Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

368: You Can Do Squats, Lan Yuxi’S New Skill

After returning to his own villa in Jianghan City, Qi Lin, who was exhausted from traveling and traveling, leaned on the sofa, feeling a little more relaxed.

Qi Xueyao, who had a rounder belly, was wearing a loose maternity dress, walked behind Qi Lin, and massaged his temples.

"Is the business trip tiring? What did you gain from going to Xiangjiang this time?"

There was a hint of tenderness on Qi Xueyao's beautiful face.

As her belly got bigger and bigger, that trace of blood connection made her love this man even more, inseparable.

"Have a harvest, let my sister eat the teacher."

Seemingly thinking of something, Qi Lin chuckled.

Qi Xueyao: ……………”

If Qi Lin hadn't mentioned it, she would have almost forgotten the man who almost became her boyfriend.

What made Qi Xueyao speechless the most was.

Why did Qi Lin get involved with Jiang Lei's sister?

And if she remembered correctly, with Jiang Lei's personality, if he knew about this, it was absolutely impossible for Qi Lin to get close to Jiang Nannan. How did he succeed?

Jiang Lei's younger sister, Qi Xueyao, has met several times.

It was all when Jiang Lei went to see his sister at school, and Qi Xueyao went with him.

A very simple and beautiful girl, her appearance is no worse than her.

I have to say that Lin's vision is still as good as before.

"How did you know Jiang Nannan?"

Qi Xueyao asked amusedly.

Qi Lin rubbed his nose: "When Bernice held a concert, Jiang Nannan happened to be the backup dancer.

"She belongs to the type of confidante from ancient times. On the day of the performance, the huge screen above the stage fell. If I hadn't gone to save her, her head might have been smashed flat.

"I saved her life, and she thanked me with her innocence. Isn't that too much?"

Qi Xueyao: ……………”

"If you say that, then I have nothing to refute, but what I'm curious about is that Jiang Lei won't object to this matter? You just, snatched me away from him...

Speaking of this, Qi Xueyao gave Qi Lin a blank look with her beautiful eyes, but still pressed Qi Lin's temples: "Now that you have taken away his beautiful eyes, he shouldn't be crazy."

Qi Lin nodded: "Damn, I'm already crazy, this time I saw Jiang Lei in Xiangjiang.

Qi Xueyao's pretty face was slightly surprised, and then she frowned her beautiful Liu Yemei.

"Although I don't know what you think, but you are my husband. My advice to you is to get rid of him as soon as possible. Jiang Lei is actually quite smart, but his personality is a little lazy. If he is really serious, There is still a certain threat to you."

Marry a chicken and follow the chicken․ Marry a dog and follow the dog.

Now that Qi Xueyao has become Qi Lin's wife, she is unequivocally cruel to Jiang Lei.

"If you get rid of Jiang Lei, Jiang Nannan will turn love to hate me? When the time comes, do you think I will kill her or not?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Qi Xueyao couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "So what's wrong with you? There are so many beautiful women in the world, if you insist on messing with Jiang Lei's sister, you can figure it out anyway, keep Jiang Lei, and when the time comes Sooner or later it's a curse."

Hearing this, Qi Lin couldn't bear it anymore. He laughed loudly and said, "Disaster? Now that he has lost his life, who else can he harm?"

"Everyone has their own weaknesses. Jiang Lei's weakness is actually his sister."

"I threatened him that if he didn't cut himself, I would finish playing with his sister first, and then kill his sister."

"For Jiang Nannan's survival, Jiang Lei didn't hesitate at all."

"Sometimes, I really suspect that he is a sister-con."

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes widened when she heard the important news that Qi Lin broke the news.

"You, you are too hurt, to be able to do such a thing!"

Hearing Qi Lin's last words, Qi Xueyao couldn't help laughing helplessly and said, "What's wrong with my sister, let me tell you a story."

"Jiang Nannan was weak and sick since childhood, but his family was poor and couldn't afford the long-term medical expenses at all, and even had the idea of ​​sending Jiang Nannan to relatives for upbringing.

"Jiang Lei has had a deep relationship with Jiang Nannan since he was a child, he cried and told his parents not to send his sister away, he would take good care of her.

"From then on, when his parents went to work, he was in charge of cooking for Jiang Nannan, feeding her medicine, taking her body temperature, and taking her out for a walk until Jiang Nannan's body gradually recuperated."

"Eldest brother is like a father, Jiang Nannan was almost brought up by Jiang Lei, now you threaten him with Jiang Nannan, can he not compromise?"

These things are what Jiang Lei once told Qi Xueyao.

Speaking of it, this is all wrong.

Going around, this pair of brothers and sisters have all fallen into Qi Lin's hands recently.

"How is Jiang Nannan treating you now? Is he reluctantly following you, or willingly?"

Although Qi Xueyao is not yet the lord of the main palace, it is necessary for her to help Qi Lin sort out these debts.

"It's the kind of love that you can't extricate yourself from. It's not like you don't know my methods. Even a shrewd girl like you eventually fell into my hands."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Qi Xueyao gave Qi Lin a blank look: "If that's the case, that's okay, Jiang Nannan is completely under your control, Jiang Lei probably won't have any more thoughts in the future."

Qi Lin pulled Qi Xueyao, let her sit on his lap, and then stroked her white and tender belly: "I thought the same way, robbed her girlfriend, then robbed his sister, and made him be honest Give me money."

"Jiang Lei got a batch of goods from Xiangjiang, and planned to use these smuggled goods to trap me in prison, or be killed by the local society. Unfortunately, I made a better move. Not only did nothing happen, but I also used him to completely win Jiang Nannan's heart. "

"Now I have brought that batch of goods back. After Jiang Lei recovers from his injuries, let him dispose of the goods. By then, the value of Snowman Education will exceed 500 million. With the shares in your hand

It is estimated that she will become a billionaire. "

Qi Xueyao tapped Qi Lin's forehead with her white and tender jade fingers, and said with a smile: "Who is against you?

"By the way, Chinese New Year is half a month away. What are your plans? Shall we go back to our hometown?"

Qi Xueyao suddenly asked.

Qi Xueyao didn't make a name for herself before, and Qi Xueyao didn't want to go back to that eighteenth-tier city.

But now, she is proud of her husband, and she herself is a billionaire little rich woman, so why not return to her hometown and let her parents be honored?

"Isn't there still half a month left? Let's see then."

Qi Lin said perfunctorily.

Where to celebrate the new year is really a difficult problem for Qi Lin.

He has so many women now, if he brings his parents to pay New Year's greetings, it won't be a blast.

"You said Chinese New Year, I suddenly remembered that the school holidays are half a month before the Chinese New Year. So, are there final exams these days?"

Qi Lin froze for a moment, then asked.


Qi Xueyao was directly amused by Qi Lin: "Do you still know that you are a student? You obediently attend classes at school, and you fly around the world and play with little girls. If your school finds out, you won't be expelled directly."

"Besides, I think that little girl Lan Yuxi is about to become a boudoir with resentment. The pressure of the final exam is very high. Her parents won't let her come over on weekends. You don't go to class. She hasn't seen you for almost ten days. right?"


"Call first and ask about the situation."

Qi Lin smiled awkwardly, and quickly took out his mobile phone to call Lan Yuxi.


After a few beeps, the call was connected.

"You know you have a girlfriend? If you don't call me again, I'll think you forgot that you have a girlfriend."

Even Qi Xueyao, who was lying on Qi Lin's chest and drawing circles with tender white jade fingers, could hear the resentful voice on the phone.

"Ahem, isn't this business getting bigger and bigger? This is mainly your mother's fault. If she didn't let you come to the villa, you would definitely not miss me.

Qi Lin laughed.

Lan Yuxi laughed and said: "This pot is really far enough, I will tell my mother when I turn around."

Seeing a joke, 730 Lan Yuxi pouted and said, "The principal came to ask me about your situation. Although he wasn't very angry, he still asked me to urge you to come to school."

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are the final exams. At the very least, you have to finish the exam, otherwise you won't even have your grades in your file."

Qi Lin quickly said: "It's a little thing, I will come to school tomorrow... By the way, I just came back from Xiangjiang and brought you a gift. I'm sure you will like it when the time comes."

Lan Yuxi's tone was full of charm: "Gift? Is there any gift that is more valuable than your husband? Do you want my K uniform skirt and knee-length thin black silk? I have learned a lot of new knowledge recently~"

The little goblin is worthy of being a little goblin, and she is still so seductive.

"Xiao Nizi, after the exam tomorrow, I will snatch it from your mother. This winter vacation, you are ready to lose ten catties!"

At this time, Qi Lin really missed his little fairy girlfriend.

"Why are you more than ten catties thinner? Siling's cooking is so delicious, and it's about the same if you're ten catties fatter."

Lan Yuxi asked strangely.

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth curled up slightly: "If you do squats every day, you must lose more than ten catties."

Lan Yuxi understood in seconds.

There is a hint of pink in the beautiful eyes: "I don't want to lose more than a dozen catties, so I won't be a skeleton? My body is just right now. Can't I eat delicious food to make up for it while squatting?"

"Bad husband, you should worry about losing weight."

"The kind with sunken eyes and pale face."

Good guy, Lan Yuxi will now turn against Qi Lin.

"Hey, little girl has backbone, let's wait and see."

Qi Lin laughed.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Xueyao was already covering her forehead: "The winter vacation is here, and our house is about to become smoky, so don't teach our Siling family to be ruined."

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