Now that everything has dawned on him, he found that this kind of patience was actually unnecessary, because this kind of patience would only make these people bully him even more.

"Mr. Qi, please put these people back."

Hearing this, Qi Lin asked with some surprise

"Aren't you going to do it? If you don't have the heart to do it, I can actually help you.

After hearing Qi Lin's words, those friends immediately became nervous. They looked at Qi Lin cautiously, fearing that Qi Lin would call someone to beat them in the next second.

Xiao Zhou shook his head and replied to Qi Lin.

"Then forget it. I really don't have any intention of beating them. Let's put them back. I'll have a thorough chat with them today."

"I have figured it out now. There is actually no need to maintain that kind of vague friendship with them."

"But so what if I have known them for several years? They still cheated me when they should, and they showed no mercy.

"I have learned a lesson in the past few years. You should go back and work hard on your career and your projects. I will not have anything to do with you again."


When those people heard this, they swallowed and didn't know how to answer.

When Qi Lin saw Xiao Zhou's persistence, he didn't let Xiao Zhou take action anymore.

Everyone has a personal choice. If it were him, he would definitely choose to beat these people severely, but since Xiao Zhou doesn't want it, he won't force it.

After he asked people to put those people back, he asked Xiao Zhou.

"Then what are you going to do now??"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhou smiled and replied.

"It's been decided. Since I want to do it, I have to make a list here. I can't just go back in despair.

"I have already told my family that I will definitely do a big career here. If I go back now, my parents will be sad."

"I can't let them down."

When Xiao Zhou said this, his eyes were very firm, and he already had his own choice.

Qi Lin saw Xiao Zhou looking so determined, he nodded and said.

"Since you already have an idea, I won't continue to accompany you."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and found someone to leave the place.

When he was about to leave the villa completely, Xiao Zhou suddenly shouted at his back.

"thank you!"

When Qi Lin heard this, he turned around and looked back at Xiao Zhou.

"no need thank me?"

Xiao Zhou smiled and replied to Qi Lin.

"Thank you for telling me this, thank you for enlightening me. If it weren't for you, I might still be stuck in the mud.

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders and replied.

"You have always been helping yourself. If you are not willing to do this, no matter what I say, you will selectively not listen. 17

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he turned around and waved to say he had discovered it.

"Let's meet again if we are destined. I will leave here tomorrow."

Xiao Zhou originally wanted to say something more, but he found that he really had nothing to say now.

Apart from knowing that Qi Lin is the richest man in the world, he does not understand this person or his world.


Seeing Xiao Zhou's expression of hesitation, he smiled and replied.


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