Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 35 – Adventurer Arc

[Aurora's existence is a grimoire, a weapon type, it does not possess a race thus there wouldn't be a race change.]

With a confused expression I think about the information received,' she doesn't have a race? I saw human one as her race on the status?'

I look seriously at her and make a question.

"Aurora, appraisal appraised you saying you're a weapon thus you do not have a race, making it impossible for you to suffer a race change, so your status is a lie isn't it?" 

Upon hearing my words she smiles.

"That's right, I copied your skills, your memories, and also your status before I left your body, those were the three times I used transformation skill on you right before completely leaving your body."

"Why?" I tilt my head unknowingly of why'd she go as far as to hide information from me.

"Well, we never know when we meet someone who can sneak into our status skills, wouldn't be strange if someone had some unique skill like your appraisal but for these screens instead..."

"That's true... But you didn't need to hide part of that information from me," I pout slightly angry from her action.

"It didn't feel particularly important to tell you about it back then, and I'll shut down for a while to recover faster."

"Fine, I'll leave it at that," I start gathering herbs feeling more relaxed while we both recover the mana we spent.

Two hours later.

'I wonder if there's a race that would be better than the one I have, if I changed races would I lose my class Appraisal?'

Notice: 200 mana has been deducted.

[Classes are universal between all races, this excludes items, weapons, accessories, and any equipment with a soul in it.]

'Meaning that Aurora class will be something unique to being a grimoire, I wonder what's the condition for her to get one.'

"Sister? I'm done with this area, I have enough to work with for a while.'

Her eyes open, "I didn't recover the whole mana but it's enough, so what you wanted to do by coming here?"

Iris's eyes shine while looking at Aurora," that is to test my new skill of course."

I place the bag full of herbs next to the tree and walk close to the ruins.

Upon arriving at a fitting spot, I extend my hands towards the entrance and say, "magic analysis." 

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.

"Right... Forgot my skills are % chance to activate, my bad," I take out my tongue pointing it at the cave in a silly way.

"What now?" Aurora questions me feeling curious.

To her question, I smile,' status.'


Level: 7 | Experience 0/700

Fame: 220 | Disgrace: 5510

Class: Witch | Rank 2 | Experience 100/4000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 660/660 | Mana: 890/1710

Status Points:0

Strength: 162 | Stamina: 66 | Agility: 85 | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 95 | Wisdom: 165(+6)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 3690

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(C), Reader Series(B), Body Training(S), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(E), Advanced Reader(S), Soul-bound(S), Element(F), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(B), Monster Slayer(E), Slime Slayer(C), Skill Mastery(D), Tree Chopper(C), Tree Type(S), Tree Series(D), Log Maker(C), Tree Planter(S),  Book Thief(D), Criminal(D), Expert Reader(F), Herbs Gathered(S), Herbs Types(S), Potion Brewer(F), Potion Types(E), Status Mastery(D), Beast Slayer(D), Horned Rabbit Slayer(E), Potion Administered(F), Goblin Slayer(E), Orc Slayer(F), Assassination(S), Herbalist Series(D), Skeleton Slayer(F).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 0

Actives: Status level 52(D), System Library level 50(D), Mana Coat level 7(F), Mana Wave level 1(F), Ice Bind level 5(F), Ice Sword level 1(F), Icicle level 3(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 10(F), Swordsmanship level 21(E), Sword Mastery level 12(F), Mana Control level 22(E), Ice Control level 14(F), Slight Wisdom Boost level 6(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 7(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F), Ax Art level 1(F), Ax Mastery level 1(F), Corpse Dismantler level 1(F), Brainwash Resistance level 6(F).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 6, Magic Analysis level 2.

Class Rituals: Snow Falling level 1.

Class Passives: Dark Alchemy Mastery level 3, Witchcraft level 8, Curse's Mastery level 2, Ritual's Mastery level 2, Magic Control level 2, Magic Knowledge level 1, Ice Mastery level 1.

Unique: Appraisal level 50.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank F: 72/100)

After checking how much mana I had left, 'Status spam magic analysis 80 times for me if that's possible.'

Notice: Affirmative, loading skill barrage.

Notice: 800 mana has been deducted.

'Seems like I can use status to use skills for me which is pretty amazing, I wonder what else I could do with it.'

I start feeling my senses vanishing as I fall on my knees, and then a great amount of information fills my brain.

Notice: Analysing magic.

Notice: Magical barrier detected.

Notice: Analysing barrier... Failure.

Notice: Analyzing barrier... Failure.

The voice kept on repeating multiple times with brief pauses while the skill would fail to activate 50 times, then on the last three times, something happened.

Notice: Analyzing barrier... Failure.

Notice: Analyzing barrier... Failure.

Notice: Analyzing barrier... Success.

Notice: Cursed Barrier created by the god of chaos...

In my head, a different voice spoke, and since status skill was connected, the new voice interrupted status.

System: The title Noticed has been received.

System: The title God Series has been received.

"Noticed and God series!? Does that mean that a god or more have noticed us?" Aurora shouted surprised as she received the titles herself.

"Could've also been the god of chaos alone," I tell her after returning to my senses while feeling quite the headache.

"Are you okay Iris? God of chaos?" Aurora asked worriedly while approaching very close.

"Yes, I just feel really tired it seems like using that skill those many times was pretty interesting yet exhaustive for my head."

"Did you got to learn anything at least?" She questions with more curiosity than worry after checking on me and seeing I appear to be fine.

"Yes, luckily the information passed through my brain before it was being voiced."

"Anything useful?" At this point, she couldn't contain her curiosity, and I could tell it by watching how her eyes glittered in anticipation.

"It seems like this isn't some ruins, it is a specific place where skeletons and zombies exist protecting a portal at its deepest part, the reason why they don't come out."

"They can't come out because of the barrier or because of this god of chaos?"

"Yes, the barrier keeps them locked inside, as I am now I couldn't possibly reproduce it, but in some months if I keep studying this I'd be able to add this ritual to my list."

"A ritual? Is that a skill included in your class?"

"Apparently rituals are a different form of using magic, they are skills in the end but they require a magic circle, and imbuing lots and lots of mana, the more it has the stronger the effect will be."

"That's very interesting, your class turned out to be pretty cool after all," she smiles very interestedly in it, wanting it for herself.

"Hearing those words makes me happy and relieved," I smile tiredly at my sister who seems to be quite happy.

"Why relieved?" As soon as she questions me her expression changes radically.

"Well, I thought it was a bad evil class since it came from disgrace, I felt like it wasn't good at all, it's hard to know if it was the right choice or not, but seeing as you look that happy it must have been," I do a big smile full of kindness.

"From what you told me disgrace is just a different fame, so don't worry about it, after all, both are part of the same system, I'd go as far as to say two sides of the mirror."

"Yes you're clearly right, thank you Aurora."

"You're welcome little Iris, here let me help you," she extends her hand which I grab to help me lift my knees from the ground, and once I'm up I mean on her placing my arm around her shoulder.

She then carries me to the nearest tree letting me rest there for a while, and then Aurora whispers closely at my ear, "what if you removed that barrier?"

"If I did that, I believe the monsters inside would leave making it empty."

"If that happened we'd be able to kill them outside where it'd be easier to fight them, and eventually explore what's deep inside."

"Yes, but without knowing what's in there we could end up unleashing a catastrophe into the village, even getting ourselves be murdered."

"Fair enough also I received the two titles too."

"The god ones?"

"Yes, apparently those two worked."

"That's interesting, just surprised the attention we caught wasn't from the goddess Aria since I'm a human."

"Perhaps if you kill her devotees and destroy her churches," Aurora does an evil grin.

At that I fake laugh, not knowing what to say since I feel inside that she would actually do that just to annoy a godly being, most likely the reason she got sealed, not having self restrain.

"Any information about this portal thing?"

"No, I only know that it exists, let's head home, for now, I'm out of mana and tired," I protest otherwise there's a chance she'd want to stick around for a longer time.

"Sure, I'll take the herb bag, and depending on the guards I'll walk the rest with you."

"Sounds good, thank you it helps a lot."

We head back home without issues.

At home, I have dinner with my parents while Aurora relaxes in the room.

"How was your day father, mother?"

"It was enjoyable how about you daughter?"

"I had a lot of fun teaching those kids in the morning and it's a good pay too, how about you dear?"

After hearing both of them as they take turns to reply I speak.

"Today I gathered a lot of herbs at the west forest, so tomorrow I'll be spending a while potion crafting!"

"You went there just for that?" Mother asked curiously.

"We also had a quest there to find Sephy herbs which I found a share of."

"Any encounters with monsters? Usually annoying horned rabbits?" Father asked smiling as he fought them before.

"It was pretty relaxing I spent most of the time gathering herbs while Aurora explored the woods and the ruins."

"The ruins!?" They shouted in unison, the father spoke, "they're very dangerous don't let her go inside she could die! Didn't the guards warn you, girls? I'll beat them to pulp those imbeciles!"

"It's okay father they did their job, just Aurora is a very curious girl when it comes to magic, so she couldn't help but check it out a bit, she's safe and unharmed though!"

"That's a place restricted even to adventurers dear, they are ancient ruins that no one dares to mess with, they're supposedly cursed as the air inside of them feel heavy and dead monsters roam inside of them."

"I'm surprised the army or the church didn't wipe it clean."

"One of the old Saintesses declared that the barrier wouldn't allow any monster to leave it, and so the only people who bothered with it were greedy people."

"I see... on our way back Aurora did mention that the skeletons had very old ragged clothes and weapons, she used one of them that broke after a few times being used."

"Most likely it was from an old adventurer, maybe a warrior or even a knight who knows."

"Exactly Rosaline, if a skeleton were to be born in some way I don't think it'd have a need to wear clothes."

We laugh upon hearing dad comment.

"The first time I went to that forest I met a horned rabbit while I was gathering herbs, we looked at each other, and then he made a loud noise. Suddenly I was running away from ten of those things, it was dangerous but I managed to defeat them!"

"10 of them alone!? Aren't you like level three or maybe four? Even if you were higher it would still be hard if they scatter around you!" Rosaline asks with a surprised expression while her hands tremble but she hides them from her daughter.

"I'm currently level 7 but before the skeletons that Aurora defeated I was level 4 I believe."

"Just how much experience the skeletons gave you!?" Dad shouted surprised as leveling up took him a lot longer.

"You two never attempted to fight them before?" I ask confused at their reactions.

"Of course not dear we do not go against the rules, and well we weren't living here before, but even if we were we wouldn't have gone there."

"Eh, really!?" I ask my mother doubting her, from her personality which doesn't sound fit it.

"Maybe," mother winked at me smiling.

Her smile makes mine be summoned almost like magic and then I continue," each one gave like 100 something experience."

"That's a lot of experience slimes give like 1 or 2 tenths of it!"

"Slimes there gave like half of that I think..."

"That means the creatures in there are higher level and possibly extremely strong."

"Yes, Aurora left as her monster detector skill alarmed her of at least 70 monsters."

"70!?" Father voiced out amazed by the number.

"Yes, enough to destroy the village as we only have two guards stationed at the west gate."

"That's quite true..." Mother said while reflecting greatly on my words.

"I guess humans think they're fine as long others tell them that, the more I know about our race the stronger I want to become as there're too many things that feel out of place."

"That's quite the interesting thing to say, dear, what makes you think that and what things are not in order?" Dad asked interested in my words.

"For example, the fact that there's a very powerful dragon in the north of our kingdom if one day it decides to fly to our kingdom it would burn us to ashes!"

"Sadly, there's only been a hero who tried fighting that dragon before, and well he died, so normal humans even if they all united I don't think they'd stand a chance."

"Even then they should be doing something to become stronger or even finding other alternatives!"

"I agree baby, but most humans enjoy living peacefully, not everyone has the desire you have sweetie."

"So we're just waiting for the prediction of the Saintess to come true?"

"Where'd you hear that?"

'Ah... I heard it before when I was a baby, I believe dad said he heard it from someone at the church.'

"I heard it from someone close to the village church."

"They should be more careful with such information, it could cause panic towards the people in the kingdom."

A cold voice comes from behind me saying, "I believe that would be good, that way humans would strive to become stronger and start doing something against whatever is to come."

Parents look at the source finding two blue eyes approaching from the darkness of the living room.

After Aurora sits on one of the chairs father replies to me, "that's right but sadly the power within the kingdom is split by many factions."

"Many factions?" 

"Basically the main part of the human's army belongs to the king, then 8 other parts of it each belong to one of the eight rose families, and a last part to the church, at least that's how it used to be, not sure of the army situation these days."

"Surprised they need 10 people to do something as simple as managing an army," Aurora said with a cold tone mocking the subject.

"What do you know about warfare Aurora?" Father asked intrigued by her tone.

"Enough to do it myself."

"If that's true, I could put on a word with my friend the prince, he's always eager to recruit new talents, such as strategists or other types."

"Sounds like a good prince unlike the ones I've met, however, I'm not moving away from," her cold eyes focus me,' what's mine,' she thought going silently.

I smile innocently at her and say," I don't mind if you give it a try sister, in the future if humans would start moving because of you, I would feel assured if it'd increase our chances of survival."

An unusual expression filled Aurora's face as an evil smile appeared very briefly, 'that's not a bad idea little Iris.'

"So would you like to tag along with me tomorrow morning to the capital? I have an appointment with the prince in 2 days, it takes a while to get there about 300kms of distance which by carriage will be at best 14 hours of a trip."

She stares at me and I nod smiling, "does the prince enjoy chess?"

"Chess? Was that a thing from your past life to Aurora?" Mother asks curiously not being a big fan of it since it requires thinking too much.


"That's amazing, and yes we do have it in this world too," father clarifies happily as they discuss the rules.

"Since it is the same ones it'll be enjoyable," Aurora says ending it with a cute smile.

"Well the nobles play it since they're young, they get a high level of education especially so when it comes to the prince, so don't worry if you lose, dear daughter."

"Don't worry father, I'll be sure to not worry about it," Aurora replies with a smile.

"I'll help you pack some things Aurora."

"Thank you, mother."

"You're very welcome!" Rosaline smiled kindly at her as she felt like her daughter had found something to do with her life, other than placing herself in danger through questing.

I smile at my family while wondering what's going through Aurora's mind.

We then spend some hours having fun chatting at the table before going to sleep.

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