Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 13 – Prologue Arc

Later that day I and mother arrive at the village.

"Iris, here's the paper signed in case you pass the exam."

"I save it in one of my blue dress pockets."

"In case the receptionist insists on having me go there personally just let me know, good luck dear, and be careful, okay?"

"Yes, mother I will," I hug her waist.

She pats my hair while smiling.

I move towards the path mom told me.

The village is pretty big, with a lot of houses a few wells, and even a fountain surrounded by a garden with some wooden benches.

I see people resting there, some are reading books, others are relaxing while receiving the sunlight.

There are a lot of kids around my height playing around with each other.

From what I've observed so far it looks like it's a game called tag, the one who catches someone.

Has to be the one catching someone else afterward.

One of the kids finds me staring at them, he runs towards me and catches me.

He looks at me and says, "I'm Miles and now you're it," he runs away.

Some of the kids around him stare at me surprised for seeing me.

Seeing as there's no one else with blonde hair, it could be due to that, I touch my long hair.

'Sometimes the kids of the village have this reaction especially since I barely drop by since I was born.'

I shout making a funny face, "My name is Iris and I'm coming to catch all of you!"

They heard me and started laughing and then they started running away from me.

I looked at them and started running after them, eventually, I caught a girl whom I ended up befriending.

A black-haired girl with black eyes, she's cute and is one year older than me named Alicia.

The white dress she's wearing is very beautiful, it has white roses scattered on it.

It looks expensive.

I spent a few hours playing with them.

"Ah, that sure was fun."

"You're right Iris, I'm glad you enjoyed playing with us, It's the first time I've seen you are you from the kingdom?

"Oh, no I actually live in a house a bit further to the south from the village."

"I didn't know that there were houses that far."

"My mother has blonde hair and she works here maybe you've seen her around?

"I don't think I've ever seen any women with a hair-like yours in this village, but I'm not from here so..."

'That's weird since mother works here...' I think ignoring the last part of what she told me.

"Oh, by the way, Alicia, would you take me to the adventurer's guild?"

"Yes, of course, I'll take you there come," she extended her hand towards me and I held it.

'I've only held hands with my parents, it feels like I made a friend other than them.'

'Even though it's too early to be sure.'

We go through the village and she shows me the existent Inn's where people rent rooms.

The local blacksmith where three men work, one of them being a dwarf where I bought my fishing rod.

It seems like her dad came here earlier.

There's a potion shop where my parents work, a general shop, and a herbs shop.

After a while she points at a specific place, she says," this is my favorite shop, a clothes shop, I and mom always come here."

We continue walking and soon she stops, "it's here Iris."

She points at the wooden sign above the door it says Adventurer's Guild.

I start moving towards the entrance and I feel my hand stuck behind me, I turn my face around.

"What's wrong Alicia?"

"Ah... that place is filled with dangerous people so I don't want to enter."

"Oh... Alright in that case go back to the fountain, I'll meet you there when I'm done, I said smiling."

"Alright, It's a promise! I'll be waiting for you, Iris!"

I waved goodbye as I entered the guild's house through two large wooden doors where we only have to push them forward.

As I slowly walk to the lady behind the balcony at the end of this big hall.

A lot of people start staring at me and a few commenting with one another.

One of them stops in front of me, and asks me," are you lost kiddo?"

I look at him lifting my face higher due to the difference in heights.

"Thank you for your concern but I am where I need to be."

I smile kindly and walk around him smoothly making my hair wave to my back.

He turns around and grabs my hair causing me pain," this is an interesting hair color you have here."

I turn around and glare at him covering my body with mana, creating a chill aura around me, the hall goes silent.

I hear a voice from one of the tables.

"Is she really thinking of using magic against an adventurer? A kid's magic is nothing compared to an adult."

A different male voice next to the woman commented, "That's true, her mana would run before doing anything to him."

The people around me started laughing at their commentaries.

"Woah, Woah, no need to look so cold I was just curious," he lets go of my hair.

"The next time you touch me, you'll lose your hand," I say while glaring with my deep green eyes.

The adventurers, men, and women started whistling and laughing at my words.

I keep moving, and the moment I do I feel pain from my hair being grabbed again.

I turn around and glare at him," I put my small hand on top of his wrist and start freezing it."

Notice: 100 mana has been deducted.

"A nice burst of mana you have there, for a kid that is," he started laughing at me.

"Oh, look at her, she's truly using magic, and going all out at that," the woman on the table commented laughing.

Everyone laughed, the man in front of me started pulling my hair strongly.

"Mana Coat," I say coldly while in pain, focusing the best I can increasing my mana output as I do with my sword.

Notice: 500 mana has been deducted.

The man's face turned pale as the amount of mana I used burst his.

Upon looking at his face, I say," I warned you," I put all my strength in my hand and smash his freeing my hair.

Beautiful white shards glowing in a mix of red with blue inside started falling on the floor.

I let go of his handless wrist and turn around.

I start walking to the receptionist.

The man started screaming due to the mental shock that he lost his hand.

He felt no pain from having his hand smashed to pieces since I had frozen it.

Everyone stood up and glared at me, and when two of them were about to make their move on me.

"What's all this noise you good for nothing idiots!?" Silence reign when the man shouted close to the balcony.

"So, you guys call yourselves adventurers? Ganging up on a little girl when Tony was the one at wrong?"

"Have you guys no shame of yourselves?"

The woman who was commenting earlier complained," but she... she smashed his hand!"

"So!?" He shouted with even more fury, "Tony got lucky she did it, or otherwise, I would've done it myself."

"We are adventurers, our daily lives are meant to protect the people from the Lumen Kingdom."

He smashed a nearby table breaking it, "not hurt them you shit heads!"

"Hello receptionist, I'd like to register for this guild," I smile kindly at her.

The man was still in shock even though someone healed his hand back with a healing spell.

Some of the adventurers turned to me and apologized, I smiled in return to them.

"I'm sorry, but you're too young to join the adventurer's guild," the receptionist replied.

"But I came all the way here to join..." I make a sad face.

I looked at the man who was shouting at them, "can't I please?"

He looked at me and spoke.

"It's normal sometimes for kids like you who have a little more mana than usual to appear, but the enemy can just dodge your spells."

"Please..." I repeat.

"You got lucky that fool allowed you to grab his arm."

He throws one of the swords on his waist at me and once I pick it in the air, he dashes at me fast.

I run at him while freezing the floor under him where his foot would land next.

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

Despite him being a lot faster than me, he placed his foot on the floor and unaware he slipped losing balance.

In the meantime, I had gotten close enough and smashed him with the blunt part of the sword.

He went against the balcony, destroying a part of it with the impact, however, he suffered no damage.

He looked towards the floor and realized what had happened.

He started laughing happily, crazily even!

"I hadn't met a tricky kid like you yet," he laughed," even though you were a lot slower than me you did me good."

I heard a voice from behind, "Looks like we got ourselves a strong rookie."

"I look upwards to see his face," curious as I didn't hear him appearing behind me.

"Oh? It's not only strong but cute too," he laughed while crossing his arms.

"Thank you for the compliment" I replied while looking up smiling.

The man laughed, "don't look at me like that, your smile looks inverted as if you were sad!"

I laughed, 'this man seems friendlier than the rest of them,' I turn around as I place my head normally.

"I'm Iris, the daughter of Luke and Rosaline both ex-adventurers."

The man who was on the floor got up cleaning the pieces of broken wood and dust he had on his clothes.

"Oh, your dad an old friend of mine, we used to get drunk together before he married that evil woman," he laughed.

"Evil woman?" My smile disappears.

"Yes, ever since they married, she didn't let him get drunk with me anymore, it was pretty lonely," he kept on laughing.

My smile returned upon hearing the stupidity of this man.

"I'm the one in charge of this small branch of the guild's the leader lives in the kingdom."

'Small branch... I guess they have places like this all over the kingdom.'

"Before I forget I'm Alex, and the guy you tricked is Edward, he is actually extremely powerful, you just happened to outsmart him."

"You're being kind boss," he came closer to me and extended his hand, "nice to meet you, Iris."

I extended my hand and grabbed him, and in the next second, I was in the air upside down looking down on everyone holding my dress.

"I told you he was strong," Alex was laughing happily.

'This man sure is strong,' I thought while looking at him.

Edward lowers his arm slowly so I don't get hurt and says while grinning, "there you go Iris."

"Alex..." I say hesitantly.

"Yes, Iris?"

"I'd like to join the adventurer’s guild."

"Then do it, you're qualified to be at least an E ranked, but of course you'll start at the lowest rank, F."

A tear fell out of my eye from happiness for being accepted, "thank you... Boss!"

Alex smiled upon hearing that.

I turned around to the receptionist with brimming eyes of excitement.

"Yes, yes... come along, Edward!" The receptionist shouted.

"Yes, Leonor?" 

"Fix the balcony and the table you broke, come follow me, Iris."

We enter a room with a bookshelf two large sofas and a large table in between them.

She tells me to sit in one of the sofas as she searches through the bookshelf.

The receptionist then brings a large book and places it on top of the table.

The book has a stone aspect.

It looks like a brown covered by grey in its edges, and what looks like a stone handprint in the middle.

Leonor says," all you got to do is place your hand in it."

I follow her instruction placing my hand on top of it.

"Once it finishes registering you, you'll receive a card."

"What do I do with the card?"

"You can present it in many territories and the guards will let you pass, and we'll update your rank in it as you complete quests."

"Oh, so it shows my name and my rank?"

"Yes, pretty much, and also where you registered in other words in Astia our village name."

"It's a cute name."

"I agree with you Iris, I'll be back in a bit, wait for me here, okay?"

"Okay, ma'am!"

"A few moments after, a light appears above my hand and I see a white card."

As I'm about to take my hand off, the whole process repeats.

I grab the cards and turn them around.

The first card says Name: Iris, Age: 8, Registered at Aria Village, Rank: F.

I check the second...

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