Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

383: The Cruel Reality, Li Jiaming's Dream Of The Rich Second Generation Is Broken Again

"The former rich second generation is now worse than a beggar.

"Father was imprisoned by the enemy, but he was unable to rescue him, let alone avenge him. w

"Li Jiaming, Li Jiaming, you are such a waste now."

Slowly exhaling a puff of smoke ring, Li Jiaming's eyes were full of frustration.

"If your father knows that you haven't lost your fighting spirit, he will probably be very relieved."

Suddenly, Li Jiaming, who lowered his head, heard a nice girl's voice in front of him.

Raising his head in a daze, he saw an extremely beautiful girl standing in front of him, looking at him calmly.


Li Jiaming asked suspiciously, and at the same time there was a hint of inferiority in his eyes.

He used to be the rich second generation, no matter what girl he faced, he had the confidence to pursue each other.

But now......

Because of Qi Lin's teasing, no company is willing to take him, and he can only work as a sanitation worker.

Let alone strike up a conversation with the girls I usually meet, I don't even have the courage to look at each other.


Determine whether a person is confident, family background, and economic conditions account for the vast majority.

"Qi Lin and I are mortal enemies, and I am also your father's client."

"He told me to find you and give you something.

"This thing determines whether you can make a comeback and avenge him.

Kirina Matsushima made a long story short, and directly stated her intention of coming.

Hearing that Matsushima Wuna 23 was sent by his father, Li Jiaming was pleasantly surprised.

He knew he was stupid, and Qi Lin cheated out of his 35% shares.

But it doesn't matter, his father still has 35% of the shares.

As long as his father is dead, or let him see his father, he can get the 35% of the shares.

At that time, he will have the capital to compete with Qi Lin again.

"Did my dad ask you to transfer his shares to me?"

Not caring about his inferiority complex, Li Jiaming hurriedly asked.

Matsushima Wuna took out the private seal of Qi Lin's high imitation, and the certificate of opening the bank safe, and handed it to Li Jiaming.

"This is your father's private seal, and the certificate of the bank safe."

"He said that the share transfer contract is in it, and with these things, you can legally inherit 35% of the shares under his name."

After taking these two things, Li Jiaming's hands were shaking.

It's been a month.

He has spent a whole month in desperation living a life that is not as good as a beggar.

How many nights, he dreamed that he was back in the past, and he was still the rich second generation with a lot of money and good food and clothing.

But every time he wakes up, he sees the cramped dormitory for sanitation workers and the stinky face of his boss, asking him to clean the street.

"This matter should be done sooner rather than later. Let's go to the bank now and transfer my father's shares to me."

"That dog Qi Lin is very cunning, if he finds out, everything will be over."

Li Jiaming was very vigilant, and after calming down, he said to Matsushima Sonona.

Matsushima Kirina nodded: "Now go through the share transfer procedures... By the way, your father promised me that the matter will be completed smoothly, and you need to pay me 10 million as a reward."

Li Jiaming was very generous at this time, and he said politely to Matsushima Yuna: "Miss, please rest assured, it must have taken a lot of effort for you to see my father under the eyes of that dog Qi Lin, and to bring these things out." Energy, even if my father doesn't say it, I will thank Miss afterwards."

Speaking of this, Li Jiaming's self-confidence has returned.

He threw the broom on the ground casually, clapped his hands and wanted to go to the bank with Matsushima Sonona.

"Li Jiaming? Don't you want to do it anymore? Chatting casually with others during working hours and even daring to throw away cleaning tools, do you think your wings are stiff?"

At this moment, Li Jiaming's boss arrived here on a small electric donkey.

Seeing Li Jiaming deserting during work hours and throwing cleaning tools casually, he immediately reprimanded him in a rage.

Li Jiaming is about to resume his status as a rich second generation at this time, so how can he use a small boss like a bird? The silly dog ​​scolds me every day, Dad has long since missed you."

"Li Jiaming!!! Who are you going to fight with me? You've gone against the sky!"

"Go back to be a rich second generation? I think you are daydreaming!"

"Okay, okay, you said this yourself, I will remove your name now, and you won't use it anymore, you just wait to starve to death on the street!"

Li Jiaming's boss jumped up angrily, cursed and rode away on a small e-donkey.

"Let the lady watch the joke, let's go now?"

Li Jiaming smiled at Matsushima Wuna again.

Looking at Li Jiaming, who is a villain in front of him, Matsushima Wuna frowned.

With such a humble face, there is no such thing as Gou Jian's prudent words and deeds, and his modesty.

With such a thing, even if he is really allowed to get the shares of Lizhou, can he avenge Qi Lin?

Kirina Matsushima expressed doubts in her heart.

But everything has come, Matsushima Kirina decided to fulfill her accusation.

After getting the 10 million, she will use the safest method to return to the Sakura Kingdom immediately.

half an hour later.

Huaxia Bank VIP Room.

"Sorry sir, your safe certificate is real, but the contents inside have been taken away by your father."

The counter lady said politely to Li Jiaming.


"How is this possible? My father asked me to take it, why would he take it by himself?"

"And my father is already paralyzed in bed, so he can't even come here!"

Li Jiaming said excitedly to the counter lady.

The lady at the counter was still polite: "The records on the computer are like this, your father came in the morning, if you don't believe it, you can check the monitor yourself.

After speaking, she showed Li Jiaming the monitor on the computer.

Indeed, as she said, in the morning, a man who looked exactly like Zhou Li came here and took away a contract from the safe.

Seeing this, Li Jiaming seemed to have seen a ghost.

But Kirina Matsushima is different.

She has seen Qi Lin's miraculous disguise technique, and seen him pretending to be Chen Jiawei to save herself.

At this time, Matsushima Yuna's heart skipped a beat, and she realized that something was wrong.

Could it be... Could it be that she stepped into a game within a game?

Did Qi Lin let her meet Li Zhou on purpose, just to get the secret from Li Zhou?

Logically speaking, Qi Lin knew that as a top ninja, her recovery ability and escape ability were far superior to ordinary people.

They will send someone to focus on her.

But Qi Lin did not do this, and let her easily enter the room where Li Zhou was imprisoned, and let her enter Li Zhou's study.

"Damn! Being used by that bastard Qi Lin again."

Matsushima Yuna had already reflected it, she gritted her silver teeth, and there was a hint of embarrassment on her beautiful face.

Now that the matter has been brought to light, and Qi Lin has used it in vain.

It's useless for Matsushima Wuna to follow Li Jiaming.

"We all played tricks on Qi Lin."

"Sorry, I can't help you now, if Qi Lin finds me, I will be in danger, so I'll go first.

Matsushima Kirina is going to go straight back to Sakura Country.

She still has tens of thousands of meters of gold taken from the secret room in her hand.

Hearing Matsushima Wuna's words, Li Jiaming panicked.

His dream of becoming a rich second generation has just been half completed, how could it be shattered like this!!!

"Miss, please help me again. I still have my father's private seal in my hand. With the private seal, I can enter my father's company. When the time comes, I will also arrange for you to work in it, okay?"

"I just hope you can take me to meet my dad." 563 Li Jiaming begged Matsushima Yuna.

Matsushima Wuna looked at Li Jiaming with the eyes of an idiot: "Since Qi Lin has been here, he must have seen this private seal. If I guess correctly, the private seal in your hand is also a fake Yes, even if you go to your father's company, you will be kicked out directly."

"If I were you, I would hurry back and apologize to my boss, at least I would have a job sweeping the streets, instead of just dreaming here."

After finishing speaking, Fuso Matsushima turned around and left.

Seeing that Matsushima Wuna was unwilling to help him, Li Jiaming's tone changed suddenly: "You stinky woman, I knew you didn't really help me, now that I don't have 10 million to give you, why don't you look down on me?"

"You bitch is like that, and that bitch Chen Shuyi is like that too. There isn't a single good thing for a pretty woman in the world!"

"My father asked you to help me, so he must have paid you, right? Give me all the money my father gave you!"

Li Jiaming frantically stopped in front of Matsushima Yuna.

The lady at the counter is also very nice.

Seeing Li Jiaming in sloppy clothes, scolding beautiful women is not a good thing, so he called the security guard directly.

Not to mention that Matsushima Yuna has now recovered 50% of her strength.

Even if Matsushima Wuna only has 10% strength, Li Jiaming is not her opponent.

Seeing Li Jiaming rushing up, Matsushima Yuna gave him a random side kick, which made him crouch on the ground in pain, his face turning pale.

Without even looking at the embarrassed Li Jiaming, Matsushima Wuna turned and went out, heading towards the airport as fast as she could.

And Li Jiaming was dragged out by the security guard who came later.

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