Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 109 – General Aurora Arc

Year 5009 after the system day 62 of the sun season southeast outpost inside the tent of the generals.

"Shit, we're getting further and further behind Aurora's achievements, if this keeps on, my brother will become the king, can't you two think of better strategies? We were even able to raise the number of our army, in part thanks to that slave of Julius," Prince Marty voiced rather upset as the situation for them had been rather bad killing goblins and orcs every so often, but never in a great quantity, always outnumbering them awarding the humans with easy wins.

"Not to forget that the soldiers we got aren't educated enough to do anything worthwhile, they are disobedient and don't respect the order we input, it has been a pain in the ass since they all think they're some special shits," the head of the red rose family Francis declared rather frustrated.

"They would do a lot better if actual enemies dared to put their lives in danger, we've been wasting resources and it doesn't come at a cheap price, I hate to admit it, but we must've followed the information general Aurora shared with us," the head of the black rose family declared regretting it deeply.

"It's all due to that do it who is too young to even be a whore, even less to be in the post where she's at, how the hell is Aurora able to lead such a huge army on her own?" Marty slammed the table angrily making some papers fly randomly, mostly to the ground.

"She has the backing of Ryu, the old man Mark, along with Zylph and Alfred, perhaps one of them is instructing her with the necessary knowledge to do so, it wouldn't make sense otherwise seeing as she's so young," Charles said after analyzing some of the information they had on them.

"From our spies reports the tactics they used don't belong to any book not even Ryu innovation ways, those traps, luring and tricking the enemies as if they're walking in the palms of her hand, could only be done by a tactician, her style is absolutely irregular and yet extremely effective," an old king advisor Bernard mentioned with having some war experience.

"What do you suggest newcomer?" Marty asked with a menacing tone as he would do anything to best his siblings.

"Well, we still have time to do what the girl asked us to do while learning with her waiting for a chance to outdo her, I believe that's the reason your sister Liliana accepted to teamwork with them," the old man Bernard said calmly, used to dealing with the old king who had quite an attitude when he was younger, in a way son and father were pretty much the shape of each other, perhaps younger version of the late ruler.

"Fuck!" He slammed the table again with more strength causing the ink to fall dyeing a bit of the table and the ground in black.

"Another option would be to wage war against the orcs, but I don't advise that, if anything finding a way to make use of them against the four goblin kingdoms, would in a long term be more beneficial, and after defeating them, we could backstab them getting both territories," Charles said calmly while scratching the curly black beard underneath the chin.

"That could align with the latest letter and request from Aurora," Marty places a letter on the table in a place without ink to not dirty it, whereas Charles proceeds to take a look along with Bernard. 

After both taking a while to read the information given by Aurora they start sweating almost at the same time.

"A thousand goblin giants!? Level 114 goblin king!? A goblin lord was born? Just what in the hell is this insane report?"

"Apparently a goblin envoy dropped by Julius outpost to discuss terms, it seems their loss made them respect Aurora as... a worthy opponent I suppose," Marty said in a cold tone rather disgusted by the name, and even more so every time it was referred.

"She also tortured goblins and dogged information from them, there's four kingdoms and at least this one at the center, in the middle of the rest is the likely piece of terrain that could facilitate human expansion since it would stretch out supply line and give us a territorial advantage, but it could easily be destroyed by the other five if they so decided, in other words, she wants an alliance with those who are not goblins to avoid that."

"To achieve that we'll have to play quite the dirty task..." Bernard added feeling rather interested in the girl.

"I'll leave this plane to the head of the green rose family as their family can sneak on some orcs without being seen, afterward I'll ask some assassins to do the rest."

"Understood Prince Marty, as for the supplies... How should we go about them?"

"Just do whatever the girl suggested and tell the men to spend every time on it, so we're able to catch up to them."

"Understood, also if I may suggest a way to tackle the disobedience of the soldiers, I'd start delivering punishments to them like your father once did, 10 whips should do the trick, and make a fellow soldier do it to one another, that way they'll see each other as rivals and will enforce order among each other, as everyone will be wary."

"That does sound interesting, alright let's attempt that for now, I'll make a squad of soldiers to enforce the law around, and if they attempt to abuse the power they'll receive double the punishment."

"As you command Prince."

"Say, newcomer, what would you suggest related to that Aurora girl? There's certainly a way to outdo her in some way no?"

"That would depend on the freedom your highness allows this one to think."

"Well, in that case, I'll give you infinite freedom under my royal name."

The old man smiles lightly and starts whispering some ideas to him.

Year 5009 after the system day 64 of the sun season southeast outpost inside the tent of the princess.

"It has been quite an auspicious debut towards this thing they call war."

"You're certainly doing a great job at it, princess Liliana."

"Oh my thank you, Angelica, it has been quite fun with all the people seeking my hand, both men and women alike, it seems to be part of the royalty really do make peasants and nobles alike stupid."

Ange starts laughing hearing their conversation and then says," even if they get to marry the princess according to the law only one with royal blood can rule, so they would be nothing more nothing less than an adornment to the princess."

The prince smiles and then says," well it cannot be helpt, but like my father used to say if people want to be used, we shall utilize them fully."

"By the way princess, we're starting to capture a lot of goblins and kobolds, what should we feed them with before using that special plan?"

"Wasting food on beasts? Let them eat each other," she laughed wickedly slightly startling the other two.

"As you command princess."

"I would really like to have a reunion with my brothers and their generals, do send everyone a message, we can all meet in the middle outpost, and have a long conversation about everyone's achievements, since we'll have to report them to the queen by signing it with every sibling royal seal."

"Ange handle that, and deliver the letters to both places, if anyone bothers you kill them."

"Alright mother," the daughter replies in a bored tone then remembering something amusing she adds," guess I'll go pay a visit to Alicia, there was a very interesting light during our duel, I'm rather curious about what trick that was."

"Wasn't that the light of a hero being chosen?" Princess Liliana who was watching questioned curiously.

"She was wielding the sword of the first hero, however, there were others, and way stronger men and women than her, but only she received it, yet I don't know why."

"That does make sense, you two had some rivalry since young, and she ended up beating you after so long."

"I will take that one as a draw mother, we ended up both fainting, and I recovered faster while receiving fewer injuries apparently."

The princess feeling left out of the discussion decided to add a note, "if both weapons were equal I believe Ange would've won, after all, Alicia was using the hero blue sword, it is incomparable to any other."

Upon hearing such words Ange said," I truly wouldn't mind having a hammer-like that."

To her wish, the princess entered a state of trance almost like receiving a new piece for her puzzle.

A little while goes by and the princess upon waking up says," perhaps you might find a weapon of that grade as the sword isn't the only one the goddess Aria summoned, now go deliver my message, I've added your request to my skill in time you might be lucky."

With a smile, she left walking away joyfully hoping to receive something worthy of her smashing talent.

"Really can't help but envy that skill princess Liliana, you could become quite a tactician if you tried," Angelica said while placing her elbow on the table then the head on top of the hand with a tired expression.

"If I didn't end up in a trance which would delay all my orders during a war it would be perfect, but sadly all good things come with consequences, a lot of them even."

"The headaches again?"

"Yes, not to forget how my personality gets a little twisted, freaking cursed skill..." Liliana gets up and heads towards the exit.

"I'll escort you to the wagon."

"Thank you lady Angelica as always, never know when a silly person may attempt to jump on the poor me."

"That's true," they chuckle together, and then she continues speaking," I'm assuming you haven't given up on obtaining Aurora correct?"

With a vicious look she faces Angelica scaring her a bit," but of course, she's the key for my ascension, I will have her no matter the cost, one way or another."

"Perhaps you could plan something with Zylph, the man with enough money or products will do anything."

"Products?" She makes an innocent confused expression.

"Boys, girls, teens, adults... toys... sex ones... even beasts and monsters from what I've heard from someone that knows his exquisite and exotic tastes."

"Disgusting, but do contact him discretely if he's useful then we'll compensate with money, children are off the equation, ugh just thinking about it, makes me want to throw up."

"Apologies princess, I'll refrain from commenting on such themes in the future, I'll ask a capable person to deliver him a message."

"Thank you, let's go, I need fresh air, and some cold water or even ice for these headaches that just became worse." 

"Understood, I'll attend to your needs," they walk outside together preparing for the future.

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