Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 107 – General Aurora Arc

Year 5009 after the system day 41 of the sun season goblin kingdom during the night when Grazta returned.

As Grazta walked through hundreds of goblins, he found a peculiar one sitting next to a tree with its back laid on it, fully clad in black armor except the head with a big ax next to it.

Upon arriving in front of him he said," that blondie isn't the one you seek, but she knew about the incident, so your son was most likely killed by her mother who is probably blonde too."

"Why would you believe a human, old shaman Grazta, it could be lying to keep its life intact."

"That human doesn't need to lie for that goblin lord Zrix, the little girl was truly strong, blessed by the unique dark element, and you know how unlikely it is to have a rare ice one and unique element mixed in."

As soon as he heard those words the goblin stared at the shaman, lifting the head who had been looking to his feet and staff till now.

"Was the girl truly that strong?" He asked filled with curiosity as it could become a secondary target once he dealt with the culprit.

"Her darkness swallowed my light whole forcing me to back away," he griped the staff fiercely.

"Are you magically weak Grazta?" Zrix asks curiously as he didn't expect a shaman to lose a fight in mana, however, knowing he's not an offense type of class despite being able to fight and having a few skills for it, the expectations were high as the Lord remembered the old man shaman who died along with the goblin warlord, and that one mana pressure was terrific.

"I used to find myself a capable shaman in the arts of light, but after meeting her I don't think so anymore, allow me to show you the brilliance that girl Aurora devoured," the old man hit the staff on the floor and spent all the mana inside of him converting it to light, illuminating the entire area around grabbing every goblin attention including Zrix, who was feeling the pressure from the aura.

"It is strong, you are not weak Grazta," Zrix said while feeling the pressure of the aura and the warmth of the light in front of him.

"That Aurora girl possibly the daughter of the one who killed your son has at least double this mana, 10 thousand which is insane for someone who is as young as her to have," he expired all his air relaxing the mind making the light vanish as if it never appeared allowing the darkness to once again embrace the surroundings.

"So her mother is an ice mage likely talented, it seems I have to get even stronger," Zrix got up while picking the ax, and went into the darkness of the forest for prey to fight towards the orc kingdom.

"You have till the day the curse of your liege gets released to handle that business you have with that human called Iris."

"Yes, I'll train for a long time, and then I'll come for her to avenge my son."

'With this matter sorted out, it is time to report to the goblin king Vrag about everything I saw, and tell him to spread the word related to finding the menace of the goddess Luna, that cheeky pesky yet talented in mana human girl called Aurora, once the other goblin kingdoms hear about it, I'm sure they'll be more likely to join forces with my queen, perhaps I'll save this information for my queen ears alone.'

Some time passes and he finds himself in the presence of Vrag and a few others who all look extremely powerful including Gigantos.

A few sitting on the ground while Gigantos is seen sitting against a stone pillar and Vrag on his stone throne.

Upon noticing his presence Vrag says," what news do you have bright goblin from my sister?"

As soon as he heard the way the king called he laughed finding it rather amusing and clever," well I suppose you meant both bright of brilliance and bright of smartness seeing as I have a bit of both."

The goblin king started laughing realizing his own joke with the explanation of Grazta making the others around join in.

"So how did the negotiations with whoever their leader is worked out?"

"They were rather interesting if I may say so, oh great king."

"What do you mean?" He asks rather curious about his report.

"I believe they will keep bugging us, but have no interest in going all in, so we can expect small fights against them which we can use to reduce their numbers, as for their leader, he wasn't there, apparently this prince Julius human, left the command of the entire army to a blonde little girl called Aurora, who has these very cold and menacing light blue eyes."

"A small girl? You mean like a very young little goblin?" 

"Yes king Vrag, she's barely 10 red moons, but was abnormally smart, so I believe the brain is quite good."

"Maybe she's part of those heroes from the filthy goddess Aria."

"Vrag!" He shouted angrily at him despite being below in ranks, for insulting the superior being as it could bring a bad omen, being showered by the glares of the elites around him.

"Fine I get it, but if it wasn't for her keeping summoning those things, the humans would've long lost, the longer we take to conquer them the stronger the other kingdoms around the rest of the world will grow in size and strength."

"You're certainly not wrong on that king Vrag, for now, I'll do what I can to increase our defenses, and fend the attacks off as we wait for the curse to finally disappear."

"Good, you can use anyone you see fit and order them around, it'll be a battle against time for our sure victory to pay off as the hero who cursed me is dead," he smiled in an evil way satisfied for having lived so long, enough to deliver revenge even if a passive one.

"I'll do my best against that human child Aurora, though I very much doubt we'd lose against her in the end, including marching our entire race against her would surely grant us a victory."

"Giganto wants to eat humans, tiny bodies good dieting," he started laughing loudly while slapping lightly the big green belly.

"If Giganto participates in the war along with the other 9, you will surely be able to eat your fill and beyond that."

Upon hearing those words Giganto started drooling a lot, causing a dripping sound to happen beneath his head towards the ground.

"Goblin king, and shaman Grazta, I've been thinking about how the humans are using this young human girl to wage war against us, aren't they just taking us lightly? Provoking us with an incompetent kid who doesn't know a thing about war?"

"What do you suggest goblin warlord Gablina?" The king questions one of his guards appreciating the view.

"The army they have now compared to the one hundred years ago how is it like?"

"Back then they had 800 thousand human heads along with a very annoying hero," the king says then spits on the ground for complimenting the enemy who cursed him.

"The number they have now shouldn't compare to back then, plus they no longer have those tall stone walls surrounding their capital which will make things a lot easier to assault them in a full war scale as they're in the open fields."

"So you're thinking of waging an all-out war before the king curse release Gablina?" The old shaman asked curiously in a neutral tone.

"Yes, I feel like they wouldn't be expecting such a surprise attack and unlike them, we naturally have the night vision skill, so surely we would have a greater advantage than them."

The king started laughing madly and then once the laughter stopped he spoke," what do you think old goblin?"

"That does not sound like a bad plan all in all, however, if we were to fail how would we recover from such an attack?"

"Well since you also find it good then, that'll be up to you to make sure we don't fail," the king started laughing making the shaman nervous.

'You better not blame me if it doesn't work, in fact, I should think on how to make it work, and how to escape if it doesn't, but first, the right thing to do is...'

"I don't think that's a good tactic king Vrag, I'd advise sticking to defense instead to avoid losing our army to the enemy forces while you recover," he sighs softly feeling upset deep inside at the randomness of this idea was.

"Hey, we're not weak and surely not cowards either!" Gablina shouted while getting up making her big pair of boobs being held with a small piece of clothing bounce rather aggressively making the king feel lustful and speaking loudly without taking his eyes from the female chest," yes, that's right, we can surely do it!"

"Ugh..." With a dissatisfied expression, the shaman bowed giving up, and left to plan everything the way the king commanded as he had to ultimately follow orders, whatever they might be.

'If this kingdom perishes due to a big pair of boobs I'll be truly disappointed, not like I can't understand the reasoning behind it, and despite everything, a surprise attack is a very bold and aggressive tactic that could easily grant us a quick victory, but even then it's far too risky.

Upon taking a glance at the night sky reminding himself of the darkness of the girl's aura, he thought further to himself.

'I wonder how to surprise that little girl who acted rather confident... perhaps such confidence will be her downfall...'


Year 5009 after the system day 60 of the sun season during the morning in the tent of Aurora.

With a cute smile, the teacher said, "now Momo if they dive in the middle of our army what's the correct tactic to go for?"

The young girl enjoying learning replies," we must pincer them from both sides to cage the army leaving only their rear open so they can escape turning their backs to us becoming easier targets."

Aurora patted her hair as praise," good girl you're becoming better fast, soon you'll turn into the best general of humanity, but it is fine if our own retreats slightly so they're forced to go even deeper, don't forget it, since it could increase the survival rate of more men."

She smiled proudly at such a compliment and then said," I'd love to learn how to counter a surprise attack next teacher Aurora."

"How come?" She asks rather curious from the sudden request.

"My skill is whispering to me that we may receive one in the far future."

A big smile appeared on Aurora's expression as she realized that teaching her and making use of this girl had just now paid off.

"Did your skill also tell you the numbers of the enemies?"

"No, it's generally only what may or may not happen, and it has to exist an evil intention towards me, so in this case, since I'm part of the army, I was able to receive information that I wouldn't otherwise, but even then I don't know when it'll happen and the intention might change as it is not a prophetic type of skill like the Saintess one."

"In other words, that meeting with the goblin shaman was a distraction and a bluff, they made us think they didn't want to fight, but in reality... To prepare such a surprise attack against this many men they would need their entire army to come forth, but that would be too noisy so they wouldn't be able to wear armor to become light..." An evil grin surged into Aurora's expression causing Momo to panic slightly.

"If I were to attack you with a million armorless goblins during the night how would you fight back student Momo?"

Relaxing from her question, as the killing intent wasn't directed at her, she started thinking with all the knowledge received and taught by the teacher so far, and after a while, she comes up with a plan.

"If it was me, I would prepare a few traps alerting us of their approach, maybe some wires connected to some bells could be loud enough, which would give time for the troops to gather at the wall, for one or two, perhaps three volleys of arrows, since they'd come in a big wave altogether most likely, then finally we'd defend the top of the walls and wait for the gate to breach, which might not take that long depending on their strength."

"Sounds like a fun plan Momo worthy of losing a great part of the army, but nonetheless would work to some extent possibly granting us a victory," she chuckled happily knowing that Momo was learning fast but still had a long way to go as she wasn't being creative enough.

"How would you do it... general Aurora?" Momo asks with a smile and a curious expression wanting to further deepen her knowledge in the art of war.

"They are ultimately beasts, so that's what we'll use against them, by making one more gate tricking them to wanting to open all of them, so they're able to pour in more troops in one go, and on our side, inside the outpost, we'll make a gigantic trap, I'll then stand in the middle of them covering both gates with my element making them fall for it."

"You mean like a deep and large pitfall similar to the one used against the goblin raiders?"

"Yes, just this time around in a trickier way as they won't be able to see anything till it's too late, and with the excitement of having opened the gate they'll most likely fall into their deaths or even be pushed by their own allies since if they don't move the archers and mages on top of the wall will bring them to their deaths."

"What if they go around the outpost walls as they are not extended endlessly?"

"That would put them between our army wings and the other 2 armies, that's easily the worst-case scenario for them."

"If they try it'll most likely be a front assault during the night while we are all mostly asleep and tired."

"I guess that even without the whispering of my skill, you already anticipated such an attack to some extent, haven't you general?"

"Was it that obvious?" Aurora smiled kindly to her and got up grabbing a white paper from a different table returning shortly close to Momo, then she started drawing in it.

"Those lines I guess they're the wall?"

"Yes, the wall has a few holes at the top where we'll pour down poison, paralyzing, and oil among other liquids, and then use fire mages to ignite them so they explode, and spread it through the air reaching more enemies, something I took inspiration from my little sister Iris."

"That will surely delay their approach to the gate, I'm surprised the humans from back then only used big stones and arrows when the enemies attempted to climb their walls."

"Well, I'm here to take the humans to a higher height of war be it attacking or defending."

Upon hearing that Momo nodded lightly in accordance.

"If it's true they have giants how will we be handling them?"

"If they have a thousand of them we won't, we'll shoot arrows and magic and then retreat to the capital walls, in those it will be an easier fight, if it's less than a hundred of them, the men will focus all their power to bring them down, and when they fall we'll be sure to win, as the healers will be able to support the soldiers against the normal goblins, even if we get outnumbered they won't have room to use that advantage inside the walls, especially since they might not even get past the gates."

"Wouldn't a giant use himself to become a bridge perhaps? He could also make a big hole on the wall!"

"Don't worry, these two holes we'll spend the entire moon season making them even a giant will have trouble coming out of it unharmed, and if a hole is made we'll have to kill the giant and repair it with earth and nature mages."

"That does sound deep, if a giant were to fall it would possibly fill the entire hole on his own."

"At least fifteen meters, since the river isn't that far away there's a chance water runs below it, in which case, if we end up finding water in those two holes, we'll gather thunder mages and poison types to enhance the trap."

"Poison mixed with water I understand, but why the thunder element?"

"Water is a good conductor to thunder, like how wood is a good material for fire to propagate in, it would make their bodies go numb."

"If that's how it works then it could be even better than pitfalls."

Staring at Momo while thinking about her talent and potential she could achieve in some years under her teaching.

'This girl will surely pose a threat to me in the future if she grows too much, but that also means she'll become my greatest asset, as long as humans are on my side, everything will stay fine.'

"Don't you agree teacher?" Momo asks with a kind and curious expression since Aurora had been quiet for a while now thinking.

"Yes, of course, watching the goblins drowning sounds fun too, but sadly they would use the floating bodies as step stones so a pitfall is overall a better idea."

"Oh... I understand then in that case we'll have to dig those holes wide and deep."

'If something happens where I'll be forced to wage war against this kid, she will have to die or be brainwashed by Iris, before Momo outgrows me thanks to her photographic memory which is equivalent to mine, but most importantly that whisper of her that allows escaping danger, and of course my own teachings.'

They smile happily at one another as they keep on planning their defense for the rest of the day, eventually joining it with the rest of the leaders.

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