Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

386: You Can Help Me, What Can You Thank Me For?

Of course, Lin Yun'er understood what Qi Lin meant.

Her heart pounded wildly.

Won Soo-yeon always thinks that she doesn't understand anything, that she doesn't know the darkness of the peninsula entertainment circle.

Those girl group members are all playthings of chaebols.

Lin Yun'er understood all of this.

So when she met Qi Lin, an idea came to her secretly.

If you want to be a star, you can't get around the problem of having your thighs.

Rather than being defiled by those bad old men, or chaebol sons who regard actresses as playthings, it is better to follow Qilin Ouba.

She has observed carefully, although Qilin Ouba has several girlfriends.

But he didn't use his woman as a bargaining chip for other men to play with, like the noble sons of the plutocrats or the bad old men.

Just this point makes Lin Yun'er feel that being Qi Lin's love sister is not a big deal.

Although she is still young.

Slowly moving her steps, Lin Yun'er sat gently on Qi Lin's lap, for fear that she would crush Qi Lin.

But now she only weighs seventy catties, as light as a feather.

Where will it be heavy.

Qi Lin put his arms around the little girl and asked her to sit in.

Then patted her slender manga legs.

I don't know where Lin Yun'er bought this pair of skin-colored silk stockings. It's kind of like a magic weapon for bare legs. If you don't look carefully, you really think it's winter, with beautiful legs and cold resistance.

No matter how scheming Lin Yun'er is, she's just a little girl.

Being bullied by Qi Lin, her innocent and ignorant little face flushed, and she couldn't lift her shy face.

But she didn't forget her business here.

"Qilin Ouba, I want to ask you to do me a favor?"

Lin Yun'er's white and delicate jade hand was placed on Qi Lin's big hand.

He thought the little girl wanted to take his hand away.

Who knew that she was adjusting the position of her big hand to make it more comfortable for him.

This little girl.

It's simply amazing.

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

Qi Lin smiled lightly.

Seeing Qi Lin's willingness to agree, Lin Yuner's pretty face was overjoyed, and she quickly told her about the troubles her mother had encountered recently: "It's like this, my mother recently felt that the journey to the company was too far, and she looks so She is beautiful, but she is not familiar with Huaxia, and it is not safe to take a taxi every day, so she wants to buy a car by herself."

"She bought a Mercedes-Benz E300 car in a store called Zhongsheng Benz, which cost about 600,000 yuan."

"But the car had only been driving for less than two days when the engine leaked oil."

"Of course my mother will not suffer this loss silently. She directly found the Mercedes-Benz 4S store and asked the other party to refund directly or change to a new car."

"The other party saw that my mother was not from Huaxia, and it was inconvenient to communicate, so they bullied her."

"They said my mum broke the car herself and it's under warranty and it can only be repaired, not exchanged.

"My mother saw that the other party did not solve this problem, so she defended her rights at the door of the other party's store every day, but they didn't care about it at all, and kept pretending that they didn't see it.

It's also thanks to Lin Yuner's hard work in studying Huaxia during this time. Although her speech is still not mellow, she still articulated the whole thing clearly.

Listening to Lin Yun'er's lovely Korean Mandarin, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing.

"Ouba, why are you laughing? Don't you think my mother is too stupid and should be bullied by them?"

Seeing that Qi Lin was still smiling, Lin Yun'er looked at him with beautiful eyes.

Looking at the little girl's beautiful face and sparkling innocent big eyes, Qi Lin leaned into her ear and whispered: "If you want Ouba to help you, you have to thank Ouba with something.

Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes immediately showed a touch of pink, and she played with her little skirt shyly: "Yun'er, Yun'er, I don't know what I can thank Ouba, can Ouba tell Yuner?"

The more innocent and ignorant he is, the more Qi Lin likes it.

Qi Lin pinched Lin Yun'er's fair chin, making her small cherry mouth pout cutely: "Is it still Yun'er's first kiss?"

"Yes, it is?"

Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes looked aside in a panic, not daring to meet Qi Lin's gaze.

"Who do you want to give your first kiss to?"

Qi Lin asked again.

Lin Yun'er was about to cry, she was still so young, how could she answer this question.

"I, I don't know..."

Qi Lin asked with a smile: "Then can I give it to Qi Lin Ouba now?"

The pretty little girl blushed, and her voice was soft and weak: "Hmm~"

He didn't wait any longer, and kissed directly towards the moist little mouth.


With a groan, Lin Yun'er tasted the sweetness of adults early on.

Just a little girl.

How much resistance.

In just a few minutes, Qi Lin drank up the honey scented tea.

But Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes were full of water mist, and she was so dizzy that she couldn't find the world, and she leaned helplessly in Qi Lin's arms.

...asking for flowers......

Although Qi Lin is a big villain, he is also a big villain who keeps his promises.

Now that Xiao Yuner's first kiss has been won, it is natural to solve her troubles.

Sitting in the Maybach, Qi Lin took Lin Yun'er to the Zhongsheng Mercedes-Benz shop.

According to Yun'er, her mother is still defending her rights at the door of the store. She was afraid that her mother would be bullied by those shop assistants, so she came to Qi Lin for help one morning.

"Yun'er, why are you here?"

Wearing a light blue uniform dress, black silk high heels, and a string of pearl necklaces on her snow-white neck, Won Soo-yeon, who looks like a pretty young woman, is standing in front of the newly bought Mercedes-Benz.

Seeing Lin Yun'er running towards her, she asked in Korean with a hint of surprise on her pretty face.

However, when she saw Qi Lin behind Lin Yun'er, her beautiful eyes immediately showed a trace of panic, and she quickly bowed to Qi Lin to ask the mark: "Boss, good morning."

Now Yuan Xiuyan is Qi Lin's employee, and has seen Qi Lin's domineering methods.

Coupled with the concept of superiority and inferiority instilled on the peninsula since childhood, Yuan Xiuyan is no longer as impulsive as when she first came here.

"Yun'er has already told me about you, come along, and I will help you deal with this matter."

Qi Lin smiled faintly at Yuan Xiuyan, and then walked towards the 4S store first.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Yuan Xiuyan knew why he came here.

After Qi Lin left, Yuan Xiuyan immediately glared at her daughter.

She just didn't want to owe Qi Lin a favor, let alone get involved with Qi Lin, so she solved this problem by herself.

It's all right now, and I have to get involved with Qi Lin again.

Lin Yun'er was reprimanded by her mother, she stuck out her pink tongue mischievously, followed Qi Lin's back, took his arm, and walked towards the store.

Seeing Lin Yun'er and Qi Lin's intimacy, Yuan Xiuyan's beautiful eyes suddenly showed a hint of worry.

She was worried about Qi Lin's thoughts on her, but she didn't expect that her beautiful girl had just grown up, and her charm for men was already unparalleled.

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