Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 55 – Ruins Arc

At home and after walking inside of it for a bit, I notice my family sitting in the kitchen with Mark.

I go closer and start spreading hugs to everyone except the advisor with who I don't know or have any intimacy.

"How was your day Iris?" My father asked me with a smile. 

"It was fun I got to meet two of the summoned by the goddess Aria from a different world, and I ended up doing a quest with them, one almost died because he was careless."

"They'd die that easily despite being blessed by the goddess?" Mark questioned surprised at my words.

"Yes, apparently all they have is a blessed skill which by itself already means a lot, but their level 1 so they are extremely weak, in fact, they were absolutely useless, and I had to save one of them a few times, one of them a boy named Goro, he has quite the interesting ability."

"Something that interested sister?" Aurora looks at me curiously with those light blue sparkling eyes.

"It seems he has the blessed skill divine cooking which allows everything that he cooks, to improve the status temporarily!"

"Feeding an army in the base camp with it could be very useful," Aurora looks at Mark after saying that. 

"Without a doubt seeing as the army is the strength of numbers if every single one of them becomes stronger even if temporary, it would surely be able to destroy our enemies easier."

"By the way Iris, it seems I'll be gone for two years maybe more, received a letter today from the crown prince."

"What? Why?" My excitement disappears turning into sadness.

"Apparently he and Ryu spent a while together among other important people discussing my war theories that I gave him, and as such I'll be tested for 6 months training the army, if after that time passes the results are good, then I'll be promoted as a noble raising our family status, acquiring territory along with a general title."

"Woah... I'm completely speechless... When are you expected to go?" I hold back my tears.

"Sadly today, I just wanted to see you before that and have your permission as well, parents already gave theirs."

"Of course you can, I mean, if that's what you want to do, I don't see a reason not to, after all, the human territory will surely expand with your marvelous mind, I believe in you with all my being!" I grip my hands behind my back holding back the tears.

I smile at her happily as I grew used to having her with me even if it wasn't for the longest time.

"Thank you sister those words relieve me even though I'll be missing you a lot, and well, make sure you don't stop becoming stronger especially with me gone."

"Don't worry my dear sister Aurora, it seems that I won't be alone no matter what I do."

'What do you mean Iris?' She spoke with me through telepathy.

'It seems that my class witch has become further cursed into Babel, back then I didn't know what it meant, but before having it the skills would only change my personality by influencing it a bit from time to time, and now they have become their own personalities, in fact, the one you met is just one of many, but my skill is maxed soon so you don't have to worry, I'll find a way to make good use of these new sisters of us.'

'I sure hope so, it would ve messy if you changed with no return, and what are they exactly?'

'They are my skills, the best ones that influence the important parts, the ones that said may influence personality, however, they're my skills, in other words, their one true goal is to serve me despite some of them having a rude tone which to be fair, I've grown used to it.'

We smile kindly at each other.

'I'll be saving the soul stones that I can till the day you are able to visit me hopefully in a few months. I believe I'll be able to return home from time to time, so don't worry my dear Iris.'

An adorable tone resounds in my mind using telepathy to deliver a message to Aurora.

'She's not yours, she's mine, how dare you attempt to have the master all to yourself, you greedy sister,' upon hearing that Aurora loses her composure making a surprised face.

'I'll be waiting patiently, for your return my beloved sister, I'll miss you tons, please take good care of yourself, and shush adorable girl, you're all equally mine,' I tell her making her go quiet possibly embarrassed.

Mark gets off the chair and heads to the exit, and as he passes by me says lowly," if you ever decide to come to learn in one of the Lumen capital institutes just use the recommendation letter, we'll be happy to have you as one of our students."

To that, I reply, "perhaps in the future when I'm done with adventuring."

"Certainly, I'll be waiting eagerly for that day, take good care of yourself" he smiled and headed to the exit.

Aurora then hugged me after having done it to our parents and said," you'll be okay right?"

"Yes, don't worry about it, the voices will be teaching me and helping me out while you are gone," I said innocently while tearing up and hugging her tighter. 

Parents hugged us as they noticed it and mother patted my hair at the same time. 

I then push her away softly and say," I won't forgive you if you become any less than the general of the entire army!" I wipe my tears with my hand.

"You better become strong enough to join my army," Aurora flips her hair proudly while showing off.

I laugh lightly at her almighty attitude and reply softly," I will,  just you wait."

After they leave, mother says," I suppose this is what means to have talented daughters,' a tear falls off her cheek making me grab her hand and we cry together for a while.

After eating something and talking with my parents I head to my room.

An adorable tone pops into my mind the moment I lay in bed as if waiting for me to get comfortable.

'We've all been talking and discussing.'

'About what?' I ask curiously feeling rather suspicious of the subject.

'Each of us has a few conditions, if you're able to complete them you'll grow stronger and we all share two desires.'

'Conditions? Desires? What do you mean by those?' I asked becoming even more confused than what I already was.

'Our first desire is to be able to attain a physical body, and the second is to then serve you the Babel witch.'

'Last time someone needed a physical body ended up as a grimoire,' I declare reminding me of my sister when she was stuck in the mirror.

A charming tone said," there are two ways that we know of doing this, one of them you kill a being and we enter its body possessing it and eventually making it ours, and we take a part of your soul with us establishing a servant to master contract making us your underlings, the second you use a brainwash skill and erase the mind inside, we then replace it.'

'Does the type of body matters?' I ask curiously thinking about the possibilities.

'It'll be modified once we do the contract to something similar to you, so it doesn't matter plus our status will be a copy of yours, if it's a weak body it'll take longer to duplicate your information to the new body, but that's the only drawback.'

'If you all get the exact same copy of my status does that mean that you'll all get different skills and statuses and titles?'

'As you are the master and original being our status will always be the same as your own, the only thing that differs is the health and mana, we'll have our own freedom and lives.'

'What would happen if you killed a slime for example?'

'The experience would go to the master along with the user experience that we'd get of using skills, so basically, your skills would level up a lot faster since you'd have many people using them.'

'All that sounds incredibly good but what are the consequences of doing such a contract?'

'You'd lose a part of your soul to us as long as we remain alive around a thousand if you want us to be at our best at least that much.'

'The loss of soul... How does that affect me?' 

'It only matters for when you die and become a soul stone generally, however, your sister gave you something truly wicked, uniquely valuable, she gave you a special mirror, the more soul you have the bigger the world we can explore will be, so after you turn us alive we'll make the contract with you and link all our souls, and then we'll help you expand your world as you have limited access to it since you're still incredibly weak.'

'Limited access? What do you mean by that? If the world is mine shouldn't I have full control of it?'

'The invisible walls beyond it, there's no void or emptiness there is the world that is your soul, the more you do and achieve in it the purer you will become, as for what happens we do not know, and what dangers lay in such a world are unknown too.'

'In other words, I could just not do any of that and seal you all together with the mirror.'

The many different tones made a gulping sound.

'I'm just kidding, I wouldn't waste a good opportunity to become stronger even more so by expanding my family, as you'd all become my sister's that is if you're all female?'

'Yes, we're all you in the end, we are what you become forever a part of you, there is a chance the system cannot deal with our existence, so to avoid any issues you must do this in the mirror world, and we won't be able to come to this world until we become a full entity.'

'Wait, but then I wouldn't get experience or anything as there are no beings in the mirror world! Unless... There is?' I make a shocked expression. 

'Since it is a mirror we believe it'll have everything this world has and a lot more as you also were in your old one, the mirror reflects people's souls, so despite you were locked the world information is in your soul even more in your case as the system malfunctioned on your reincarnation.'

'What do you mean with that? I didn't know that?'

'We've been busy exploring your soul and found out that your soul grows ten times faster than it should, and there's something else, but till you awaken fully we don't know.'

'That's interesting it turns out the system helped me making a world and you girls a possibility easier.'

'It was also due to the god of chaos and the evil one influence even though I don't believe they knew about the mirror of your sister since it was cursed and sealed.'

'So for now we won't have any gods trying to mess with our world.'

'That's right unless you show it to others it should never be an issue, so keep it hidden as best as you can, once we're alive we'll help you hide it better as well, we have a lot to do, truly.'

'Sounds like we'll have a lot of fun in these two years that are to come,' I smile happily while thinking about the surprise it'll be for Aurora once she comes back. 

'Wasn't the mirror from Aurora? Didn't it reflect her soul too, her memories and world which one of them was the same one as mine, but inside the mirror, I believe there was a different one...'

A sleepy tone resounded in my mind,' it seems you can be brilliant if you try, that's something none of us thought about, but in that case, the mirror was created by the sage, so the world inside the mirror is at the very least three times bigger than this one, and we don't know how big this one is...'

'Thank you for the compliment for a change, and we have a lifetime to figure everything out, slowly but surely!

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