Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

555: White Silk Medicinal Fat, I Can't Help It

Qin Han didn't want to tell Qi Lin that he was scolded bloody.

"Call me as soon as I tell you, don't you want your dog's life?"

Qin Han scolded Qi Lin angrily.

But he didn't see that Chen Yanmeng, who was standing behind him, already had a fierce look in his eyes.

What the hell is this little brat, he dares to speak like that to the boss.

If he didn't want to act according to the boss's plan, based on Qi Lin's rude attitude, Chen Yanmeng had already made him move his head.

"OK, hit."

Qi Lin shrugged, and then took the mobile phone handed over by Chen Yanmeng.

Play a full set.

Since he was kidnapped, his mobile phone will definitely be confiscated by the kidnappers.

The phone is dialed.

There was a trace of fatigue in Xia Sha's tone: "What's the matter with me so late? "Zero Thirty"'

Looking at it like this, Xia Sha has seen the name of the caller, and the group answered the call.

Qi Lin's tone was rarely serious: "Even in the dead of night, I still can't fall asleep, because there is a person in my heart, she makes me think about it day and night, but I can't touch it..."

"Don't fucking talk nonsense with me. Believe it or not, I will make you unable to speak nonsense again."

Listening to Qi Lin chattering there, Qin Xiang almost went mad with anger.

Just snatch the phone and hang up.

It would be good for you to let Nima break up with Xia Sha, but you still ran to Liao's house. Are you afraid that Xia Sha will not forget you?

"Ahem, I can't help it, after all, I have been thinking about the cheongsam, white silk and medicine for a long time.

Qi Lin showed an embarrassed but polite smile.

Qin Han didn't understand what medicine is. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'll give you one more chance. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will send you to the Hades with one shot."

Qi Lin shrugged: "I promise to talk about it this time."

Qin Han snorted coldly before handing over Qi Lin's phone.

On the other side, Xia Sha who was hung up had a puzzled expression on her face.

But at the same time, her little face was slightly flushed.

"Early in the morning, this bastard lost his nerve again and told me a lot of nonsense.

"Didn't I tell him earlier, as long as Yuxi is in the middle for a day, we have no chance.

"Also, if you dare to confess your love, what does it mean to hang up half of it? Coward..."

"jingle bell ~"

While complaining about Qi Lin, the phone call from over there came again.

"Auntie, are you still there?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Xia Sha hasn't heard Qi Lin called aunt for some time.

Hearing this ambiguous auntie, her pretty face turned hot.

"It's inexplicable early in the morning, what's the matter with you?"

Xia Sha couldn't bear Qi Lin's nervousness, and said coquettishly.

"I was kidnapped by Qin Han. He asked me to tell you that I don't like you anymore. I have been using you from the beginning to the end. You are a bitch who can be cheated. You are worth nothing to me. I can make some money."

Qi Lin relayed Qin Han's words very sincerely.

He is so honest that whoever taught him to say that has confessed.


Qin Han: "???"

"Are you fucking kidding me? I let you say it yourself, you confessed me? You really think I dare not kill you, don't you?"

Qin Han was about to go crazy, and couldn't help but yelled at Qi Lin furiously.

And this roar also let Xia Sha on the other side of the phone know Qi Lin's current situation.

"Qin Han actually kidnapped Qi Lin?"

Xia Sha suddenly lost all sleepiness, and got up directly from the chair in the office.

"Qin Han, don't mess around! If you dare to hurt Qi Lin, I will never forgive you in this life!"

Xia Sha said coldly to the phone.

When Xia Sha found out about the matter, it meant that Qin Yin's image of a refined gentleman collapsed directly.

Taking a few deep breaths, his face gradually became grim.

"Since Qi Lin can be a villain, why can't I be a villain?"

Thinking of this, Qin Han snatched the phone from Qi Lin and threatened Jia Sha: "If you don't want Qi Lin to have something to do, just come to the abandoned factory in XXXX and I'll give you an hour. If you don't arrive on time, you will die." All that's left is his dead body."

Since it can't be obtained by conventional means, then Qin Han can only use Qi Lin to threaten Xia Sha to submit...

As long as he successfully obtained Xia Sha's innocence, he did not believe that this woman would love Qi Lin forever.

"Qin Han, you are committing a crime..."

Xia Sha wanted to reprimand Qin Han to wake him up, but the phone over there had already been hung up.

Without the news of Qi Lin, Xia Sha could no longer maintain her composure at this moment, panicked, and even her face was a little pale.

She always thought that Qi Lin was just an insignificant person in her heart, just a bastard who took pleasure in bullying herself.

Until Qi Lin was kidnapped this time, Xia Sha clearly realized the kind of heart-wrenching pain.

Qi Lin is not insignificant, dispensable, he has become an indispensable person in Xia Sha's life.

She couldn't imagine if something bad happened to Qi Lin, would she still have the courage to continue living in this world.

"Yes! Call the police first. My brother-in-law is now the police chief of Jianghan City. He will definitely be able to rescue Qi Lin.

After a moment of panic, Xia Sha stabilized her emotions.

She called Lan Gang and informed Qi Lin of his kidnapping, and at the same time told him where he was kidnapped.

Lan Gang said that he already knew, and when he immediately led the team to rescue, Xia Sha breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, just calling the police is not enough to guarantee Qi Lin's safety. On 3.6, I must rush over immediately to stabilize Qin Han."

"If Qin Han can't see me, loses his mind, and Qi Lin makes a move, then it's really over."

Xia Sha didn't call anyone, she carried her bag, went downstairs and drove her car to the location Qin Han said.

"Qi Lin, haven't you always been the worst and most cunning bastard? Why were you kidnapped by others this time?"

"If something really happens to you this time, I'll ignore you in the future."

Along the way, while shedding tears, Xia Sha angrily scolded Qi Lin for not paying attention to his own safety, which is why Qin Han got hurt.

half an hour later.

Xia Sha finally came to the abandoned factory where Qin Han was.

As soon as the car was parked, Xia Sha stepped on her high heels and walked directly towards the abandoned factory building without even picking up the key. .

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