Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 10 – Prologue Arc

I return home after fishing and watering the field with my body extra sore and my wounds healed.

I was able to get 4 fishes in total and 2 new types of them.

"Hello my beautiful daughter, where have you been?"

"Hey dad, I was fishing and watering the fields," I approach him and show him what I caught.

"Is that a bird? Did you hunt it? How?"

"Ah... The bird was actually an accident, I kind of threw the hoe to scare him away from digging my fields and it fell on him."

"Sorry for it, but it won't be wasted, can make a meat stew with it," dad smiles kindly at me.

I smile back as I feel reassured by his words.

"If you'd like while I rest a bit from work you can handle the fish and then we can go learn some magic."

"Sure!" I reply happily.

After an hour, I return to the living room sitting on the sofa next to dad.

"Rosaline come here a moment," dad shouts.

"I'm here Luke," she walks into the living room.

"Have a seat, Iris, we're now going to do a little test to see what element you possess."

Dad left then brought a cup of water and said," So Iris it is important to know that there are 4 basic elements.

"Four basic elements?"

"Yes daughter, they're known as Fire, Water, Earth, and Air."

"Basic elements... Does that mean there are other types? I questioned.

"There exists a couple of rare and unique elements as well, one of them being the one I have unique light element."

"Oh, so dad is a species in extinction!" My parents started laughing.

"Yes, you could say that my funny little daughter," dad patted my head while I smile happily.

Mother placed her hands in the cup of water and a thin aura of mana surrounded her hands embracing the cup.

I stare at it intensively as the water became bluer and bluer.

"Wow, such a pretty blue color mom, what does that mean?

My mother smiles and as she's about to reply, I say, "Is it perhaps water since it's bluer than it was before?"

"It certainly is my dear Iris; mother here has the basic water element and dad uses the unique light element."

'Water and light... Wondering if I'll get either of them.'

"I don't have a secondary element, however, I'm great with weapons, so I haven't really put much effort into magic as your dad did.

"Here give it a try," she smiles while pointing towards the cup.

"So, which of you is stronger?" I asked curiously.

Dad laughed and started rubbing his chin, "Well you see... Mother is far stronger than me.

Mom laughs at dad's reaction as he explained.

"I'm more of a stay far away healer kind of ex-adventurer," dad keeps on laughing embarrassed.

"Is it possible to have more than one main element?" I questioned.

"It's not impossible people usually inherit the elements from their parents, sometimes they even receive a new one."

"Rarely the elements combine with each other giving birth to a new one, " dad explained.

'That's a lot of possibilities...'

"Worst case you'll have only one element, in the best case you'll get 2 or 3," mother said.

"Well, there's also a usual rule for us humans, where we don't get to master opposite elements."

"Mastering opposite elements...?" I look confused at them.

"For example, how some monsters can both use water and fire," dad clarified.

"Oh okay, that makes sense."

"Monsters are capable of having a deeper understanding of magic than us as they use it from the moment they're born."

Upon hearing that dad added, "Demons, however, are a bit more similar to us elementally speaking..."

"In what way dad?"

"They usually don't master opposite elements; however, they have a lot more mana than us!"

"Is there anything special about having more mana?" I asked I have a decent amount of it

"Yes, a demon usually is able to put more mana into a spell making it stronger."

"That's quite useful..."

"For future reference, if you ever see a demon, don't hesitate to run," dad said with the most serious face I'd ever seen.

"How come?"

"Father here wouldn't want to see his cute daughter die."

I gulped.

"I'd definitely find and chase that demon even if I had to go to the deepest ends of the world to kill him," mother said with a scary face.

'They sure love me too much,' I smiled kindly to them.

"Well then here goes nothing!"

I placed my hands around the cup and I focus all my mana in the water inside while staring at it to find out its color.

As my mana flows through the water glass a cold aura starts surrounding me.

The water shape started to change slowly.

The mother who was sitting next to her husband started whispering to him a bit after the water started giving off a reaction.

Dad looked at her and heard her voice saying, "this cold aura is giving me chills honey."

Dad too started feeling cold from Iris's aura.

"It seems like our baby will be quite the ice mage in the future," dad said while his hands were shivering.

Notice: Element has been unlocked in status.

The water slowly froze on top of the glass leaving a thin crystal-clear layer, and as it did, I saw it...

I saw my reflection, and in it, a very evil, wicked, and terrifying smile from someone nostalgic to me resided.

The face that fills the small reflection inside of the cup gets slowly further away from me, without me moving and then the image stops moving.

'She looks really focused,' mom thought proudly.

I see the full body of a girl who extends her hand towards me and one of my hands moves on its own in response.

It leaves the cup and heads towards the water slowly as I lose myself in a trance.

Then my icy aura starts to change becoming darker creating an ominous aura.

Notice: Soul-bound has reacted. It has been unlocked in status skill.

As I'm about to hit my finger in the thin ice layer, I feel something stopping my arm or someone.

I look up and there he is, my father, he seems to be talking to me with a concerned face, but I can't hear him at all.

I feel drained, I think I used too much mana, I need to check my status and look at it.

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 1 | Experience 0/100

Fame: 0 | Disgrace: 420

Class: None

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 7 Years old

Health: 50/340 | Mana: 0/380

Status Points:1

Strength: 5 | Stamina: 34 | Agility: 22 | Dexterity: 24 | Intelligence: 20 | Wisdom: 38

Soul: 260

Titles: Reincarnated(F), Mana(E), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(F), Reader Series(F), Body Training(F), Animal Slayer(D), Fish Caught(D), Conserved Fish(S), Plowing Fields(C), Fish Type(C), Seed Type(C), Watering Field(S), Intermediate Reader(E), Fish Processed(E), Cooked Fish(E), Preyed Upon(F), Fish Spot(D), Fishing Series(D), Breaking Wire(S), Breaking Rods(S), Cheater (S), Farming Series(F), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S).

Skill Points: 2

Skills: Status level 25(E), System Library 5(F), Bleeding Resistance level 5(F).

Rare Element: Ice.


'Seems like my parents even went as far as to provide me with a rare element for magic, I'm truly grateful.'

I sit back placing my head on the sofa as I let my voice out," my mana and health have been mostly exhausted I feel so tired dad, mother."

"We were so worried," they said in unison, "wait your health!? Heal!" Luke shouted as he used a skill on Iris.

After a while, my health is fully recovered.

"So that's what happened, you overdid your mana usage, well sometimes when we overuse mana we use health in mana place, that's how some beasts and monsters use skills."

"We do forget you're still so young sometimes due to how mature you are baby," my mother said with a sad look on her face.

"We're such bad parents," my parents look at me with sad faces.

"Not at all Rosaline my dear mother, Luke my dear father, you're the best parents I could ask for, I... I love you both..."

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

"Can you take her to the bed honey?"

"Yes, of course."

Luke grabbed Iris and took her to bed, then he returned.

"Welcome back dear, say what do you think about what just happened? Rosaline showed a concerned and sad expression to Luke.

"That felt truly eerie I've never seen such compatibility between elements especially a rare one such as Ice and the unique element dark."

"It did feel incredibly powerful..."

"I've never heard of any human possessing a rare element with a unique element."

"I haven't either, just having one of each grade is already considered being very lucky."

A serious and pensive expression was shown on Luke's face.

"I know our daughter is very special from what you told me having 2 skills since birth, but even so that was something else entirely."

"What should we do honey?"

Luke thought then started speaking about what he studied in the past.

"I think that in the end exceptions are bound to appear."

"3 basic elements are considered normal or 2 basic and one rare/unique."

"Thinking like that having one of each grade doesn't sound bad right?"

"Yes, your right honey, but I'm not worried about her having a rare with a unique one, I'm worried about the unique being dark one."

"I know dear, the church hates demons, and they're known for using that element."

"There have been demons with light elements too..."

"Indeed Rosaline, the church needs to stop discriminating people the way they do."

Luke hugged Rosaline softly.


In times Goddess Aria had reincarnated and summoned random individuals from other worlds and granted them unique and blessed skills.

These allowed them to become strong in a short time.

Furthermore, if she summoned them, they'd be able to maintain their current body and age.

Especially so if she liked the appearances that they had in their former worlds.

This world currently consists of a large human kingdom called Lumen, but even all 10 million humans together only amount to 10% of the entire world population.

Aria Goddess is known for loving humans the most out of all the races.

She didn't help them expand to other territories or annihilate the other races.

In times of great crisis, she summoned these so-called heroes to help the two existent kingdoms.

In the end, these heroes would age and die, that way the balance between the different races in the world would remain.

There is a certain law that disables the goddess from meddling with the soul of a being once it has gone through the reincarnation portal.

There is more than one god thus there is also more than one reincarnation portal.

She ordered her servants to put the random souls that arrive directly in her portal as long as the souls came from the world of Artana.

Thus, Iris's soul went through without any meddling, in fact, upon going through the portal it received a boost from the system. 

In a failed attempt to break the contract between Iris and her other soul the link between them became stronger.

In Iris's case, due to the system failure, her soul got stronger, but this was only one of two consequences.

This fact would remain unaware to the Goddess Aria for a long time as souls kept pouring every day, and the servant forgot about it soon after what he did.


I leave my bed after sleeping for what feels like an eternity.

Outside it's raining.

Upon going through my room door, I head towards our kitchen.

"Good morning sleepyhead," my mom greets me with a smile.

"Good morning mom," I retribute the smile.

"Are you feeling better now my dear daughter?" She asks with a serious and concerned expression.

"Yes, mom I feel like I've recharged my mana, "I voice myself loudly and cheerfully so she doesn't worry.

"Good good, I'm glad honey, here come to sit next to me and eat some bread with butter."

Mother signaled me with her hand to sit in the chair next to her.

"Has dad gone to work already?"

"Yes, he had some important matters to deal with."


"Well, you see, about yesterday you..."

'Yesterday... Oh, right I discovered my element was Ice, but shouldn't she be happy about it?'

'It's supposed to be a good element, no?

"You see Iris, you may not have realized but yesterday when you were doing the test to see what element you had, you..."

"Yes?" I replied confused.

"You showed a different element than the ice one you initially showed us," mom said with a concerned expression.

'A different element? Didn't I just use Ice?'

"What are you talking about mom, I only used Ice," I laughed a little to cease her worries.

"No, you did not dear, in fact, we saw a different element in your aura even if it wasn't for a long time.

"Uh, what?"

"Dad said it was an element usually used by high-ranked demons the unique dark element."

'Dark element? Status open.'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 1 | Experience 0/100

Fame: 0 | Disgrace: 420

Class: None

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 7 Years old

Health: 340/340 | Mana: 380/390

Status Points:1

Strength: 5 | Stamina: 34 | Agility: 22 | Dexterity: 24 | Intelligence: 20 | Wisdom: 39

Soul: 260

Titles: Reincarnated(F), Mana(D), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(F), Reader Series(F), Body Training(F), Animal Slayer(D), Fish Caught(D), Conserved Fish(S), Plowing Fields(C), Fish Type(C), Seed Type(C), Watering Field(S), Intermediate Reader(E), Fish Processed(E), Cooked Fish(E), Preyed Upon(F), Fish Spot(D), Fishing Series(D), Breaking Wire(S), Breaking Rods(S), Cheater (S), Farming Series(F), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S).

Skill Points: 2

Skills: Status level 25(E), System Library 5(F), Bleeding Resistance level 5(F).

Rare Element: Ice.


'See I knew it, I don't have a dark element.'

"Mother... I really don't have the dark element, I only have the Ice element," I said with eyes brimming with confidence.

"But we saw it dear." Rosaline went deep into thought.

"I just checked my status and the only element I have there is Ice, I even received a title with the same name."

"I believe you daughter," she holds my hands.

"Maybe the reason my aura changed was that I lost health while having no more mana?"

"I don't think so baby girl, I suppose it is your second element just that you're not ready to use it."

"Well if that's the case I just have to get stronger, and in the end, it is my element the more the merrier right?"

"Yes, of course, just don't tell anyone you might have it, the church hates that element."

"The church?"

"The race they hate the most is demons, a lot of them use that element, and their god also has a big rivalry with goddess Aria."

"A rivalry between gods affects races?"

"It is a complicated matter, but yes."

'I figured from the stories I've read that our advantage was having the heroes summoned by the goddess Aria.'

'Yet if other races who are already stronger than our also have a god to support them as well then...'

"Mother, I'd like to become stronger and enter the adventurer guild or the magic institute or even the battle academia."

Rosaline looked at Iris with a serious expression.

"If the day comes where you can beat me in a duel then I'll allow you to attempt the adventurer guild entrance exam."

"The other two are very, very expensive, sadly we can't afford it."

"I understand," I get up from the table and then I sit again.

"I was about to go do some laps but I just remembered it's raining outside..."

Mother started laughing upon hearing my words losing the serious expression she had.

We spend the day cooking the fish and my mother teaches me how to pluck the bird feathers and cook it.

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