Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 49 – Ruins Arc

Back to present inside the ruins.

"This place is still dark as ever, I wonder if we could use someone with light element just to illuminate these ruins."

"That sounds like a funny idea, maybe Eliass would like to come one day?"

We stop and look at each other thinking about it.

"That actually wouldn't be a bad idea Aurora and I feel like she'd be very useful."

"These ruins are still extremely dangerous so having more people could prove to make it easier or not."

"No? How come?" I look at her with eyes filled with curiosity.

"They could betray us and put us in a more dangerous position to save themselves, humans are like that."

"Oh... I see... Sister you... I wonder what kind of things you went through in our past life."

"You wouldn't want to know."

'I think I do, but I'll wait for her to open up and tell me,' I look at the enemies ahead, "Don't you think it's weird Aurora, we're in the first room and there are 4 skeletons again in the same positions as last time, and two more behind them."

"Hum? Now that you mention it, but the first time I came here there was only two I believe."

"So the number is increasing by two every time perhaps?"

"Almost like the monsters don't leave the first room after we make a ruckus in it."

"Could they probably get stuck in the first room?"

"It's a little dangerous to run in one of those halls with skeletons behind and ending up cornered by two rooms of them, but if they get stuck here we could lure them all."

"We could, but then we'd lose our way out."

"Well yeah, for now, let's clean these up."

Aurora clads her hands in mana and runs at them.

'It's always amazing how she just enjoys fighting with the palms.'

'I broke my sword last time, retrieving only the handle, so I'll have to try something similar,' I run at two of them, away from the group Aurora aiming for, in the center of the room.

I position myself in front of one of the skeletons so that I deal with one at a time.

He slices at me horizontally and I fall back, 'last time the skeleton did a vertical slash leaving him open, if I had a sword I'd just parry it but this range is insanely harder to approach.

'Icicle,' an icicle stretches from his blind spot piercing his skull passing through his back to his eye, getting stuck inside it.

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

'Err... That didn't quite work as intended but since it's inside the skeleton head, what if I spread it in all ways?'

I imagine multiple icicles expanding,' from the one inside small ones stretched to all the sides, creating holes in the skull, cracking it everywhere.'

Notice: 200 mana has been deducted.

Notice: 150 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

Notice: The Skill Ice Expansion has been acquired.

'A new skill? Creativity truly is the key to learn ice magic, icicle,' I shoot another one this time a bigger one from above the second skeleton, piercing the skull head from above as he tries to swing his sword at me which I dodge.

Notice: 100 mana has been deducted.

Notice: 120 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

Notice: 130 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

"Sister bait them and save your mana!" I shout at her forgetting about telepathy.

She nods lightly and stays slightly close to their attacking range.

I close my eyes and imagine three icicles falling on top of their heads, then I think of them piercing and expanding inside or close to their heads.

Notice: 600 mana has been deducted.

Notice: 100 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

Notice: Iris has leveled up to 11.                                                                

Notice: 110 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

Notice: 120 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

System: The title Creation has been received.

System: The title Ilusion Series has been received.

Notice: A sealed skill has been acquired.

I open my eyes surprised and notice I hit all the targets close to what I pictured,' what's a sealed skill? Appraise it.'

Notice: 200 mana has been deducted.

[Sealed skill requires the completion of illusion series to fully unseal current state: 1/3]

'That means I need two more titles, but what are illusions?'

"Hey sister I got a weird sealed skill that needs 3 titles to unseal it, they're related to illusion, what is that?"

"Illusions is like confusing your enemy with a double you from a mirror for example, or even doing something that produces a false reality, maybe lie when you dream and you know it's fake, but that sense of false can be considered an illusion."

"I have an idea I want to try, can you summon your mirror here?"

"Sure?" She asked confused while extending her hand in front of us, "mirror."

I push the mirror to the middle entrance that is connected to one of the pathways and hide on the other side of the hall.

After a while, a skeleton approaches and starts slashing at the mirror confusing it with me.

1 minute goes by... 5... 10... 20... 30...

At some point, there're 8 skeletons hitting the mirror making a lot of noise, and then a voice rings in my head.

System: The title Deluded has been acquired.

I close my eyes and try to imagine the skeletons in front of me being hit by my icicles.

I create 8 icicles piercing them all from above.

Notice: 800 mana has been deducted.

Notice: 110 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

Notice: 120 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

Notice: 130 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

Notice: 100 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

Notice: 90 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

Notice: 140 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

I open my eyes and realize I missed two of them, I try again to sense the mana from the skeletons in front of me as every being with a soul has some, then I imagine my magic hitting them.

Notice: 200 mana has been deducted.

Notice: 120 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.

Notice: Iris has leveled up to 12.     

Notice: 130 experience has been rewarded from a skeleton.                 

"I'm very curious as to what you're trying to do Iris with your eyes closed, and I'm surprised you're actually hitting the skeletons."

"I feel like I'm starting to sense the mana in other beings, but I'm not sure if that's what it is, status."

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 12 | Experience 140/1200

Fame: 250 | Disgrace: 13560

Unique Class: Babel Witch | Rank 3 | Experience 1280/8000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 540/690 | Mana: 830/2810

Status Points:0

Strength: 185(+9) | Stamina: 66(+3) | Agility: 85(+6) | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 174(+10) | Wisdom: 272(+9)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 7720

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(S), Wisdom(B), Reader Series(B), Body Training(S), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(S), Advanced Reader(S), Soul-bound(S), Element(S), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(A), Monster Slayer(D), Slime Slayer(C), Skill Mastery(D), Tree Chopper(C), Tree Type(S), Tree Series(D), Log Maker(C), Tree Planter(S),  Book Thief(D), Criminal(D), Expert Reader(F), Herbs Gathered(S), Herbs Types(S), Potion Brewer(S), Potion Types(E), Status Mastery(E), Beast Slayer(D), Horned Rabbit Slayer(C), Potion Administered(F), Goblin Slayer(E), Orc Slayer(F), Assassination(S), Herbalist Series(C), Skeleton Slayer(C), Noticed(S), God Series(D), Potion Selling(F), Potion Failed(D), Potion Succeeded(D), Alchemist Series(F), Money Maker(S), Merchant Series(C), Trading(S), Herbs Sold(S), Herbs Bought(S), Acknowledged(S), Disgraceful (S), Ignored(S), Forgotten(S), Zombie Slayer(F), Creation(S), Ilusion Series(A), Deluded(S).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 5

Actives: Status level 52(D), System Library level 50(D), Mana Coat level 20(E), Mana Wave level 3(F), Ice Bind level 10(F), Ice Sword level 1(F), Icicle level 15(F), Long Slash level 3(F), Ice Expansion level 4(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 20(E), Swordsmanship level 23(E), Sword Mastery level 14(F), Mana Control level 35(E), Ice Control level 25(E), Slight Wisdom Boost level 9(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 13(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F), Ax Art level 1(F), Ax Mastery level 1(F), Corpse Dismantler level 10(F), Brainwash Resistance level 66(C), Night Vision level 10(F), Slight Stamina Boost level 3(F), Slight Agility Boost level 6(F), Slight Strength Boost level 9(F).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 52, Magic Analysis level 50.

Class Rituals: Snow Falling level 10.

Class Passives: Dark Alchemy Mastery level 40, Witchcraft level 42, Curse's Mastery level 14, Ritual's Mastery level 14, Magic Control level 33, Magic Knowledge level 23, Ice Mastery level 16.

Unique: Appraisal level 42, Sealed[2/3].

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank D: 44/400)

"It seems like the sealed skill was graded as unique and I'm missing one title for it."

"Your class also ranked up Iris, I wonder what ranking up a class does since mine doesn't have an experience system like yours do."

"I feel like my skills have been growing faster from the last rank up so it should be that, I could appraise but we might need the mana."

"True better save it plus it's not like we can do anything about it anyway."

"By the way, Aurora you can consume all the 14 soul stones around us, see if we can rank you up further at some point you're bound to get something that helps you."

"Hopefully," she turns into a grimoire and consumes all the soul stones around, then converts them.

'I'll be giving you the skills I got from the skeletons aside of the brainwash resistance,' Aurora used telepathy to convey a message to Iris.

'Okay, sister.'

'I should spend my skill points while she chooses the skills, class skill list please.'

Notice: Witchcraft skill tree list has been updated appraise?

'Please do.'
Notice: 800 mana has been deducted.

Babel Witchcraft Skill Tree:


Destiny Cards: Once per day can use a random card out of a 22 deck that will bring a catastrophe into the world for a limited time or till a condition is met, grave consequences.

Dark Alchemy [Crafting potions with limited effects and that only last for so long, starts at 10%, 0,5% per level.]

Mana shield: 0.25% Damage is absorbed to MP instead of HP, 0.25% per level.

Drain HP: Absorbs 1 HP per minute from enemies around healing itself, +1 per level.

Decay: It'll rot slowly something it touches, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Magic Analysis: Can analyze the properties of the magic, of a magic circle, or the area itself, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Curses: (It requires casting time, the higher the proficiency the faster it'll be.)

Frog: May transform the target into a frog for a period of time, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Delirium: Makes the target have a random illusion for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level. 

Mute: Makes it so that they can't speak for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Blind: Makes it so that the vision for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Deafen: Makes it so that the hearing for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Taste: Makes it so that they lose palate for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Smell: Makes it so that they lose the sense of smell for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Paralysis: Paralyzes a random part of the body, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Fear: Induces fear towards the target, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Confusion: Causes confusion towards the target, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Rituals: (Require spending mana to create a magical circle, needs tremendous amounts of mana, can accumulate every day.)

Memory Loss: Makes targets inside the magical circle lose some memories, 0.25% chance of success, 0.25% per level. 

Sleep: Makes targets inside the magical circle fall asleep, 0.25% chance of success, 0.25% per level.

Snow Falling: Due to Ice element snow will fall, everywhere that snows will be Iris mana territory, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Cursing Objects: A random curse will be applied in an object, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Taint: It'll taint users inside the magical circle in some way, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Magical Barrier: Defends a place inside a magical circle from magic damage.

Physical Barrier: Defends a place inside a magical circle from physical damage.

Detection Barrier: Detects anything that enters inside a magical circle.

Babel Arts:

Grimoire possession: Links oneself with the grimoire to use Pandemonium skills. May affect personality while in use.

Grimoire renouncing: Unlinks oneself with the grimoire.

Pandemonium skill: Unlearned

Pandemonium skill: Unlearned

Pandemonium skill: Unlearned

Grimoire skill F (Telepathy)

Grimoire skill E (Giver)



Babel Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level. May affect personality.

Grimoire Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level. May affect personality.

Witchcraft: Increases the whole skill tree proficiency by 0.1%, per level. May affect personality.

Curse’s Mastery: Increases curse chance to activate by 0.25%, per level. May affect personality. 

Ritual's Mastery: Increases ritual chance to activate by 0.25%, per level. May affect personality. 

Dark Alchemy Mastery: Increases alchemy chance by 0.2%, per level. May affect personality. 

Magic Control: Increases specified proficiency by 0.25%, per level.

Magic Attack Slight Boost: Increases specified proficiency by 1 per level.

Magic Defense Slight Boost: Increases specified proficiency by 1 per level.

Magic Knowledge Slight Boost: Increases intelligence by 1 per level.

Charm: Increases charm by 1, attracts generally the opposite gender, 1 per level.  

Mp Absorption: If damaged by an enemy magical skill heal Mp by 0.25% of its total mana cost, 0.25%, per level.

Fire Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Water Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Earth Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Air Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Nature Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Poison Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Acid Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Ice Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Explosion Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Lightning Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Spirit Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Summoning Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Light Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Dark Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Time Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Space Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

'Destiny Cards? That's a new one and it sounds very dangerous, so I'll learn it and use it if I ever run into an emergency. There're some other skills I don't remember seeing, was it from ranking up or evolving the class? I want grimoire possession and renouncing along with babel mastery and grimoire mastery, I hope with the last one it'll help Aurora get stronger in some way.'

Notice: Skills successfully learned; Status updated.

"I'm done, Iris."

"Same here sister, I'm also out of mana so let's head home before things get dangerous."

"Alright, still need to see how Mark is doing with the knowledge of warfare I left with him," she sighs due to having fun in the ruins.

I smile at her and grab her hand then speak, " cheer up, things will get better eventually, worst case you can be an amazing general, by itself it can also be a great strength that I can't keep up with, after all, I'm just one little witch."

"Ideally I'd be able to command 200 thousand men, but it'll depend on how everything goes from now on towards the future where the goblin king will invade, I want to strike him down before he gets even more soldiers."

"They reproduce faster than us from what appraisal told me."

"Yes, and their statuses are also better in raw combat, so that's dangerous."

"I have an idea that we could try tomorrow morning after I recover my mana fully."

"An idea?" Aurora asks curiously as every time I have one something interesting usually happens.

"Yes, you'll see it," I smile playfully as we head home.


Happy reading everyone!

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