Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

529: Blonde Girls Like To Wear White Silk

Felicia was not worried about her personal safety.

He whispered a few words to his subordinates in French, and those subordinates retreated with worried eyes and waited outside the villa.

"Mr. Qi Lin, I didn't have breakfast either. Are you going to entertain me?"

Felicia gracefully put her legs together, and after arranging the hem of her skirt~, she sat down gracefully.

For some reason, Qi Lin felt the aura of a century-old European aristocrat from this woman in an instant, and there was no trace of affectation.

Before Qi Lin could say anything, Bernice, who had already walked over with a bowl of noodles with fried sauce, said with a pretty face, "Sorry, our Qi family only entertains well-meaning distinguished guests. Deceitful guest, we have nothing to entertain."

In Huaxia, perhaps only the people of Jianghan City have this magical skill of carrying things while walking and eating.

Bernice, a foreign daughter-in-law, has already learned it within a few days.

Seeing Bernice beating this elegant French beauty, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing: "Bernese, do you know this woman?"

Felicia answered the question for Bernice, she chuckled and said: "Bernes, I'm just Buzz's older sister, and I'm also Buzz's strong competitor" I never helped him deal with you, did I? Do you have to hate me so much?"

"And I said, we will definitely become a family, and now I say the same thing to you, what do you think?"

Bernice stared at her beautiful eyes: "Who is your family now? My current lover is Qi Lin, and it is impossible for me to have half a dime relationship with your family."

There was a mysterious smile in Felicia's beautiful eyes: "Bernese, you can't talk too much, don't you understand the truth of life?"

Bernice didn't want to pay attention to Felicia, and said to Qi Lin: "Her name is Felicia Dumas, and she is also a member of the Buzz family. She is currently working in Wanxi Group and is the vice president of Wanxi Group. She Buzz's older sister, but of the half-sister kind."

Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with confusion: "Felicia Dumas? Since she is a member of the Baz family, why isn't her surname Baz?"

Regarding Qi Lin's doubts, Felicia herself gave an explanation, and she said with an elegant smile on her delicate face: "My mother is the eldest daughter of the Dumas family, and my surname follows my mother's surname." , so it's called Felicia Dumas."

Qi Lin nodded suddenly, and then said with a smile: "Dumas, is it the Dumas family who founded Hermès? Your French giants really have a strong alliance."

Felicia nodded, and said with a light smile: "Mr. Qi Lin is really well-known, yes, my mother's original family is indeed Dumas who founded Hermes."

Qi Lin, who was talking and laughing happily with Felicia just now, turned pale and lost his smile in the blink of an eye.

"I don't care which family you belong to, I just want to ask you, are you declaring war or putting pressure on me on behalf of the Baz family this time.

Looking at Qi Lin, whose face was cloudy and unpredictable, Felicia's beautiful eyes flashed with admiration.

According to the family information, although Qi Lin has outstanding ability and cruel methods, he is extremely lustful, otherwise he would not poison Buzz's fiancée.

She asked herself that her looks were as good as Bernice's, but Qi Lin looked at her with extremely calm eyes, and he didn't mean to be seduced by his beauty at all.

"Mr. Qi Lin, don't be so angry."

"I did come here on behalf of the Baz family this time, but it wasn't with hatred or ulterior motives.

"I came to Mr. Qi Lin this time with goodwill and sincerity to clear up my suspicions."

Felicia held her slender legs wrapped in white silk together, and there was a trace of sincerity on her pretty face, which made it difficult for people to see through her authenticity.

To be honest, Qi Lin found that all French beauties like to wear white silk, and they are extremely beautiful.

Whether it's the delicate arches of the jade feet or the manga legs, there's nothing awkward about it.

Of course, this may also have something to do with their extremely fair skin. If the skin is a little darker, wearing white silk may make people look fatter and darker.

"Okay, since you said that, let's hear about your kindness and sincerity first."

Qi Lin sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, sipping the fragrant tea that Chuchun handed over, and said lightly.

As for Felicia's?

0 looking for flowers......

Feel sorry.


Qi Lin had snubbed Felicia for an hour and a half earlier, and she also knew that Qi Lin didn't like Wanxi Group, so she wasn't angry either.

"Mr. Qi Lin took the more than 1,000 collections shipped by Wanxi Group to Huaxia Auction, right?"

Felicia asked with a light smile.

There is no doubt about this matter, because Buzz has already reported the truth to the family.

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?"

Qi Lin looked calm and calm.

After Felicia finished asking this question, she turned to the next topic.

"Borrag Baz's behavior only represents himself. We Wanxi Group have never thought of being an enemy of Mr. Qi Lin."


"We, Wanshi Group, would like to express our deep apologies to Mr. Qi Lin for the scandal of Xiaomanyao TV Tower.

"As for the loss of Mr. Qi Lin caused by those fake and inferior materials, our Wanxi Group is willing to bear all the losses."

"That is to compensate Mr. Qi Lin for 200 million material costs."

As Qi Lin listened, he became a little confused: "Who is Boragbazz?"

Felicia smiled helplessly and said: "Chinese culture likes to use Westerners' surnames as first names. My younger brother, that is, Buzz who was killed by Mr. Qi Lin, is named Borag Buzz. Buzz is just him. surname."

Qi Lin listened, and suddenly coughed twice into his fist: "Don't talk nonsense, when did I kill Buzz, he committed suicide by himself."

Felicia covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Mr. Qi Lin has the final say on how Borag died, I just want Mr. Qi Lin to see the sincerity of our Zhongzi family.


To be honest, Qi Lin really didn't believe it.

He felt that this was Wanxi Group's mist bomb against him.

Thinking that the other party apologized sincerely, the two parties settled their suspicions from then on.

After he relaxes his vigilance, he will kill the killer.

"Well, I have seen your sincerity. If you know your mistakes, you can make amends. If Miss Felicia came here for this purpose, then you can keep the 200 million and enter

Qi Linpi smiled and said the door. .

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