Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

534: Protect Him Even If He Is Wounded All Over

Hearing this sentence, Qi Lin was amused.

The woman he wants has always been sneaky and abducted, used for everything, and in the end must be collected by him forever.

I wanted to get rid of him in a month, and treat him as a beggar?

"Do you think I look like a badass?"

"Give me a convincing reason, otherwise I won't even talk about protecting you."

Qi Lin flicked a cigarette with his fingers nimbly, and then put it in his mouth handsomely.

The personal assistant Lin Dong immediately came over to help the boss light the fire.


Apart from telling Qi Lin that she was pregnant, Matsushima Yuna couldn't think of any reason to make Qi Lin fall in love.

But she refused to talk to Qi Lin about this matter.


All she could do was keep silent.

"You said it yourself to be free. Now that you have freedom, and you still flirt with your mistress, why bother to beg me, someone who makes you hate me so much?"

"And I don't like women who are easygoing like you."

Qi Lin brazenly said things that hurt Matsushima Yuna.

As soon as these words came out, Matsushima Kuna's pretty face turned pale for a while, and naturally there was a tingling pain in her heart.

Could it be that in Qi Lin's eyes, she is this kind of promiscuous woman?

Originally, Oda Masao disapproved of Matsushima Kuna coming to beg Qi Lin.

Now that Qi Lin insulted Matsushima Wuna, he was furious immediately: "You are not allowed to insult my junior sister, I will kill you today!"

It's too late, but it's fast.

Masao Oda roared angrily, then rushed towards Qi Lin with a shuriken in his hand, ready to wipe his neck.

When Zhong Xia and Lin Dong saw this scene, they were beautiful eyes.

Wanting to hurt her husband in front of them, is this bullying him with no one around to protect him?

But there was a scene that surprised the two girls.

Qi Lin shook his head towards the two girls, motioning them not to come.

Afterwards, Qi Lin looked at Matsushima Kuna with a pair of black eyes, and looked at her calmly, turning a blind eye to Masao Oda's assassination.

The moment Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes met Qi Lin's, tears rolled down her face.

Even though she had been bruised all over by Qi Lin.

But as soon as she thought that Qi Lin would die at the hands of Oda Masao, her heart tightened, and the pain became more and more profound.

In an instant, Matsushima Kiruna actually appeared on Qi Lin's body, opening her arms to block her behind.

Oda Masao, who had already been assassinated, saw this scene, abruptly withdrew the shuriken in his hand, and looked at Matsushima Sonona in disbelief.

"Little junior sister, he hurt you so much, why do you still protect him?"

Matsushima Wuna turned her head away, letting the tears fall on the ground: "He is my enemy, and I will kill him if he wants to, you are not qualified to decide his life or death.

Masao Oda: "..."

"Since he won't help, let's go."

Seeing that Oda Masao had regained his composure, Matsushima Kuna shook off the tears, and walked towards the door with her beautiful eyes flushed.

She absolutely refused to admit in her heart that she fell in love with this man, and she rushed to protect her just now, but she just didn't want the child in her belly to have a father in the future.

Masao Oda glared at the spearman with a glaring look, then turned and followed Matsushima Kuna's footsteps.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Qi Lin revealed a meaningful smile.

The pursuit of ninjas is not only extremely sinister, but also emerges endlessly, endlessly, and will not give you any rest time at all.

Adhering to the rule of absolutely not disturbing ordinary people.

These ninjas who came to Huaxia as tourists, according to the code, immediately began to gather, and then chased after the traces left by Matsushima Kirina and Oda Masao.

Not long after leaving Qi Lin, Matsushima Yuna has been attacked by ninjas twice.

Although she has followed the doctor's advice, eat less and eat more meals, and bring some candy on the way to prevent hypoglycemia.

But the problem is, the seed in her stomach is Qi Lin, and she is also a ninja [that little guy is simply a little monster.

No matter how much she eats, it will be digested immediately, and all the nutrients will be absorbed by the little guy.

Nutrition is given to the little guy, what about Matsushima Kirina?

The old problem reappeared. During the intense long-distance raid and the pursuit of the ninja, Matsushima Yuna became dizzy, retched and weak [seriously dragging down Masao Oda.

……ask for flowers……

In order to protect Matsushima Kirina, Oda Masao has been injured several times, and it was still in the condition that the last injury did not recover.

Under such circumstances, Matsushima Kirina and Oda Masao unexpectedly forcibly withstood dozens of attacks from the ninja team for four days.

On the fifth day.

Unable to hold on anymore, Matsushima Kira spit out all the candy water she had just eaten, and leaned helplessly under a big tree.

"Junior Sister, what's the matter with you? Are you... are you hiding something from me?"

No matter how stupid Oda Masao was, he began to discover something at this time.

Even though Matsushima Kirina is in good health, why do she feel vanity and dizziness again and again?


After guessing countless times, except for the reason that Matsushima Yuna is pregnant, he can't think of other reasons.

Besides, Oda Masao already understood that during the days when Matsushima Kirin was imprisoned by Qi Lin, she had been defiled by that dog countless times.

With tears in her beautiful eyes, Matsushima Kirina caressed her lower abdomen: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kept this from you, but brother... I, I have already ruined his child."


Hearing this cruel news, Oda Masao stood on the spot blankly, as if struck by lightning.

He can accept that Matsushima Wuna was defiled by Qi Lin, and it is no longer clean.

He can accept that Kira Matsushima doesn't love him.

But he absolutely couldn't accept that Matsushima Yuna spoiled that bastard's child, and kept hiding it from him.

From her various actions, it can be inferred that Junior Sister... Junior Sister is actually planning to give birth to this child!

"Why? Why, Junior Sister? This is a villain!"

Oda Masao looked at Matsushima Kuna with tears in his eyes.

Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes showed a ray of sacred maternal brilliance: "It's not an evil species, it's just an innocent baby, and it's also my child... Brother, thank you for taking care of me during this time, let's go."

"Since I can no longer protect it, let me, as a mother, go with it, at least my child will not feel afraid of being alone.",

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