Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 27 – Adventurer Arc

After a while, I go to dinner with my parents where I explain what I want to do and then I go back to read the book.

'It's great that parents allowed my potion production, tomorrow Rohan should be coming to discuss terms, confidentiality, and prices.'

'Dad said he'd talk with him, so I can just sell whatever I produce, and don't use, that Rohan is a very careful merchant and he already has regular adventurers who buy all kinds of things from him, even illegal ones.'

'Of course, I did not mention to them all the possible options I could make, aside from sleep, paralysis, poison, and antidote potions.'

'They weren't surprised by those, so my guess is that there're other witches who are making them out there.'

'Perhaps even alchemists who've figured out such recipes or herbalists or a different class altogether.'

'There're too many classes, so no point overthinking about it, and worrying about the possible consequences as nothing may happen, and even if it does, my father has a strong bond to someone he works, so he could get rid of such issues with little effort, which eased my heart a lot when I heard about it.'

'What matters is that it's viable and thanks to that I'll be able to increase my sale title eventually having money to increase my purchase title.'

'Parents even mentioned that some villages don't have potion shops, so I could make a shop in the future, and say that the potions are given by anonymous potion makers.'

'But that's not the path I wish to take for now at least, so I declined the idea instantly, and I told them I wanted to become a strong magic user.'

'Both of them already knew I'd say something like that, so they didn't protest or opposed it, it was a lost battle the moment they didn't deny my access to become an adventurer,' I smile happily reminding myself of the duel with my mother.

'If anything they support me a lot and that makes me very happy, due to that I also do my best to not cause problems to them, even though I'm not really sure what kind of problems I could possibly create...'

'The majority of knowledge I possess is about the system, that there's more than one god, that there's a church with a saintess and a pope, that there are merchants, adventurers, peasants, and nobles.'

'One thing I could try to also learn is about the nobles since I have this white ring in my hand, there's certainly something about it that I probably should learn, at the very least, the customs if I end up becoming one for Alicia...'

'If I do one day become a knight, no matter how I think about it from the definition Aurora gave me, it sounds strange, a witch being a knight... It sounds funny as they normally use melee weapons with or without shields and heavy armor.'

'At least the very few I've seen passing by the village, or even from the carriage that picks father from time to time.'

I place my adventurer card in Aurora's pocket where she has hers.

'This way she can update the points on both cards as well as get the money for both.'

I look at the bag with the soul stones under the bed.

I take one of them out of it, I try to put mana into one of them.

'Nothing happens, I guess they can only be used for equipment crafting... would be nice if they had more uses, but I'm sure I'll find more interesting things than these things, not to forget I can just sell them to the guild.

I sit on the bed and throw the soul stone to the floor and watch it rolling for a few seconds till it stops.

'I'll pick it when I wake up tomorrow, system library.'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.

System Library:

World of Artana I, II, III, IV, V

Fishing I, II

Baking I, II, III, IV, V

Cooking I, II, III, IV, V, VI

Farming I, II

Lumberjack I, II

Hunting I, II

Maid I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII

Butler I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX

Miner I, II

Tales of Artana I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

Herbalism I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

Gods of Artana I, II, III, IV, V

Nobles I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII


'Tales of Artana I, haven't bothered to read it, let's see what they're all about.

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

Tales of Artana I

Amidst the darkness there stood a knight drenched in red, in the middle of a mountain of corpses.

There she stood silently, as her gaze crossed the battlefield where war had ended.

Due to her pride and honor, she'd show no emotion, however, deep inside she was crying.

Behind her were armies of thousands who waited silently for her command.

This woman was considered a hero due to her achievements in war.

She had conquered many battlefields like this one for her king.

She'd always do her best to win with the least casualties, even so, she'd still lose a lot of comrades whom she had bonded with.

The woman wore a full red set of armor and a long blue sword with a black scabbard.

In the sword, golden small letters could be readen, the words Goddess Aria, the sword is said to be handed down in the royal family even to this day to the strongest swordsman in the kingdom.

She had asked for the armor to be made in crimson in order to disguise the blood of all the beings she slew.

Every time war would end, the words she'd say were, "Yet so many had to die again, when will this war ever end..."

The woman picked the sword from the corpse she had slew last, waved it making the blood fall from its edge, and stored it.

With the utmost respect, she bowed her head and gave a prayer to Goddess Aria in the name of the dead.

She raised her head and turned around as the wind blew the cape she had on.

The woman raised her arm in the air, and an echo of victory chants was raised like a turbulent wave of sound shaking the floor.

The hero walked through them while her men raised the flags and followed through.

Amidst the darkness there stood a knight drenched in red, in the middle of a living army.

'A sword from goddess Aria? Didn't know she summoned things other than humans... it makes me wonder what other things she could possibly summon to this world.'

'She sounds like a very honorable person, one of the heroes that were summoned into this world perhaps?'

'She also sounds very capable leading an army and having so many look up to her, if she was very strong then there's a big chance that she was pretty high level, and with a special sword I wonder what kind of flashy skills she had.'

'Well let's read a bit more and see what else I can find out about these stories, onto the next chapter, tales of Artana II.'

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

Tales of Artana II

In the shadows, a ninja was hidden, waiting for its prey to let its guard down.

One of many demon lords was going through this path, the ninja had memorized his daily routine.

On that fateful evening, the demon lord walked with his wife and son through the path where the ninja had prepared a trap.

When he did, spikes with latent poison and paralysis struck from the floor hitting him along with his family.

The demon lord started chanting healing magic when suddenly blood starts dripping out of his throat.

The ninja slew the wife's and the son's throat and then with both daggers, he sent their heads flying.

Then he went to the demon lord from behind and stabbed his heart killing him.

He had received a blessed skill that allowed him to be stealthy as long as the enemy didn't have a high-level skill that detected enemies or the use of magic, but even if they did, the skill had to be higher level than his to work.

After all the blessings that Goddess Aria gives to those she summons or reincarnates are always powerful or useful, but not once has she given immortality or some blessing that made the individual invincible.

The ninja thought of himself as invincible after defeating the demon lord proclaiming himself as the strongest in the world, and so he decided to kill every Beast Lord and Demon Lord the world possessed so that humanity could prevail, expand and dominate the world.

On his travels, he found a Beast Lord, and as he had done towards many others, he set a trap with his strongest skills, poison, and paralysis.

When the Beast Lord finally stepped on the trap spikes pierced his legs inflicting him with poison and paralysis and as always the ninja waited a few seconds before moving in and then in a flash he attempted to slash the throat of his prey, however, his arm was caught and broke, ripped apart, he was pushed to the floor and skinned alive.

It turned out the Beast Lord was immune to poison and paralysis.

'Can't seem to find an author for this book, however, whoever wrote these tales must've been out of his mind, they don't sound like something a kid should read when they're young.'

'Even in a violent world like this on, well... maybe it can't be helpt, as it prepares the future generations for the many dangers of the world.'

'Beast lords, demon lords they sound strong, I'm guessing that they're not invincible since he was able to kill one before, but this means there was at least a human reaching the demon kingdom unless he crossed the dangerous area and came here?'

'I'm assuming that they both live longer than humans making them stronger by default.'

'Since we humans receive 1 stamina per year we're alive if other races are stronger than us they should receive other things, not only that since they live longer those things will stack further...'

'If that's the case then those who live long will surely find a way to become the strongest as they can stack titles too... truly troublesome.'

'How could I possibly outgrow them? For now, collecting titles and leveling up, increasing my knowledge and my skills the best I can, and then I'll hopefully find a way to become truly strong, since what I'm doing now is what they already did, so I'm just catching up with them, I'll still be behind no matter what I do... there must be a way... somehow...'

'Appraise the leftover skills of the class even if it makes me faint or consumes some of my health without killing me, I'll sleep and have a good chance to recover it anyway, hopefully, it'll even allow me to sleep easier'

Notice: Leftover mana and 300 health have been deducted.

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