Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

378: Lan Yuxi’S Envy, She Has A Round Belly, She Must Be Pregnant With A Girl

Lan Yuxi, as Qi Lin's professional wingman, cut into reality just right.

Qi Lin didn't need to speak, she held Qiu Yuelin's arm with a smile, and said very affectionately: "Sister Yuelin, look at what you are saying, our parents live in that villa, it is not yours Whose home is home?"

"If you haven't had the holiday yet, forget it. Now you don't have to go to school. If you don't go to the villa to have fun, how boring it is to live alone."

"Besides, sister Yuelin, if you don't go to the villa, this woman Qi Xueyao will show off her might. I am no match for her at all."

"She is now more expensive than a mother, and I am almost oppressed by her. 11

"Okay, Sister Yuelin, come back to the villa with us, or you will miss one of the three when playing mahjong.#

Lan Yuxi pouted her small mouth, coquettishly shaking Qiu Yuelin's arm.

That pitiful little appearance is cute and funny.


Qiu Yuelin couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing.

The bright smile on the beautiful face made the surrounding students stunned.

"Okay, okay~ For your sake, why don't I go?"

Qiu Yuelin agreed.

At the beginning, she had a false pregnancy and menstruation. She thought she had a miscarriage, and she was frightened to death.

It was the hospital where Lan Yuxi accompanied her for an examination.

So the relationship between the two is pretty good.

The villa at night is extremely lively. twenty three

Because it was celebrating the winter vacation, Aunt Chen cooked a table of delicious dishes, complete with delicacies from mountains and seas, which could be regarded as a feast for Lan Yuxi.

And in front of the long mahogany table, there were girls like Wang Siling, Qi Xueyao, Qiu Yuelin, Chuchun, and Zhongxia.

Twittering like 500 wild ducks.

Fortunately, the voices of these girls are melodious, and it is not annoying to listen to.

"Qi Xueyao is too stingy, I am also the aunt of the child in her belly, I don't even touch her."

Lan Yuxi pulled Qiu Yuelin and whispered.

But Qi Xueyao had sharp ears and heard it all at once.

She smiled faintly: "Lan Yuxi, speak ill of me and say it behind your back, are you afraid that I won't hear you?"

Lan Yuxi's pretty face flushed, but she didn't give in: "It's the way it is, so why don't you let me touch it?"

Qi Xueyao curled her lips: "That's because among all the sisters, you have the biggest opinion on me, who knows if you will hit me hard on impulse because of jealousy.

Lan Yuxi: "………………

"Honey, look at Qi Xueyao, she slanders me, she spouts blood."

"This is the blood of our Qi family. Is this the kind of person I am, Lan Yuxi? Going to hurt my own family.

Lan Yuxi immediately complained to Qi Lin angrily.

"Qi Xueyao, this is too much!"

"I said that it's okay for our family to make some light-hearted jokes, but don't say anything that hurts everyone's peace, so I apologize to Yuxi immediately.

Qi Lin looked at Qi Xueyao and said lightly.

It's not that he is biased, but that once Qi Xueyao starts the game and starts the Gongdou, then he will have no peaceful days to speak of.

Qi Xueyao also knew that she had said something wrong.

In addition, the elder at home seemed to be angry too, she sighed, and said to Lan Yuxi: "I'm sorry, I was a bit harsh, I just watched you jump up and down, naughty like a monkey, hurt I caught a monkey, I didn't mean to guard against you, if you want to touch it, come and touch it now."

"Hmph! You are the monkey."

Apologizing and sarcasm, Lan Yuxi glared at Qi Xueyao.

But she still couldn't hold back, left her seat, and ran to touch Qi Xueyao's belly.

Now Qi Xueyao has been pregnant for almost four months.

There is obvious fetal movement.

"This belly is round and round. It looks like she is pregnant with a girl. I don't know if I will look like my husband or you."

There was a hint of envy in Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes.

Qi Lin said with a smile: "Like me, it is said that girls look like their fathers and boys look like their mothers.

Qi Xueyao rolled her eyes at Qi Lin: "I saw the photos of you when you were a child, your skin is as dark as the one from Africa, it would be ugly if you were a girl, it's safer to be like me.

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders: "Whatever, anyway, we have good genes, so we look good no matter how we were born."

On this point, everyone at the dinner table still agrees.

Needless to say, Qi Lin's appearance is a handsome guy.

After the system transformation, he is even more handsome and tragic. Sometimes even Qi Xueyao can't help but secretly look at her brother and husband, her beautiful eyes are shining like stars.

"Alright Lan Yuxi, you don't have to be envious. I will give you Qi Lin this winter vacation. You have enough time to conceive a baby."

Seeing Lan Yuxi still lingering here and refusing to leave, feeling her stomach like a balloon, she couldn't stop laughing.

As for what she said, it was also true.

I don't know if the bastard Qi Lin is a pervert, the more she sees that she is pregnant, the more excited she is.

She was already a little afraid of being bullied every day.

Now that Lan Yuxi is here, give Qi Lin to her.

Hearing Qi Xueyao's words, Lan Yuxi couldn't be happy.

It's okay to be intimate with Qi Lin.

But she is still studying now.

Neither mother Zhou Lina nor Qi Lin "approved of her pregnancy.

So Lan Yuxi didn't even have the right to choose.

after eating.

The villa set up a mahjong stall again.

Qi Lin has the skill of photographic memory, and he can remember the order of all mahjong by shuffling the cards once.

A few rookie kids are not his counterparts at all.

They have no sense of experience in beating them.


Qi Lin was directly driven away by several people, leaving him to stay cool.

"jingle bell ~"

Coincidentally, Yan Yan called. Qi Lin lit a cigarette and answered the phone on the balcony on the second floor.

"Xiaolin, Matsushima Wuna has woken up, would you like to come over and take a look?"

Yan Yan said the first sentence.

Matsushima Wuna is concerned with getting the last 35% of Huamei Zixin's shares from Lizhou, since she is awake now.

Then go over and see if Matsushima Wuna and Li Zhou fit in.

"Okay, don't act rashly, I'll be right over.

Qi Lin said he would go there.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lin went downstairs directly.

"You guys call first, I'm going out to do some errands, and I'll be back later."

Qi Lin said to the girls playing mahjong.

Qi Xueyao: "Ertong bar...... Husband, remember to bring me some supper when you come back from 213, I want to eat snail noodles.

Qiu Yuelin: "Si Tiao Beng...... Husband, you can stop by our house. I plan to live here for a while. Bring me some clothes. You can bring whichever outfit you like to see me wear. Which underwear is sexy, you choose that one."

Lan Yuxi: "Honey, I'm not angry, I'm almost losing all my money, can you give me this month's pocket money first?"

The home has heating.

Xiao Nizi has already dragged the long down jacket.

A classic black and white with JK, with a long black silk.

At this time, she lifted her little black silk feet, her cute toots moved, and she winked at Qi Lin.

"Why do I feel like I've become Tang Bohu? How many wives have I found as a gambler?"

Qi Lin funnyly took out a stack of cash and threw it on Lan Yuxi's desk.

"Husband loves you, do you? I'll take good care of you when I come back later. By the way, I will cook your favorite banana."

Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes carried a hint of charm, and they scented her face.

Hearing Lan Yuxi's words, Wang Siling blushed pretty.

Because she has to fulfill her promise at night.

"Big brother, be careful at night, I'll make you a midnight snack when I get back.

Wang Siling told Qi Lin carefully.

"Well, my sister Si Ling is the most obedient, I will give you my anger, and you will definitely kill the world later.

Qi Lin rubbed Wang Siling's little head, and then went out with a smile.

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