Ye Chen worked hard to finally throw Li Ting away, and then quickly came to the Yongqiang Group.

“What about Xiao Yixue?”

Didn’t find Xiao Yixue, Ye Chen asked Xiao Yixue’s assistant Xiaoli.

“Weren’t you caught in there? How did it get out. ”

Xiaoli was surprised when she saw Ye Chen.

Ye Chen’s face was dark, being caught in it was his stain, if Xiaoli was not Xiao Yixue’s assistant, he probably couldn’t help but punch it.

“Tell me, where is Xiao Yixue?” Ye Chen asked coldly.

“Hmph, why should I tell you the location of the president and inform you that you are no longer the president’s bodyguard.”

For Ye Chen’s commanding tone, Xiaoli was of course very unhappy and very unpolite to him.

“Tell me.”

The murderous eyes startled Xiao Li, and Xiao Li looked at Ye Chen with some panic, and was frightened by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is a mercenary king, he has killed an unknown number of people on the battlefield, his murderous aura is unbearable for ordinary people, Xiaoli is not frightened and paralyzed, even if her psychological quality is good.

“I… I don’t know where the president went, she answered Zhao Yingxuan’s call and left the company. ”

“Answered Zhao Yingxuan’s call and left the company.” Ye Chen’s complexion changed, and then he immediately turned and left.

“That guy is really scary.”

Thinking of Ye Chen’s combat strength, Xiaoli’s eyes showed a hint of happiness, fortunately he didn’t strike at himself, otherwise he could kill himself with one punch.

Even the eldest young man of the Luo family, Ye Chen, dared to enter the hospital, and he definitely dared to make a move on her.

Ye Chen, who left the Yongqiang Group, rushed to Zhao Yingxuan’s villa, and his intuition told him that Xiao Yixue was now at Zhao Yingxuan’s place.

What would happen to Xiao Yixue in Zhao Yingxuan’s place he didn’t know, but it was certainly not something he wanted to see.

“The driver hurry up for me.”

“I can’t fly this car, and I can’t get up fast if I want to.”

The driver of the car said flatly.

Although the road in the magic capital is very wide, there are too many cars, so the road is very congested, even if the best people come, they will be blocked here.

More than half an hour later, Ye Chen finally came to Zhao Yingxuan’s villa.

Although there were security guards in the villa area, how could they block Ye Chen, and they didn’t even find Ye Chen coming in.

“That’s Xiao Yixue’s car.”

In the courtyard of the villa, it was Xiao Yixue’s car that was parked.

“Are you trying to break into a private house?”

When Ye Chen was about to enter, a familiar voice made him pause, and his eyes were red as he looked towards the other party.

This voice was naturally Chen Luo’s voice.

“Why, just came out and planned to commit some crime and go in again? Elements like you who are unstable about society should be locked up for a while. ”

“What about Xiao Yixue?”

Ye Chen asked Chen Luo coldly.

“Don’t say she’s not here, it’s her car, I recognize her.”

“Yes, she’s here, but you can’t go in, just wait for her to come out if you want to see her.” Chen Luo stopped in front of Ye Chen.

“Did you do anything to her?”

Ye Chen stared at Chen Luo deadly.

“Do you really want to know?”

Chen Luo’s question made Ye Chen silent, sometimes some things still don’t know the answer is good, the answer may not be what he wants to hear.

“It’s okay to leave here, you are not welcome here, don’t let me get in the way here, otherwise I may have itchy hands and can’t resist beating you.”

That threatening tone made Ye Chen’s heart go crazy.

“Blood debt, sooner or later it must be paid with blood.”

The angry Ye Chen left a word, and then turned to leave, the back of the departure was very dashing, but he provoked, if he didn’t provoke, he wouldn’t leave.

There was nothing Ye Chen was afraid of before, but now Ye Chen was afraid of fighting Chen Luo, and he knew that he was not Chen Luo’s opponent.

“Blood debts and blood repayment, you must also have that opportunity.”

Chen Luo stared at Ye Chen’s back.

did not make a move, because Chen Luo was not sure to kill Ye Chen, although Chen Luo’s strength surpassed Ye Chen in all aspects, but this guy has the aura of the protagonist, and may not be able to fight to death.

If you can’t kill Ye Chen at that time, you may get into trouble instead, and Chen Luo also needs to worry about the forces behind Ye Chen.

If he wants to make a move, he will beat Ye Chen to death at one time, and Chen Luo must be sure that when he strangles Ye Chen to death once, he will only do it to him.

“If I use all the money I have now to improve my own strength, it should be no problem to kill Ye Chen.”

Chen Luo has more than 30 billion in his hands, and if he uses these more than 30 billion and system trading strength, I don’t know if he can become a little superman.

In fact, Chen Luo now is already a little superman compared to ordinary people.

After Ye Chen walked out of the villa area, he immediately contacted Xiao Yongqiang with his mobile phone.

“Ye Chen heard that you came out?”

During this time, Xiao Yongqiang was also trying to find a way to fish Ye Chen out, and it can be said that Ye Chen can come out and Xiao Yongqiang’s strength.

“Well, Uncle Xiao, I have something important to tell you, Pouring Snow is now at Chen Luo’s place.”

The purpose of Ye Chen’s call to Xiao Yongqiang was to tell Xiao Yongqiang the news, and then know Xiao Yixue’s situation through Xiao Yongqiang.

He wanted to call Xiao Qianxue, but Xiao Qianxue had already blacked him out.

“The snow is pouring on Chen Luo.”

Xiao Yongqiang, who was originally sitting, stood up excitedly, and even coughed violently a few times.

During this time, his physical condition became worse and worse, he was terminally ill, and it was estimated that he would not live for a few months.

“I wanted to go in and bring the pouring snow out, but I was stopped by Chen Luo, I was worried about her condition, and Uncle Xiao had no way to take a look.”

For Xiao Yixue’s condition, Ye Chen was worried.

Who knows what Chen Luo’s beast will do to Xiao Yixue, that beast dares to cuckold Xiao Yongqiang, will he dare to do anything to Xiao Yixue?

The more he thought about Ye Chen’s face, the greener he became, and now Ye Chen was also very contradictory, he wanted to know the relationship between Chen Luo and Xiao Yixue, but he didn’t dare to know.

“I’ll go right away.”

Xiao Yongqiang hurriedly hung up the phone, and then asked the driver to drive to Zhao Yingxuan’s villa.

“Chen Luo, you’d better not do anything to my daughter, otherwise, I will take you with me when I die.” Xiao Yongqiang’s expression was terrifying.

It didn’t take long for Xiao Yongqiang to come over, meet with Ye Chen, and then greet each other, and came to the door of Zhao Yingxuan’s villa again.

“Xiao Yongqiang is also here this time, and it will be lively.”

Chen Luo stood in front of the window and could see Xiao Yongqiang and Ye Chen at the gate of the villa.

“Do you want to let them eat a closed-door soup?”

Zhao Yingxuan walked to Chen Luo’s side and hugged Chen Luo’s arm.

“If they dare to break in, call the police and arrest them.”

“It’s not a big crime, what can you do if you catch it, Chunmei, you go and open the door and bring Xiao Yongqiang in.”

Chunmei and Xia Lan have returned.

Chunmei listened to Chen Luo and brought Xiao Yongqiang in, as for Ye Chen being shut out of the door and eating a closed-door soup.

Chen Luo just let Xiao Yongqiang in, but did not let Ye Chen in, at this time Ye Chen was looking at the villa courtyard with a twisted face.

Deliberately turning him away, was Chen Luo humiliating him?

Anyway, Ye Chen thought that Chen Luo was humiliating him, and his hatred for Chen Luo rose to a higher level again, but Chen Luo didn’t mind pulling Ye Chen’s hatred, anyway, he had already pulled Ye Chen’s hatred.

After Xiao Yongqiang came in, he asked in a straight and cold voice, “What about my daughter?” ”

“Xiao Dong’s tone is not so aggressive, please sit down and talk.”

Seeing Chen Luo’s posture as a master, Xiao Yongqiang’s expression couldn’t help but distort.

Although this villa is under the name of Zhao Yingxuan, he bought it at the beginning, and his liver hurts when he sees this pair of dog men and women.

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