Qi Lin patted Jiang Nannan's peach, telling her to calm down first. .

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