Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 125 – Training Arc

After staring at each other for a while Omar started the explanation," It all started a long time ago a bit after the system was implemented when a twin of the Saintess who inherited a cursed version of the blessed skill oracle appeared, the one given by Aria which is the one passed down through every generation granting them visions through dreams along with a couple of celestial visions from the goddess herself. The other one, however, causes the user to grant riddles to others about the future as well, this was then interpreted by the church from back then as a specific disgraceful class user getting much stronger powers than usual, this would one day bring the destruction of this world through a pandemonium which we aligned in a way to the god of chaos Lute, speaking of which, for your question earlier what we know is that the god of evil Hathus is able to help beings awaken, usually used on demons, the gender-shifter god or goddess of chaos Lute, is able to do probably whatever it pleases, we've got ancient records of random things changing through the thousands of years. One of them being the ruins close to Astia village, these things were most likely produced by him, and we've found a few more in other places also sealed."

"I've ventured through that one, but there were only monsters like slimes, skeletons, and zombies, they were pretty strong, but the barrier doesn't allow them to go outside, so it's safe, for now at least, there's a chance those seals will one day break upon the god of chaos command and make the world filled with monsters," I explain calmly from the little knowledge I have about it.

"Nothing remains sealed forever that is common knowledge unless there's someone that is capable of creating god-level ones."

"Yes Ray, since it was the god itself, he could easily release or undo them when it fits, unless they take a certain amount of time to do so due to how powerful they are."

I look at both with a kind smile as they're starting to talk with one another with less awkwardness remaining silent.

"Next on the list would still be the god of chaos who is known to be able to allow monsters to become stronger through godly levels of transformation raising their tier, it is known that the red dragon in the north is no less than a tier 7 monster, where the goblin king would be around 3, but beasts like him work differently and under the goddess of order Luna alone, through what its called evolution, an example would be how their type changes, from for example normal goblin, to warrior type, granting them a class and the body to improve, while our human race doesn't evolve, awaken, or transform, however, we are able to get any class a little earlier than them, but ultimately they can become stronger than us, especially monsters, demons would most likely be the second strongest in this world."

I take my seat again upon finishing washing the dishes and waiting for them to dry to store them back while feeling fascinated with the conversation.

"How do you think demons awaken Omar?"

"From the information, we gathered from a lot of encounters with them to torturing experiments we do have enough, there are four types known, low-demons, high-demons, lords, and then kings, which is a similar system to the beasts one just through a different method."

"Goblin king, and the different soldiers below it, but I've never heard of a goblin lord before, we can assume it exists then."

"Yes, we can assume any class that we humans can get, may appear in the enemy races side as either evolution, transformation or awakening."

"Your sister will have a rough path ahead of her then," Ray looks at me while rubbing his white beard.

"I believe in her, and she's pretty intelligent, I'm sure this information is already within her expectation."

"As to be expected of a peerless general," Omar smiles under the black mask that covers all the way to the eyes.

"Speaking of gods, is there any information related to why they are at war?" They look at each other nodding in disagreement.

"Something I'll have to find out eventually then, but at least I've got to know more about them, thank you both."

"Anytime blondie, you should get some rest, tomorrow there's another daily dose of training waiting for you."

"I'll be taking my leave, Ray, Iris," Omar gets up from the chair and before disappearing," thank you for the meal," he vanishes.

"You're welcome! Alright, teacher, I'll go to my room and sleep, see you tomorrow!"

"Too bad he left, might've shared a drink with that annoying assassin," he grabs a bottle and a small cup pouring some of it in it then getting himself slowly wasted while I walk to my room.

'Can't say drinking will get him killed since he's already quite old and is still alive,' I smile faintly reaching the door of the room opening it, and going inside.

'Mirror,' once it appears I go inside of it, after some steps I find Anastasia laying on the ground looking at the sky with a small pile of white snow on top of her," I guess you're bored being here all the time adorable witch."

Anastasia turns the entire body around and then gets up facing me," not anymore!" once the witch eyes meet mine the happy expression she wore turns rather eerie along with a cold aura around herself," what happened to your face master?"

"There was a sort of incident with the head of the green rose family, apparently being a peasant was a bad thing for her, so she had the guards attack me, it was quite the beating, but I'll become better by tomorrow, I heal quite fast while asleep after all."

The aura became more sinister and colder as she took some steps forward placing both her hands on my cheeks, and then stands on the tip of the toes gaining some extra height and kisses my forehead then glues her own to mine while descending returning her feet to normal.

"I'm truly sorry you had to go through that, but don't worry Iris," she lets go of my forehead and looks at me with an unfamiliar sweet and innocent smile then speaks slowly yet happily making her appearance look extra adorable," I'll make sure to kill their entire family in the future."

"Truly wicked... but I understand where you're coming from, still it's not a good idea, it would only cause the advance of the humans to slow down, let them be, they didn't know better," I tell her in a kind tone while expressionless.

"Is that an order?" She smiles with a wide smile while tilting her head.

"A piece of advice as they're stronger than us," she then bows deeply in front of me with her right hand reaching the heart," I understand, then in that case please fulfill my conditions so I can awaken and handle that matter in your place, I'll gladly regain your honor and bath in their blood for the master, anything shall be accomplished."

"Anastasia's status was it?"


Anastasia | The Adorable Witch | Class: Witch

Master: Iris

Health: 1170/1170 | Mana: 3700/3700

Parameters: The master ones.

Titles: The master ones.

Skills: The master ones.

Conditions to awaken:

Receive a flower from the master.

"Does the type of flower matter? What would you awaken to? Humans aren't supposed to awaken, yet you're a copy of me... does that mean I'm not human anymore?"

"Any flower will do master Iris, I'd stop being a clone and gain my own entity which I'd still remain in a contract with you for all the eternity nonetheless, my class would evolve to babel, and you are one hundred percent human."

"Even then, you still wouldn't be strong enough to handle those, we're still too weak, perhaps when we become powerful you may do as you wish, though do spare a boy named Maverick, he stood against it from the beginning to the end, and even shed tears for me."

"As you wish," her pose returns back to normal and we stare at each other silently.

Shortly after her hands return to my cheeks, and then I hear a cute trembling soft voice almost crying," it truly does pain me to see you suffering," tears flew from my eyes as the last word resonated in my mind then I allow my face to be buried in her fingers.

With a whisper, my heart gets consoled," we are here for you, anything you need, whatever it may be, we seek your awakening, and our own, the day we all gather and move under your name, the moment all our souls entangle as one, and our beings become one, soon we'll all be freed and follow your will which will take shape under your own title, after all, you too are a witch."

A soft tone comes from my lips," I'll receive a title..."

"Yes, you shall, when you awake, it'll reflect your true wish, and depending on it, the world of Artana and even this one might meet their ends."

She pats my hair softly and then continues," everything will be yours to toy with, every soul shall fear being consumed by you, kings and gods will have their kingdoms and realms destroyed, that is one of the paths your title may guide you to."

A soft tone comes from my lips," a different outcome..."

"Take your time becoming truly strong my dear master, for once you do, we will know."

She takes me to the mirror where I go through and fall on my bed falling asleep while feeling bewitched.

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