Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 25 – Adventurer Arc

A while later after splitting from Aurora I meet my mother who's at home cooking lunch.

The moment I close the door mother notices me by its sound.

"You were out so early baby?"

"Yes, I was watering the field and cutting some trees for my title collection."

My mother smiles, "you sure love getting all kinds of strange titles."

"True, you need help with anything?"

"No, I'm okay dear, go take a bath, you must be tired and reeking of sweat."

I laugh," that's true, I really am smelly, I'll be back."

"I'll have lunch done by the time you're done, it's your favorite potatoes with tomato soup."

"Yay, thank you mother you're the best!" I rush to the bath.

An hour passes effortlessly.

After lunch, we are on the sofa talking, I and mother.

"Dad is sorry for what he did baby, but you know that we truly care about you so he had to make sure in his own way."

"I think Aurora wasn't angry about it because it was dad, but if it was someone else then..."

"Yeah... I get a very bad vibe sometimes from her, the affinity that girl has with the darkness element is abnormal."

"She had a very bad life, so I believe that she's a good girl deep down."

"I don't doubt you baby, but be careful with her just in case."

"I understand mother," I lay on her lap and she pats my hair.

"It seems like you and her killed some slimes yesterday, with Elise the granddaughter of vincent our boss."

"Yes, mother, she became a healer in the middle of it supporting us with healing magic, just like dad."

"Her grandfather was complaining about it while I was working, he wanted her to succeed him in alchemy."

"I see, I think it wouldn't suit her though, she feels like a bird."

"A bird?" Mother asks confused.

"Yes, birds are free to explore the world, and alchemy spending her time inside a shop, I feel like it would be like a birdcage."

Mother opened her mouth then closed it without saying anything.

"I believe she'll become a good healer," I smile at mother.

"Yes I hope so, in the worst case she can always change her class to alchemy."

"Exactly! Unlike me who only had the witch class, she had a few choices!"

After mother brain processed what I said she shouted," witch class!?"

"Yes, it was the only class I could obtain I have close to five thousand disgrace, so I think all other options were denied due to that."

"Oh noes, I have a daughter with the unique dark element and now my other daughter has the witch class," she says with a worried tone.

"It's okay mother, I'll keep it a secret from the church plus it's a magical class and it doesn't affect them in any possible way."

"Who told you that?"

"Elise did."

"She's not wrong, but you twins are very special, rare blonde hair color, rare eye color, exquisite elements, one has the witch class, the other is an item... it's bound to bring a lot of attention to you girls, in the future, you'll have to be careful with the fanatic groups of the church baby."

"I'll be careful don't worry dear mother, I'll also keep an eye on Aurora to avoid her getting into danger."

"Yes, do that, it's a good thing we live in the outskirts of the village and very far from the kingdom capital."

"Why?" I ask curiously while looking at her from below.

"The fanatics live in the capital because that's where the pope and the Saintess live in."

"The saintess... I wonder how she looks like."

"She's a bit like you with green eyes and green hair, and has this warm aura around her."

"Green hair? That sounds different, I guess I'm not one to talk, being blonde," I laugh.

"True, they say her hair color is very special that it is the sign that the blood running in the veins was blessed by the goddess," mother smiles.

"Is that warm aura because she has the fire element?"

"She's like Luke with light element, just with a lot more mana, and due to the excessive amount the aura inside of her it is said that it propagates naturally around her causing a warm aura, and her mother when she was alive it was known for having an aura of light illuminating everything and everyone wherever she went through."

"Oh... That's interesting, sounds like going full of wisdom has some benefits!"

Mother laughed lightly," I hope you're still not going crazy about going full wisdom right? How are your overall statuses?

"Hum... Status."

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 1 | Experience 80/100

Fame: 60 | Disgrace: 4270

Class: Witch | Rank 1 | Experience 80/2000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 480/480 | Mana: 600/870

Status Points:0

Strength: 150 | Stamina: 48 | Agility: 85 | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 71 | Wisdom: 85(+2)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 1950

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(F), Reader Series(D), Body Training(A), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(E), Advanced Reader(C), Soul-bound(S), Element(F), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(C), Monster Slayer(F), Slime Slayer(F), Skill Mastery(F), Tree Chopper(E), Tree Type(S), Log Maker(E), Tree Planter(C).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 1

Actives: Status level 41(D), System Library level 20(E), Mana Coat level 6(F), Mana Wave level 1(F), Ice Bind level 2(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 10(F), Swordsmanship level 20(E), Sword Mastery level 10(F), Mana Control level 20(E), Ice Control level 11(F), Slight Wisdom Boost level 2(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 2(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F).

Unique: Appraisal level 5.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank F: 7/100)

"I have around 150 strength, 48 stamina, 85 agility, 107 dexterity, 71 intelligence, and 87 wisdom so far."

"What the hell Iris!? That's a lot for someone as young as you!" She shouts at me surprised.

"I did collect a lot of titles, it's half my status literally!" I shout back.

"Seems like collecting titles really is great, most of us don't do it due to the disgrace and the church hates it, so that makes my cute daughter being truly amazing," she laughs hugging me and kissing my forehead.

"Alright baby, dad will be home shortly I gotta go work now."

"Sure, have a good day mother."

"Where's your sister?"

"She went on a slime hunt."


"Yes, I was tired from the morning workout."

"I hope she's okay..."

I look back to the screen.

'Seems like I still have a skill point I haven't used.'

"Knowing her, I'm sure she is, mother do me a favor."

"What do you need honey?"

"Give me some of your mana I need it to apply it on status."

"On status?"

"Yes, I want to check something."

"Hum? Alright, but since it is dangerous to inject you with my mana, you must spend it fast otherwise you'll get mana disease."

"The moment I nod with my head please do it."

"Alright, dear."

'I want to see the list of the witch class skills.'

Notice: Actives or Passives?

'Dad taught me about the 3 mana laws created by the system.'

'The first is a person's mana cannot be stolen even if they share the same element.'

'The second is one cannot absorb something created by someone else mana even if they have the same element.'

'The third is one can assist another with their own mana by their own free will by connecting one another.'

'All of them, appraise their meaning while at it, if it is not enough mana then don't overuse it,' I nod with my head and mother freely gives me her mana by placing her hands on my shoulders.

Notice: Loading screen with the witch class skills list with the help of appraisal...

Witchcraft Skill Tree:

Actives: (Skills that consume mana to be cast.)

Dark Alchemy [Magically craft potions with limited effects and that only last for so long, Starts at 10%, 0,5% per level.]

Mana shield: 0.25% Damage is absorbed to MP instead of HP, 0.25% per level.

Drain HP: Absorbs 1 HP per minute from enemies around healing itself, +1 per level.

Decay: It'll rot slowly something it touches, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Magic Analysis: Can analyze the properties of the magic, of a magic circle, or the area itself, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Curses: (It requires casting time, the higher the proficiency the faster it'll be.)

Frog: May transform the target into a frog for a period of time, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Delirium: Makes the target have a random illusion for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level. 

Mute: Makes it so that they can't speak for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Blind: Makes it so that the vision for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Deafen: Makes it so that the hearing for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Taste: Makes it so that they lose palate for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Smell: Makes it so that they lose the sense of smell for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Paralysis: Paralyzes a random part of the body, 0.5% chance of success, 0.7% per level.

Fear: Induces fear towards the target, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Confusion: Causes confusion towards the target, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Rituals: (Require spending mana to create a magical circle, needs tremendous amounts of mana, can accumulate every day.)

Memory Loss: Makes targets inside the magical circle lose some memories, 0.25% chance of success, 0.25% per level. x (ritual)

Sleep: Makes targets inside the magical circle fall asleep, 0.25% chance of success, 0.25% per level.

Snow Falling: Due to Ice element snow will fall, everywhere that snows will be Iris mana territory, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Cursing Objects: A random curse will be applied in an object, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Taint: It'll taint users inside the magical circle in some way, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Magical Barrier: Defends a place inside a magical circle from magic damage.

Physical Barrier: Defends a place inside a magical circle from physical damage.

Detection Barrier: Detects anything that enters inside a magical circle.


Witchcraft: Increases the whole skill tree proficiency by 0.1%, per level. May affect personality.

Curse’s Mastery: Increases curse chance to activate by 0.25%, per level. May affect personality. 

Ritual's Mastery: Increases ritual chance to activate by 0.25%, per level. May affect personality. 

Dark Alchemy Mastery: Increases alchemy chance by 0.2%, per level. May affect personality. 

Magic Control: Increases specified proficiency by 0.25%, per level.

Magic Attack Slight Boost: Increases specified proficiency by 1 per level.

Magic Defense Slight Boost: Increases specified proficiency by 1 per level.

Magic Knowledge Slight Boost: Increases intelligence by 1 per level.

Charm: Increases charm by 1, attracts generally the opposite gender, 1 per level.  

Mp Absorption: If damaged by an enemy magical skill heal Mp by 0.25% of its total mana cost, 0.25%, per level.

Fire Mastery.

Water Mastery.

Earth Mastery.

Air Mastery.

Nature Mastery.

Poison Mastery.

Acid Mastery.

Ice Mastery.

Explosion Mastery.

Lightning Mastery.

Spirit Mastery.

Summoning Mastery.

Light Mastery.

Dark Mastery.

Time Mastery.

Space Mastery.

"Thank you for the help mother," I look at her and she looks exhausted.

"How...? Nevermind we'll talk later, I gotta go to work or I'll be late," she kissed my forehead and went out.

I read the whole list and study it quietly.

'Seems like some skills didn't get appraised possibly due to lack of mana.'

'This is truly overwhelming, but why is the church so scared of this class? It doesn't seem particularly strong or anything.'

'I'd need to max every skill and even then it still wouldn't be 100% chances at level 100 if that's the max level.'

'Is it due to the personality being affected? How does it even affect it? I doubt it'd be something significant.'

'Is it because the class is based on disgrace? Since they hated it and consider the evil that could very well be the reason...'

'Are disgrace classes stronger than normal ones somehow?'

'Why does the church hate witches?

'What if it has something to do with the class itself.'

'Perhaps... the charming skill? Will it make people fall in love with me or so?'

'Something that could annoy them... Maybe the dark alchemy skill?'

'Is it different than the one parent's boss has??'

'I want to spend a skill point in it please.'

Notice: 10 experience has been rewarded from a slime.

Notice: Class Skills has been unlocked in status.

Notice: Skills successfully learned; Status updated.

'I won experience? Even being this far from Aurora?'

'That's so amazing! Is it from our soul-bound? Perhaps our contract?'

'I'd have to appraise to know... Do I have enough mana to do so? I don't want to faint from overusing it...'

Notice: 10 experience has been rewarded from a slime.

Notice: Iris has leveled up to 2.

'Woah I leveled up!? Status!'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 2 | Experience 0/200

Fame: 60 | Disgrace: 4270

Class: Witch | Rank 1 | Experience 100/2000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 480/480 | Mana: 20/870

Status Points:5

Strength: 150 | Stamina: 48 | Agility: 85 | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 71 | Wisdom: 85(+2)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 1950

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(F), Reader Series(D), Body Training(A), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(E), Advanced Reader(C), Soul-bound(S), Element(F), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(C), Monster Slayer(F), Slime Slayer(F), Skill Mastery(F), Tree Chopper(E), Tree Type(S), Log Maker(E), Tree Planter(C).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 1

Actives: Status level 50(D), System Library level 20(E), Mana Coat level 6(F), Mana Wave level 1(F), Ice Bind level 2(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 10(F), Swordsmanship level 20(E), Sword Mastery level 10(F), Mana Control level 20(E), Ice Control level 11(F), Slight Wisdom Boost level 2(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 3(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 1.

Unique: Appraisal level 42.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank F: 9/100)

"Amazing I won 5 points, I want to spend them all in wisdom, and the skill point since I got dark alchemy I'll get its correspondent Mastery!"

Notice: Skills successfully learned; Points successfully spent; Status updated.

'Alright, I should have enough mana to check the skill I hope, Dark Alchemy.'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.

Dark Alchemy:

Weakness Potion: It'll weaken the consumer losing statuses.

Sleep Potion: It'll induce the consumer into a deep sleep.

Love Potion: The first person the target sees after consuming the potion will become in love with.

Paralysis Potion: It'll slowly paralyze their body can be countered by an antidote or a skill.

Poison Potion: It'll slowly poison their body can be countered by an antidote or a skill, it can lead to death.

Corruption Potion: Person's body starts becoming purple leading them to death can be countered by an antidote or a skill.

Antidote Potion: Depending on the ingredients different antidotes can be produced.

'I'm surprised they have a definition was it from earlier appraisal on all my class skills or is this a bonus?'

'Maybe it's just part of it so that new witches know what they're doing.'

'From all the potions I think I'll try to produce the paralysis and antidotes potions, let's see how to make them.'


Herbs Required:

1 x Heartbreak Herb

A screen next to it appears.


Herbs Required:

1x Asparagus Herb

'Now then how can I find these herbs, guess I'll take a nap to recover from my physical labor fatigue leftovers and mana, and then head to the village library they should have information about it otherwise I'll check the adventurers guild which I believe they have something related to it.'

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