Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 76 – Annual Tournament Arc

A small red light shines and then the man in front of me speaks," you can remove the hand now."

I take my hand swiftly as the book and the light being emitted from it look a little creepy.

'I truly don't want to touch that thing again even if I'm a witch.'

'It looks similar to the adventurers one so it should give some sort of information to them from our status hopefully not too much.'

'Don't tell me you have something to hide,' I tease Aurora through my thoughts.

'Who doesn't,' she smiles even though I can't see as I have a really tall man in front of me.

The light stops shining and then places his fingers in the pages opening the book around half," it's been a while ever since I saw the light take so much time to disappear it is certainly a bad omen," he smiles raising the mask slowly.

'Oddly enough I find the book creeper than this person, he looks kind of enthusiastic like a little kid upon checking on something secret.'

Aurora chuckles at my comment making the man between us tense his muscles.

Once he finished passing pages all the way to a specific one which I believe is the one containing my information he starts reading out loud.

"Iris, descendent of Luke and Rosaline, 9 years old, cursed disgrace class babel witch rank 3 unawakened," he looks at me confused," your class is cursed?"

"It was given by the god of evil and god of chaos which the evil one forsake me recently as the Saintess chose to bless me, allying me to the goddess Aria as a consequence, might as well add that the goddess of order is also mad at me even though there is a possibility she's not anymore? I don't really understand the gods."

He made a conflicted face as his group is anti the church who discriminates, tortures, exiles, and sometimes even kills some of them.

Omar then looks back to the page and rereads as he lost the track of it during my explanation," Iris, descendent of Luke and Rosaline, 9 years old, cursed disgrace class babel witch rank 3 unawakened, 5000 fame, 30000 disgrace, special traits, and achievements: Soul-bound, reincarnated, system error, cursed, unidentified, cursed, blessed, blessed, villainess," he looks at me extremely happy and speaks while bowing respectfully," it seems you truly are the one."

"If I truly happen to be the one what happens now?"

"Before that, I'm very interested in your twin sister as I've been using human detection and can only find one in my range yet I can tell she's behind me, the killing intent coming from someone so young is extremely absurd," he gets up and extends the book near her which she places the hand on it.

A very intense red light with a layer of black shines and then," you can remove your hand," Aurora takes her hand away and the light shines a lot more than when it did to me making the teeth of the book tremble scaring even Omar who is used to all sorts of dark cultist things.

Once the light vanishes while trembling Omar opens the book and starts reading out loud, as he does the fear within grows influencing the voice that starts trembling and the shake of the body growing more intense.

"Aurora unknown unknown, descendent of unidentified and unidentified, 10209 years old, cursed disgrace class pandemonium unknown rank, unknown fame, unknown disgrace, special traits and achievements: Unidentified birth, unidentified race, unidentified appearance, unidentified bloodline, unidentified blessing, unidentified power, walking calamity, death bringer, unfathomable power, peerless general, sealed, cursed, 100% insane, personality disorder, physical body destroyed, soul rescued, soul-bound, fake reincarnation, system error, grimoire, sealed, cursed, cursed, unsealed, uncursed, mirror, unidentified, sealed," he takes careful and slow steps away from Aurora while sweating and trembling aggressively as the information that he read from the red book about himself doesn't even compare to the words of the little girl in front, and then without giving us time to say anything ends up vanishing taking the two items with him.

We stand there looking at each other for a big while as I process everything I had to hear that came out of Omar's mouth.

"It seems your information scared him away, just how powerful were you in our past life?"

'It's a long story, but I lost my power when my body was destroyed inside the mirror, however, thanks to you, at least my soul was rescued and now I'm starting from zero alongside you, though fairly speaking this time around I'm quite weaker than what I used to be or even born we could say,' my sister sends this whole information directly into my mind just in case Omar still hiding nearby.

I walk to the bed closing the windows in the process where Aurora closes the curtains and then joins me in bed.

'I guess they're not going to bother us further?'

'I'm sure there will be some Iris, as people always seek those who have power but hopefully they give us both time to fully awaken and become strong first, otherwise it'll be a hassle to do anything.'

'To think the strongest assassin in the world would run away from two little girls,' I laugh at the thought and then lift the sheets so that Aurora can get in to get some rest from the long day.'

'Thank you sister, make sure you recover from all the fights you did today, for tomorrow you'll need every ounce of energy you can pull of.'

'Yes...' I cuddle my sister from behind comfortably allowing my body to dive in relaxing and falling asleep shortly after.

Omar's perspective after he escaped.

'To think that the pandemonium was a little girl born along with the one, it seems like our prophecy wasn't entirely right as it should only appear when our master awakened, in other words, while the prophecy might indeed be right the riddle itself may be wrong or the way that it was interpreted, with the unique item that allows us to find a desired soul, it never occurred that we should search for the pandemonium itself as we expected it to be a sort of effect our saviour would have, I must report this information before knowing what action to take, neither of them felt like they wanted to kill me or tried to, so negotiations are a possibility even if we end up allies of the filthy goddess Aria we must have Iris to lead us into the new world, hopefully one that the shitty goddess doesn't exist, worst case we'll have to change this one completely so that we'll have a place where we can live peacefully,' Omar ran at full speed towards the slums using all the movement skills and items he had to deliver this information.

Three hours of intensive running lead him to arrive at the main den located in Zephy's territory that hosted thousands like himself as if they were normal peasants working there for the Lord of the Gray house, which was one of the ways he had managed to hide and control so many people.

At the entrance not far from the Lord mansion two guards were securing what appeared to be a completely broken tiny house made of wood, along with a rusty door that was half open, even without guards such a place wouldn't be visited by anyone as it looked like the type of abandoned place filled with trash and leftovers, but nonetheless, Omar went through both who couldn't react in time as he bypassed the security as if they weren't there in the first place.

Once he went through, entered a hole with a ladder which the man skilfully slid downwards in what felt like a tunnel that led underground similar to the sewers but without the garbage, smell, or water, once his feet touched the unrefined stone floor followed by dashing with the leftover body energy provided by the amount of stamina possessed, which wasn't low by far and ran through a few sections of the tunnel itself curving here and there eventually reaching a red door which Omar opened and closed upon entering.

Similar assassins who were inside ready to kill any intruders had already detected a human presence with fast movement speed coming in, but upon seeing who it was they didn't do anything to the tall man as he was one of them.

He passed by them without a moment to lose going through a few rooms eventually reaching a really wide room with four statues each resembling a different god, a male one that matched the god of evil, two female ones matching Aria and Luna, and a genderless one matching the god of chaos who was known in that place for being able to have more than one gender and even having none, this information had been acquired as all the statues appearances would change from time to time.

"Evil masters!" Five hooded men in black clothes turned their attention to him who stood close to them while regaining his breath.

"Omar? What's wrong? Did the one, call the guards on you or something?"

"Ah, no the one is named Iris she's actually pretty kind, reasonable, and gave me a chance to explain myself while questioning me about things she didn't know or understand..."

One of them interrupted Omar," does that mean she's willing to join us?"

"I don't know, I found something else which made me run away in fear," as the hooded masters were about to shout angrily at him, Omar extended the red book at them noticing the teeth on the cover shaking causing an uneasiness all over them making them silent, holding their complaints back.

The master in the middle opened the book passing some pages and on the left one he saw the one whom Omar identified as Iris, then read the information to the ones around him," Iris, descendent of Luke and Rosaline, 9 years old, cursed disgrace class babel witch rank 3 unawakened, 5000 fame, 30000 disgrace, special traits: Soul-bound, reincarnated, system error, cursed, unidentified, cursed, blessed, blessed, villainess."

The masters thought confused about why would he fret over this and then as if reading their mind Omar speaks," next page is the one, twin sister..."

Once more the master started reading out loud the information in the book this time feeling a cold sweat and fear as he progressed," Aurora unknown unknown, descendent of unidentified and unidentified, 10209 years old, cursed disgrace class pandemonium unknown rank, unknown fame, unknown disgrace, special traits: Unidentified birth, unidentified race, unidentified appearance, unidentified bloodline, unidentified blessing, unidentified power, walking calamity, death bringer, unfathomable power, peerless general, sealed, cursed, 100% insane, personality disorder, physical body destroyed, soul rescued, soul-bound, fake reincarnation, system error, grimoire, sealed, cursed, cursed, unsealed, uncursed, mirror, unidentified, sealed."

A very long silence proceeded as the men were taking their time to absorb the information they received from their almighty book that was superior to the one used by the adventurers guild, and even the church and royalty ones since there exist many types.

The one who had gained some resistance to the information that was written spoke," what should we do masters? It seems neither of them is awakened which means the prophecy still has yet to happen."

"From the information of the red book it seems that depending on our actions, we either stop them both from destroying this world or join the likes of the other factions forming an alliance to defeat them which the answer is obvious as to help them triumph, after all, we waited thousands of years for this opportunity," the rest of the masters agreed by nodding their heads making it look like a weird ritual was being executed.

"There is something else... the Saintess blessed the one making her an ally to the goddess Aria and the church," noisy screams and shouts of anger spread through them, and then one of them asked," how could this happen? How did this happen? Was our love for the one and the hate for those who did us wrong not enough through all these years?"

"Master from the conversation I eavesdropped while I was in stealth close by to the sisters, it appears that Aurora the pandemonium is currently the general of the crown Prince Julius, who is an ally to the church as such somehow she made the Saintess who was with the pope at the time, to bless the one and also join the army that is under her command and gained a force of 40 thousand men from the church that are heading towards the southern post, a base that was built half a year ago to combat the upcoming invasion of the goblin king, it also appears that the twin sisters intend to conquer the lands further south, perhaps that's what the prophecy is all about the new world that they'll create through the war which I sincerely believe to be the very nature of the one, the soon to be our leader, Iris."

"In other words, what you're trying to say Omar is that through many coincidences this girl Aurora reached the rank of general as a peasant which is generally given only to one of the rose family heads, has the absolute control of how the army proceeds, and is attempting to pave a new world by using her enemies the nobles and the church while defeating one of the greatest enemies of humanity the goblin king?"

"Yes, I believe that would indeed match every bit of information we've obtained from the general Aurora who turned out to be the twin sister of Iris, master," a different voice joined the conversation from one of the masters.

"Even though they were born from the same parents why is it that Aurora ones are unidentified such a weird thing."

"Since Iris is a type of witch that I have never heard, babel in specific, so I do not know the differences between her and a normal one, there is a chance that our enemies have been charmed or even brainwashed to some extent to help them since I do know that's two skills some of our witches have."

A different master added, "I do know that the brainwash can be countered but perhaps as Babel witch, it gives her a greater power that enables it to happen otherwise I don't believe the Saintess would bless someone without proper evaluation."

A different voice added from the only one who still hasn't speak, "the one must truly have profound magic otherwise how would she escape the identifiers of the pope?"

Four of the masters along with Omar turned to him surprised as they remembered that such skills were indeed used to identify different allies and even used to extract information from torturing methods since the pope has a human lie detector skill.

"If the pope and the Saintess have been brainwashed or even one of them, then it makes sense that we join the fight in the south which we could contribute greatly along with the Gray house."

Omar then said," if we fight against the church it would only weaken Aurora army possibly making the goblin army beat them due to the internal struggles of the Lumen kingdom, but I don't think it is wise for this information to reach the Lord of the Gray house, I wouldn't want our savior nearby that fellow, no matter how much potential both of them might have they're still 9 years old since they're twins who were born at the same time, which means the Aurora girl age must be the body and the really old one mentioned in the red book could be from her soul who somehow ended up in our world Artana. If I had to guess, Iris is the culprit for that to happen who probably summoned it while inside her mother womb through some cursed method, after all, it would be weird for the two pieces of the prophecy to appear out of nowhere, I have faith that everything happened for a reason, and this world was certainly chosen by them to help us."

"I truly value your faith in the prophecy and as such we shall go into a votation as we have always done the five of us, who votes to aid the pandemonium girl in the war against the goblin king while making a truce with the church till we beat him, raise your hand if in favor," three out of five raised their hands, so the man continued by saying," this means that we shall use three-fifths of our force to help Aurora and then the other two along with Omar shall take care of things in the kingdom while we're gone and keep an eye without getting too close to the one as we still need Iris to awaken and it may take some years still as she's ranked 3, but at least has beyond enough disgrace to grow much much much more, everyone agrees?"

"Yes, master Balthazar," they replied in unison in a creepy tone.

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