Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 3 – Prologue Arc

After 30 minutes I regain control of my body.

'What happened? Was it perhaps hitting 0 of mana?'

'Mana exhaust title... It felt like my body got very tired?' I stretch my arms bending them a few times, then I do the same with my legs.

'Seems to be working better now, also I don't feel weird anymore, it should've recovered that mana thing by now no? Seeing as I haven't suffered any injuries it should be fine,' I take a look around my body just in case, not finding anything strange with it.

'Let's check it, status!'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Health: 75/75 | Mana: 20/30

Stamina: 7 | Wisdom: 3

Titles: Reincarnated, Mana, Mana Exhaust, Health.

Skills: Status, System Library.

'Is that my health? What happens if it reaches 0? Do I die? Do I faint? Do i get sick?'

'I'll have to ask parents in a bit for more details, they should be able to tell me, unless it works differently for them which would be strange in a way...'

'Seems like my mana and wisdom increased, it looks like they raised at the same time. Perhaps they influence each other?'

'Seeing as I got health and stamina at the same time the way I got mana and wisdom at the same time too. It kind of makes sense.'

'I seem to have received a new title mana exhaust when I emptied my mana I believe, and title health, not sure about this one though. For now let's try the other skill, this time I have leftover mana, system library!'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.

System Library:

World of Artana I

Fishing I

Baking I

Cooking I

'I guess I have to choose one? I was quite the fond reader in my past life, if these are books then I'll have a lot of fun from here onwards. Let's try the first one, World of Artana I.'

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

After almost two hours I regain control of my body.

'Seems like I hit 0 mana again...'

'I didn't expect for it to cost that much, what in the hell was that amount even?'

'Now I'm extra curious about what I was about to see... I won't give up! I'll repeat everything again if I must! Open status.'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Health: 60/60 | Mana: 90/100

Stamina: 7 | Wisdom: 10

Titles: Reincarnated, Mana, Mana Exhaust, Health.

Skills: Status, System Library.

'Wait my health decreased!? My mana increased a lot!?'

'Was it the mana exhaust? Or was it the health title? I'm lacking information... I could get it from the library...' I smile proudly after making a big discovery.

'This time around I should have enough mana, System Library!'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.

System Library:

World of Artana I

Fishing I

Baking I

Cooking I

'Now I want the first book, the world of Artana I,' I look at it and then touch it with my index finger.

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

World of Artana I:

Author Name: Sage John.

Long, long ago many injustices and strife across the world existed.

This came to be as each god created a race as they seemed fit.

The problem started with the races seeking world domination.

Many kings surged, many kingdoms and armies built.

A world covered with wars making the weaker races lose the most.

With the human race loved by the goddess Aria almost coming to extinction.

She proposed a deal to the other gods.

Upon hearing the constant prayers and pleas of their subjects the gods decided on accepting it.

They created a system that makes the world more balanced and the meddling of gods restricted.

Thanks to that each god kept a different race which they help them from time to time.

The system takes care of everyone by its laws.

At the beginning of the world, 4 races were born, humans, beasts, demons, and monsters.

Despite the balancing of the system, some races are born stronger than the others, some individuals are better than others.

Due to everyone being ultimately different and the humans the very weakest.

The goddess Aria summons heroes from other worlds every 100 years to help us.

So that humanity can prevail a bit longer.

Notice: Race has been unlocked in status.

Notice: Name has been unlocked in status.

System: The title Beginner Reader has been rewarded.

'Woah, I don't think I want to live in such a dangerous world!'

I make a fearful expression as I don't want to die again.

'Even if this goddess Aria summons heroes, I don't think they'd be able to beat beasts and demons and monsters altogether. It seems way too many things to handle. It could depend on how many heroes she summons too, but even then... I don't quite know how strong these humans are. Sounds like I should take parent's lessons extra seriously and become strong as fast as I can. I wonder when this book was written, all the information I have is the title and the author. He could very well already be dead. Let's see what differences it unlocked, status!'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Race: Human | Name: Iris

Health: 60/60 | Mana: 20/110

Stamina: 7 | Wisdom: 11

Titles: Reincarnated, Mana, Mana Exhaust, Health, Beginner Reader.

Skills: Status, System Library.

'Hum? My wisdom raised again? Is it from the new title beginner reader?' I gaze at it checking it out.

'Sounds like reading books will help me able to read more of them! That book was very interesting can't wait to read more of them. Even if it was a pretty short one, maybe the people of this world have some sort of difficulties. In my old world despite everything my father was quite rich so he had his own library.'

'It also seems like my status gets newer things as I read which is pretty cool and extra motivation to keep going. It can't be a coincidence, well it can... I wonder what else can I receive from these books. Though for now, I'm feeling very comfortable in this bed I think I'll nap a bit.'

Two hours pass and I start stretching my arms and legs doing a little noise with the bones and the bed below tags along, then my eyes and lips open about the same time.

"Yawn, that was a good nap, I'll try to not sleep more otherwise I'll have trouble sleeping at night. Guess I'll read a bit more, nothing else to do, system library."

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.

System Library:

World of Artana I

Fishing I

Baking I

Cooking I

'I wonder what these symbols are after the books; I've read a lot of books in my past life but I'm pretty sure it didn't have them... Could it possibly be different series like how sequels and prequels existed for famous authors? Maybe different chapters to them? Mines had normal numbers to them. I can't tell yet as I don't have enough information, so for now, let's read the fishing I.'

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

Fishing I

Author Name: The Fisherman Felix

In the world of Artana, there're many classes, and fishing is a basic graded one.

Peasants are generally granted one of these lower-ranked classes.

The lower-level fisherman will enjoy learning the basics, from knotting to put a worm in the hook.

Advisable to buy a rod made of bamboo since it is flexible.

Should buy a wooden bamboo rod as normal wooden sticks will break with the fish pulling strength.

Should buy either a wire made of horsehair or finely woven flax as they're very consistent.

Regarding the bait, one can buy worms from the general store also do not forget to buy the hook.

Once you have all the materials required, you can ask a blacksmith to fuse them for you.

Now you should have a fishing rod and lots of worms, you should procure a small river.

Once you find a spot you like get some big stones, so that you can stick the rod there.

That way you'll be able to avoid staying lots of hours holding the rod by yourself which is tiring.

The moment the bamboo starts bending you'll have to pull the fish with a lot of strength out.

Don't forget a basket with long leaves to cover your fish with once you get one.

Notice: Level has been unlocked in status.

Notice: Status skill has reached level 10 additional information will be shown.

Notice: Class has been unlocked in status.

Notice: System Library skill has leveled up to 2 additional books will be shown.

'It's a good thing the books are so short, I wonder if the library is being considered to me being young, unless it's only the first page. I'm used to reading big books, so I'll be ready! That's all I did anyway. I just remembered, but it's a good thing that the language is the same otherwise both skills would've been useless. It makes me wonder if this is the world I was in before or not, they're kind of similar in a few things at least.’

I look through the window at my right side,‘ I didn't get to leave my mansion in my past life. I've read everything there was in father's library, but the common knowledge I have doesn't match this world's so far. For example, one of the books I remember reading was one about wars, and it was only a human kingdom against another of the same race.'

I change the focus of my gaze to the door,' the fact that this world has more races than humans already makes me doubt this is the same one. I don't remember this system with skills things either, I could also be missing memories like the ones from before I went to the attic. Since I haven't received a gift from my parents I'll ask them at dinner if I can get a fishing rod. 

I look once more through the window to check the weather,' now I'm curious for the rest of the books, I couldn't have asked for a better skill as that was all I loved in my past life! Let's see what parents are doing while mana recovers.'

I open the door which connects directly to the living room finding my parents on the sofa talking to one another.

"Iris baby come sit with us," she gestures me to approach which I do with a big smile on my face.

"So what were you doing this long in the room dear?"

"I was reading a book, how about you two?"

"A book? We've finished cleaning the leftovers of the party a few minutes ago, so we took the chance to rest here," mom's hand approached to pat my hair.

"Could I request a gift?" I smile happily melting their hearts as they tilt their heads.

"A gift?" My parents asked in unison surprised as I never asked anything before.

"Yes, I'd like a fishing rod!"

"A fishing rod!?" Once more they ask me in unison confused.

"Yes, I'd like to fish, we've gone on a stroll before near the river, it's not far so I could fish whenever I'd like."

My parents looked at each other as if trying to mind read one another.

"Oh and some wire in case it breaks and worms too, otherwise I won't have bait for fishes please."

"Well, honestly it's quite a cheap present, so I'll get you one."

"Thank you, father," I smile happily at him ending up giving a hug.

"If there's anything else you'd like I'll gift it to you dear, that way you'd have a present from both of us."

Mom hurriedly added as she didn't want to feel left out from such a unique occasion, and possibly from the hug I gave dad.

"Of course mother, I'll let you know once I have something in mind, thank you," I give her a hug so she doesn't feel left out.

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