Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

568: Jiang Shuying Is Addicted To The Scumbag's Kiss

ding dong~

Zhang Man brainwashed successfully.

Jiang Shuying finally lifted up that pretty face that was clearly juicy, but with a trace of charm.

"Hu Ge, it's not that I want to feel sorry for you, I have no choice but to protect you and myself. 11

"Everyone is in the entertainment circle, you can understand me too, right?"

Take a deep breath.

Jiang Shuying plucked up the courage to take that step: "Boss, can you give me any role I want?"

Qi Lin took a picture of Zhang Man's kiwi.

Zhang Manmei rolled her eyes at Qi Lin, knowing that it was time for her to leave.

Jiang Shuying's psychological defense has been defeated by her.

There is more than one entrance to the president's office.

Going directly to another exit, Zhang Man got off work early and went back to his home.

"Have you started negotiating terms before paying?"

Qi Lin smiled and patted his leg.

Jiang Shuying glanced there, her pretty face flushed slightly.

Because that is where Zhang Man sat just now.

Now that a decision has been made, Jiang Shuying walked over gently, even though her pretty face was hot, and then sat down.

"It's not that what you want, the company will give you what you want. Your acting skills also have limitations. The company will customize a female number one that suits you according to your image and temperament. Do you understand what I mean?"

180 Qi Lin played with Jiang Shuying's white and tender hands.

Because of the nervous sweating just now, the palms are a little warm and sweaty, which is very interesting.

Qi Lin's words made Jiang Shuying feel more at ease.

If Qi Lin will give her any role, it is obviously a big picture. After all, it is impossible for the company to use resources indiscriminately for her, a beautiful girl. This is not in line with the profit-seeking nature of a businessman.

"Well, I listen to the boss~"

Jiang Shuying still didn't dare to look at Qi Lin.

"Have you ever been in love?"

Qi Lin's topic jumped a little far, which made Jiang Shuying panic.

She looked aside with a guilty conscience: "No, no."

"Isn't Hu Ge? If not, then I'll kick him out of the company. This kid will remember you at the store.

Qi Lin's black eyes were filled with amusement.

Jiang Shuying: "......

Qi Lin's words are already obvious, his lying is a bit too naive, he already knew his relationship with Hu Ge.

"Since the boss knows about my relationship with Hu Ge, why does he do this to me?"

Jiang Shuying felt ashamed and wanted to find a place to sneak in.

I also feel that Qi Lin is humiliating her.

Guys must hate girls with boyfriends the most, right?

After all, men are machismo creatures with strong possessive desires, so how can they like girls with boyfriends?

Jiang Shuying is still too young, the more a girl has a boyfriend, the more excited the man will be.

"Just because I know this, I 'love' you more, you know?"

"Isn't the last prom very attractive? Ignore it? Isn't it necessary to sell your dignity to please me now?"

Qi Lin smiled evilly, and with Jiang Shuying's blank expression on her face, he pinched her fair chin, and kissed her forcefully.


Jiang Shuying's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and an unprecedented sense of impact went straight to her brain.

Facing the ultimate scumbag like Qi Lin, Jiang Shuying was scribbled on like a blank sheet of paper.

ten minutes later.

When Qi Lin let go of Jiang Shuying, her eyes were full of apricots, like a broken doll, very poignant.

"Do you like Hu Ge to kiss you, or do you like me more?"

Qi Lin would not feel sorry for Jiang Shuying just because she was muddled.

He pinched her fair chin to force her to wake up.

"Woo woo woo~"

Jiang Shuying wakes up like a dream, crying with pear blossoms and rain.

Qi Lin's kiss really had a great impact on her, and her heart beat faster, kind of addictive.

But the problem is, this is her first kiss.

"Hu Ge (cedi), Hu Ge has never kissed me before, this is my first kiss."

Although she was crying, Jiang Shuying was still afraid of Qi Lin's monstrous flames, so she explained aggrievedly.

"System, is what Jiang Ying said true?"

Women can also pretend, it is best to find a system for identification.

The result of the appraisal also determines Jiang Shuying's future status, whether it is a disposable bowl or chopsticks, or a work of art with collection value.

"Jiang Shuying didn't lie."

Fortunately, the systematic answer allowed Jiang Shuying to live comfortably in the future.

"So, you admit that Hu Ge is your boyfriend?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile again.

Jiang Shuying is very scared now, she feels that the handsome young man in front of her is just taking pleasure in trampling on her dignity.

Sobbing, she didn't dare to lie to Qi Lin again: "Hu Ge is a year older than me, he has always taken care of me at school, and in the last semester of my sophomore year, we decided on a romantic relationship

Qi Lin was very satisfied with Jiang Shuying's honesty: "Having been in a relationship for half a year, and still having our first kiss, didn't you expect to meet the boss in the future? Do you want to give these precious gifts to the boss?

Jiang Shuying: "........."

She is going crazy.

I am an innocent girl, how can I think so much when I am in love.

It's purely because the two are busy with their studies and have little time to see each other, and Hu Ge respects her very much, so they treat each other like guests.

As for giving Qi Lin her first kiss, was that what she wanted?

"Has Hu Ge ever praised you, saying that your feet are beautiful? The skin is like cream, smooth and tender like milk, the soles of the feet are pink and tender, and the arches of the feet are beautiful? The top-notch foot mask may not be as beautiful as you.

Qi Lin changed the subject again.

When Hu Ge met an opponent like Qi Lin, his winning rate was almost zero.

The scumbag's kiss had already made Jiang Shuying's eyes full of apricots, and her heart was filled with endless aftertaste.

Hearing Qi Lin praise her beautiful feet, Jiang Shuying's pretty face turned hot, and she was actually quite happy in her heart.

It's a strange coincidence.

She kicked off a sandal, and her white and tender feet circled in the air.

"I, I accidentally kicked off my shoe, sorry boss~"

Qi Lin smiled, and pinched that white tender little foot: "Just pretend to be a little bit of your little thought, and after you go back, take good care of it, it is also your only bonus item in my heart.

While pressing and pinching, Kilometer hugged Jiang Shuyan and got up.

Jiang Shuying until what happens next.

She put her arms around Qi Lin's neck and secretly looked at Qi Lin, as if she wanted to engrave this man deeply in her heart. .

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