Bearing the power of Chen Luo’s elbow blow, Ye Chen’s arm trembled slightly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Looking at Ye Chen’s appearance at this time, Chen Luo knew that Ye Chen’s previous injury had not fully recovered, otherwise he would not have been able to take the advantage in a few moves.

With the injury that Chen Luo caused to Ye Chen last time, even if he had thick skin and strong recovery ability, he would not be able to fully recover in just a week.

“A villain who takes advantage of people’s danger.”

Ye Chen scolded angrily.

The location of Chen Luo’s attack was all the place where Ye Chen was injured before.

“I don’t care what you say.” Chen Luo did not stop, dozens of punches fell in a second, and Ye Chen only had to hold his head to defend.

As for Ye Chen’s counterattack, just like last time, Chen Luo didn’t care about Ye Chen’s counterattack at all.

Wearing a bulletproof suit, the force he hit Chen Luo’s body was dissolved by the bulletproof suit, and his fist fell on Chen Luo’s body as a massage.


A majestic voice stopped Chen Luo.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Xiao Yongqiang actually came.

If he doesn’t come, Chen Luo can beat Ye Chen half to death, is this the protagonist’s aura?

“Chairman Xiao.”

Chen Luo put away his fist, his fist carried some blood stains, these blood were all Ye Chen’s, at this moment, Ye Chen’s nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his face was full of blood.

When he struck, in addition to attacking Ye Chen’s original injured position, all that remained was to greet Ye Chen’s face.

It is said that hitting people does not hit their faces, and Chen Luo specifically hit them in the face.

“What’s going on? Give me an explanation. ”

Looking at the injured Ye Chen, Xiao Yongqiang angrily questioned Chen Luo.

“I asked Chen Luo to make a move.”

Xiao Yixue stood up and said at this time.

Looking at Xiao Yixue who stood up, Xiao Yongqiang asked angrily, “Why?” ”

Let others beat their own bodyguards, and there is really her, Xiao Yongqiang wants to know if her head is broken.

“I don’t need this bodyguard.” When Xiao Yixue faced his father, his expression was also particularly cold.

“I don’t need a disobedient person as a bodyguard.”

“Brother Ye has real skills, you are more accommodating.” Xiao Yongqiang’s anger narrowed slightly.

“Accommodating your own bodyguards? Isn’t that a daddy. ”

Although Chen Luo’s voice is small, everyone here can hear it.

Xiao Qianxue glanced at Ye Chen, whose face was covered in blood, and said coldly: “If you really have the ability, you won’t be beaten like this.” ”

As soon as these words came out, both Xiao Yongqiang and Ye Chen were embarrassed, and Ye Chen was embarrassed and angry at the same time.

There was definitely something wrong with the clothes on Chen Luo’s body, otherwise even if he was beaten with iron, Ye Chen would be sure to hammer out a few pits on him.

Although he was beaten by Chen Luo twice, Ye Chen did not feel that he was weaker than Chen Luo.

“Either he goes to work as a security guard, or you let him go to your side as a bodyguard.”

Xiao Yixue’s attitude was obvious, she had to let Ye Chen go, she didn’t need this bodyguard.

She couldn’t stand being stared at all day long, and when she saw Ye Chen’s eyes, she wanted to gouge them out.

Since Xiao Qianxue and Ye Chen met, Xiao Qianxue’s impression of Ye Chen has not changed, on the contrary, his impression of him has become worse and worse.

If he hadn’t been sent to the hospital by Chen Luo, he might have found an opportunity to make Xiao Yixue’s impression of him change a bit, but it was a pity that he was sent to the hospital by Chen Luo for a week.

“Or Brother Ye will come to my side as a bodyguard.”

Xiao Yongqiang thought for a moment and said.

Xiao Yongqiang still cared about his daughter’s attitude, and he didn’t know what Ye Chen had done to make Xiao Yixue so annoying.

After Ye Chen got up, he shook his head and refused.

“I’ll stay in Yongqiang Group as a security guard.”

In the end, Ye Chen chose to be a security guard, he didn’t want to follow Xiao Yongqiang as a bodyguard, how could he protect a man.

The reason why he became Xiao Yixue’s bodyguard is because he took a fancy to Xiao Yixue, if you let Ye Chen be a bodyguard for an ugly woman, you see if he is happy or not, and he is not short of money.

“Well, Brother Ye will be the manager of the security department in the future.”

Xiao Yongqiang directly arranged Ye Chen to become the manager of the security department, which shows that he attaches importance to Ye Chen, which should also be the effect of the protagonist’s aura.

“Chen Luo, I hope you can converge a little, no matter how strong personal force is, it is useless in this society.”

After arranging Ye Chen, Xiao Yongqiang knocked towards Chen Luo in a flat tone.

“Thank you Chairman Xiao for your teachings, I will remember them.”

In the face of Xiao Yongqiang’s beating, Chen Luo was not angry, and the smile on his face was still kind.

“Then apologize to Ye Chen.”

Xiao Yongqiang spoke again.

Chen Luo squinted at Xiao Yongqiang, and he had to step in.

Chen Luo suddenly smiled brightly: “I’m really sorry Ye Chen, I didn’t strike lightly or heavily, I actually beat you like this, I must be restrained in the future, I must be restrained.” ”

Ye Chen looked at Chen Luo coldly, suddenly moved his hand, and punched Chen Luo in the face.


Chen Luo squeezed Ye Chen’s sudden punch.

“Ye Chen, you can’t be so small-bellied, do you say?”

After speaking, Chen Luo sneered and let go of his hand.

“I’ll pay it back to you slowly.”

Ye Chen threatened Chen Luo, then turned to leave.

His behavior made Xiao Yixue’s impression of him even worse, and even Xiao Yongqiang couldn’t help but frown.

In the past, Xiao Yongqiang was very optimistic about Ye Chen and felt that his skills were very strong, but now Xiao Yongqiang also saw some shortcomings in Ye Chen.

The personality is too irritable, and the eyes will be rewarded, just after the easy folding.

“I have something to talk to you about.”

Xiao Yongqiang said to Xiao Yixue, and then walked towards his own chairman’s office.

“I owe you a favor this time.”

When leaving, Xiao Yixue said to Chen Luo.

She doesn’t like to owe favors and will pay it back later.

“Human favors?”

Chen Luo smiled.

“Liang Xinghu should be killed, Ye Chen’s wings must be cut off.”

It was not easy to solve Ye Chen, this time he wanted to beat Ye Chen into a serious injury, and a Xiao Yongqiang came out to protect him.

Ye Chen has luck protection, Liang Xinghu should not have it.

Even if as a person in Ye Chen’s camp, Ye Chen’s luck can shelter him, solving him will definitely not be as difficult as solving Ye Chen.

“Liang Xinghu can live so long is a lot of life, and it’s time to solve him.”

However, to solve Liang Xinghu’s words, you still need to find someone to help, you don’t need to help him too much, just investigate Liang Xinghu’s traces.

Let’s see if Zhao Yingxuan can help find Liang Xinghu’s traces, if Zhao Yingxuan can’t find out, then Chen Luo will find Luo Zixuan.

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