Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 115 – General Aurora Arc

Year 5009 after the system day 15 of the moon season at Lumen kingdom castle throne room.

On a throne made of gold, the queen could be found seated in a long red dress with stripes of black. Around her, the butlers and maids were serving drinks in glass cups to the guests, close to 100 nobles could be seen chattering with one another, and from time to time they would go close the walls and the windows, where long tables with luxurious food could be found.

The Nobles of today were the most important ones in the kingdom, being the owners of practically the entirety of the territories of Lumen.

From the entrance to the throne a blue long carpet stretching all the way to the throne could be found, the one where Aurora would have to walk and stop close by to the first stair, as there were three of them, that distanced the throne area from the rest of the floor in height and space.

For the windows that were closed, one could find blue curtains with sword figures mimicking the humans flag pointing upward, after all, in the entirety of the castle this was the most important place, the one and only where the most influential ceremonies would generally happen.

A butler approached the seated one on the throne and with a low tone while bowing spoke, "My queen all guests have arrived, including the blonde victim of tonight who is waiting outside with Prince Julius."

"Call her in," the queen said loudly for everyone to hear, making all the voices extinguish themselves, the great doors then started opening by the royal guards as the butler gave the signal by waving his hand.

From the entrance a man in a blue fancy attire could be seen, next to a girl wearing a long dark blue dress that didn't match her age, making her look stunning and mature.

"You may approach," queen Lily spoke and Aurora and Julius walked together stopping close to a meter of the first staircase stone step, afterward the queen raised from the throne, and everyone around bowed their heads.

The queen looked around briefly and then said," it was a very complicated choice bringing you here today general Aurora as your army refers to you, an honorary noble such as yourself, a child of men. The room where you stand is not a place for the common to be, the only exception ever made was conveyed to the peasant's hero, who dignified herself battle after battle destroying the enemies of humanity, very much like you've been, and by all means, at a greater pace than she had," the woman takes some moments to regain her breathe. 

"I too was present the day my children made their speeches and surprised I was, when a child so young, so small, and so frail-looking, stood in my eldest place when the moment came as I heard the most unique speech ever. I could not believe my ears, I was later told that it had been written by the blonde girl herself. It truly made my heart pound heavier, and now ladies and gentlemen, nobles of a thousand families of Lumen, raise your heads and look at the lady of that day," everyone focused their gazes at Aurora while she and the Prince remained bowing, and for a while, the queen took some time to regain her breathe while preparing the next section of her speech.

"It is both with a burden and with a relieve that I've summoned you, honorary noble, general, and lady Aurora, to the throne room. Where the entirety of the royal family has passed through to concede a conflictual title upon your name."

The queen stretched her arms to the sides and said," I had to go as far as to research the entire story of the human kingdom, whereas it is saved all the great and almighty titles ever bestowed to fellow humans, and even those that have never been used before."

She makes a praying posture without bending or kneeling, only using her arms and hands while explaining," it came to my ears that you're not only a great general, but also that you were able to show our ancient religion under the watch of that man over there, the pope. The resolution that was necessary to enforce the rightful solution towards one of the most arduous conflicts of our race. Turning the entirety of the black robes to be part of the Prince Julius banner. Thanks to that, the criminality rate inside the capital has come close to non-existent," the noblemen did not remove their eyes from Aurora as they no longer couldn't, some sweating and others surprised about the queen words. Easily the most beautiful compliment that a royal member ever gave to a peasant.

"If that wasn't glorious enough to grant you a title like a pacifist one from the records, that was but the tip of the iceberg. From the shadows, you've also been taking a great blow at the economy of our kingdom with the help of my eldest son and the merchant association. Increasing the importance, numbers, and of course strength of the human army with a significant record of a million soldiers, and close to 50 thousand horses who are on their way for a cheaper price than usual, thanks to good connections, in other words, gentlemen, one-tenth of the human race now stands on those tiny shoulders."

Zylph upon hearing the last part clenched his fist as there was no mention of him being the leader of the cavalry which princess Liliana and general Angelica took notice of, both laughing inwards and having a fake pity for him.

"These numbers are at the very least prodigious, since the charisma necessary to achieve this and having the full respect of the men around you as a child. It truly weights on this queen shoulders, as a title for such feats really does require something tremendous, yet the main reason you were brought here today, was due to the last great fight you led against the goblins, losing... a big number of thirty thousand soldiers, which by no means is a low amount. But what exceed such losses was to slay three hundred thousand goblins in exchange, three hundred thousands!" Some of the men around let out a whistle or a sound of surprise, having a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

"So as you can see gentlemen, this is the result of the idealism of my eldest son Julius, whom as a mother I'm greatly proud of, as the humanist that he is, allowing a young peasant like this one to rise," she stares at him while speaking making him raise his head with a smile.

"You honor me with such words, queen Lily, I'm truly grateful for them my dear mother," with a slight nod she then stares at Aurora from bottom to top evaluating the choice of clothes and then continues," child, from this day onwards you will become the future general of the future king, as you are blessed by the goddess Aria and our most beautiful Saintess," upon hearing those words Serenity and the pope bow deeply faced towards the queen.

"This way you shall be allowed to lead the army to your heart content, and I'll be able to show humanity that my choice in believing in you was the wisest. From this day onwards you are forever entitled as the divine general." 

A butler approaches the queen with a black box, and from within the queen removes a single golden ring with a blue gem in a sword shape on it, and takes two steps downwards calling to her.

"You may rise divine general, and you must wear this ring till the day you die, may your life bring humanity the hope we seek from ancient times, that my dear, shall be the divine mission, you have been entrusted with."

Aurora raises her right hand delicately and the queen places the ring on her thumb while smiling, as the other fingers are too short, since in the end, she's still a child and the ring doesn't have the same ability the rose ones do.

"Thank you for this honor, your grace," Aurora flawlessly bows while lifting her dress.

'Impressive, so young and so talented, surely Marty could learn a couple of things with this girl,' she glares at him despite loving that child the most.

Aurora noticing the gaze, the familiar emotion, and the person it was directed to she smiles softly and then voices out the sweet poison.

"I'll do my best so that the next successor, be he one of the prince's or even the princess to not have to worry about war, granting he or her, eternal comfortable life on the throne. That's the minimum I'll do for the blessing the queen has given me today," she stares directly into Lily's eyes seeing how satisfied of an expression the queen makes from such words.

The queen then looks above her and says," may the celebration begin, at the end of the party I'll want a private conversation with you three."

Without the need to specify who they are, the children lightly bowed at her, and everyone began drinking, chatting, and eating.

"Go stretch that neck a bit Aurora, you stood an awfully long time bowing, and feel free to meet the other nobles."

"Alright, Prince Julius, I'll be around," she smiles kindly and they separate from each other.

'She truly had quite the information network, one truly can't be too careful with Isabella lackeys... It really was a long speech, wish she could have made a simpler one my neck was totally killing me, even though it truly wasn't,' Aurora smiles due to silly thoughts.

'After all that talking it would be natural to be filled with people wanting to talk with me, but with this ring, it closed any possible way to have any sort of negotiations. It was a bold move that I didn't expect a human to make, it's not often I meet a very smart human.'

'Since I'm here might as well try the food, and tell about it to Iris when I can to have her feel jealous. A fine punishment for making me do all this work for her, it sounds like a great atonement indeed,' Aurora could be seen smiling in a cute way towards some desserts.

Once she got close to a white cake with strawberries on top she thought,' I wonder how delicious sister would say this is, if she got to try this cake, maybe would try to eat all of it, ending up with a stomach ache.'

"You seem to be having fun Aurora despite being alone," a feminine voice approached from her right side together with the sound of something touching a fellow plate.

'No honorifics? I'm not lower than a rose head at this point...' Aurora looks to the side and discovers the face of a beautiful mature woman worthy enough to be drawn in a painting.

"Greeting princess Liliana, I believe this is the first time talking face to face."

The princess takes a bite of a piece of the lemon cake blushing while savoring it," this is truly good, easily my favorite cake!"

Aurora who doesn't get startled easily becomes surprised as she imagined a similar expression and words coming out of Iris.

"You seem to be having fun yourself princess," Aurora smiled childishly to what the woman replies," it is on rare times like these where I get to relax and don't think about anything, take another slice and meet me at that other room in the middle, I'll tell the guards I invited you," she walks off after grabbing another slice of the lemon cake.

"Sure," Aurora replies with a big smile,' now to discover if this woman can be of any use.'

Enjoy the madness.

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