Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 103 – General Aurora Arc

Year 5009 after the system day 23 of the sun season during the night in the merchant association reunion room.

After a lot of objects moving in and out by the workers of the association, 21 seats were finally placed with a few tables making a big square enough for everyone to be able to take notes as the discussion would progress.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, it was on short notice, but I appreciate all of you coming here tonight, as the biggest deal yet will unfold with the help of everyone's amazing brains."

"What's all this about Ricardo? To go as far as to assemble every single one of the higher-ups of the association, that's unheard of!" Arnold shouted as he felt like their times were being wasted, and there was no opportunity valuable enough that would require all of them.

"Now now, calm down, it is still too early for that," he says while waving his hands downwards," sit everyone so I can start."

After everyone picking their seats Ricardo satisfied started talking," recently I went to explore the southern outposts created by the three royal successors, as such, I  confirmed the existence of one, in particular, the middle one, where a unique little girl of 9 years is currently in charge of the army, allow me to detail, it consists of 700 thousand men approximately."

"What!? A little kid is? What is the royalty family thinking? Isn't it too irresponsible of them to allow such a thing? Not even some adults have the mastery enough to do something as complex as managing an army much less leading one!" Abigail declared after pondering carefully pointing out the flaws she noticed in Ricardo's words.

"So the question is how does the little girl fare, I'm guessing she's the one we're going to do the main deal with?" 

"Yes, Nicolas that's exactly right, but despite her age, she's the real deal, recently she defeated 20 thousand goblin riders with 200 hundred casualties, it is unprecedented," Ricardo reported the war details in a way that his colleagues would be careful and serious towards this discussion of interests.

"That sounds impossible, how did she manage such a feat? There must have been some trick no? We're talking about a goblin rider here, they're easily the fastest and the most annoying types since in the end, it's like fighting two beats at the same time, they go as far as to take wild and ferocious animals," Abigail explains thoroughly as the general knowledge she possesses is wide, a trait that merchants, in general, try to possess as information is everything in such a job.

A different female voice spoke," with that particular fight alone, we can already confirm the merchandise of equipment from armors weapons, to animals, and of course the soul stone of at least 40 thousand."

"Yes lady Britney, at the minimum we'll have all that to handle though we can expect a bit more from the rest of the fights she waged," Ricardo added from the information he received from the talk he had with a few soldiers.

"Lady Aurora was it? The girl from the speech at the southern wall?"

"Yes Richard that's the one, in fact, I'll tell you all everything about my meeting with such a child," Ricardo spends a while telling them all the details while being encouraged by his wife as they listen to him silently.

"To think there was such a human... even among the noble families who are raised to think and feel superior to others..."

"You're absolutely correct lady Abigail, it is without a doubt an unprecedented case to which we must be extremely careful to not be on the loss, in fact, shouldn't we leave this to other merchants?"

"I disagree, Richard, now is the time to take the first step and get a good profit with war, after all, I don't think she'd know the prices or even the value of the coin, her head must be filled with war tactics given from her advisors, in fact, it wouldn't be weird if she's just being used by them and Prince Julius who is the very best in chess, a person with such an intellectual would be capable enough to pull out a trick like this, don't you think so everyone?"

"You do have a point, sir Nicolas, however, imagine you're wrong and the worst comes to be, are you willing to partake in your life for the sake of a deal? If that girl isn't gifted in warfare but in reality at everything related to managing an army then the economy would be something she had long learned, maybe the second thing they'd teach her."

"Richard advice also has some sense into it which we can't ignore even though I as a noble guarantee that noble kids don't get educated both in war and economy, however, if we were to assume Prince Julius himself educated a human girl since perhaps she's seven solely for the role she's in, it would make sense."

"Even if you say it like that Abigail she became a noble kind of recently, so I doubt that is the case, after all, peasants don't get educated if they do it's no more than reading and writing, and for those who whose parents have prior knowledge numbers and lowly etiquette, and that's already exceptional."

"Not saying your wrong lady Britney, however, first we should understand her origins, only then we'll be able to get a grasp on her knowledge and talents, seeing as Ricardo was there not that long ago, there's a chance she's being instructed about the economy right now, but market prices are something set for us aside of the undervalued goods of fast trades, so she wouldn't know about either, not forget she's ultimately a kid, there's only so much that can go into someone brain, be they blessed by the Saintess and goddess Aria or not."

"As much as I'd like to believe that Abigail after meeting her in person, I don't know to what extent that would fit her, especially since she was already an intellectual human before the blessing, it is known she beat Prince Julius in chess, we do not have certainty that with the blessing her intellectual simply didn't rise to a higher height."

"I understand that you feel fearful after what happened Ricardo, in your place, I believe that only someone insane wouldn't be, still we can't simply give her an easy cheap deal, I feel like a decent proposition where neither side loses anything would be the best, after all, they're the ones risking their lives to keep our families safe, be it how it may be, if they are on the loss side economically and that makes them lack in provisions it's only a matter of time till the army falls, after all, you mentioned 700 thousand, just on lady Aurora side, it is too many mouths to feed, to not forget that if they do well we'll win in honor, some money, and have safe merchant routes all the way to the new lands the future may bring if they expand, kind of a gamble, but if Ricardo judges her that highly I find it worth to gamble," Chelsea said taking Aurora side after thinking properly in the best-case scenario for mutually benefit.

Upon hearing the peasant Chelsea words, one of the few in the merchant association with a leadership role, Ricardo spoke," in that case, I'm sure you wouldn't mind taking responsibility for such words, and handle that affair from here onwards, gaining the biggest share of the deal if it's successful, as well as the biggest loss if it's not."

"Very well, I Chelsea shall sign the responsibility contract and bring this association to a higher standard if I win the gamble, then I'll take your title as the association leader Ricardo."

With a cold tone, he replied," Oh? Then in the case you lose, you shall become my slave to pay off the debt we'll have along with everything you own becoming mine, and by all means, let me remind that it'll be forever." He grinned, knowing that it was too good to pass.

"Very well, if you want to go that far then I'll have the same done with you as the profit can also be worth your share of the association," upon such words Arnold bumped the table with a fist and shouted," now that's what I'm talking about, don't be a coward again Ricardo," he started laughing, knowing from the story with Aurora that he most likely had shit his pants making him say," very well, I'll give my position to you along with 50% of my wealth which is already double of what you have."

"Fair enough, I'll take that deal," they shake hands and proceed to sign a contract that is passed by every leader making them witnesses.


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