Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 95 – General Aurora Arc

Year 5009 after the system day 5 of the sun season in the southern outpost during the night.

Unable to let go of her emotions Sophie spent the entire day resenting herself eventually opening up and discussing it with Romeo to whom both came to an agreement, and were now in front of the tent of Aurora waiting for her to come out.

A while passes and the blonde girl comes out of the tent meeting the two of them near her table.

"Did you two need anything?" As soon as her voice reaches them they rush at her and give a tight hug surprising Aurora.

"We're truly sorry for barely contributing when you've been doing all you can to keep everyone alive," Sophie said apologizing feeling a mess deep inside.

"From this day onward, I promise to do my utmost so that we can lift some of that weight off your shoulders, little sister, it may not be much compared to what you already do, but certainly it'll be worthwhile."

Aurora allows her head to fall turning it slightly allowing her cheek to hit their shoulders softly smiling happily which Romeo notices making him grin brightly as he patted the cheek of Sophie wiping off her tear.

"I've read what you wrote for both of us, it is a pretty dangerous mission, but from its contents in the next year during summer it should be highly possible to achieve, but are you sure you can pull the goblin king out of the base Aurora?"

She lets go of them and stares firmly at Romeo," Yes, if it's about war then I'm sure I can make the impossible turn possible! For that I'll be spending the next entire year bothering the goblin king reducing his numbers with hit and run tactics, most of the merit will go for Zylph, who'll do most of the work since he's the leader of the cavalry force of the army, till we get more horses at least. I'd like a similar force on the left-wing, it'd increase the possibilities a lot in the future wars as this one is but the first of many."

"Hum... from the information we gathered from the tortured goblins, they have around a million goblins if you poke him for such a long time wouldn't he all out on us?"

"I thought about it, but then I realized that after the recent defeat he didn't particularly move, meaning that he's not ready to take action yet, in other words, it's the perfect time to annoy him plus if he does come we'll manage him to some extent, falling back if necessary as losing is not an option."

"Worst case how far do we retreat with the army?"

"All the way to the great walls of the capital..." Aurora thinks of the consequences for that.

'I've never lost a fight on a defending position, so in the worst case, I'm sure it'll be quite alright.' 

'Making the men walk all the way there would tire them endlessly, but the same could be said for the goblins who'll have to face strong walls at some point, and they're in a pretty good shape, with fresh soldiers and guards defending it along with a plan I devised for the queen and Isabella if things go to that extreme.'

'This war would be a lot easier if I could make Mark and Ryu each holding an army instead of having three fronts and only being able to control the central part of it, depending on how the goblin king decides to defend or even attack, I can't possibly help the other two forces.'

'I'll have to delay a total war even if it takes more time to vanquish the goblins, this will give time for the queen to decide on crown Prince Julius to rise and become the royal king seeing as we've obtained the most achievements, after that things will become a lot easier, as I'll be able to do anything I seem worthy with the entirety of the army, otherwise if one of the sides gets blown, we might receive a pincer attack or worse become totally encircled by the enemies leaving no path to escape.'

"There she goes again thinking one thousand things," Romeo chuckles making Sophie follow through in the same manner.

"It must be tough being a prodigy," Sophie says teasing Aurora with such a statement to which the girl replies with a smile," it must be tough being a muscle head," and the three of them start laughing together.

As some people approached a young feminine voice from there reached the group who was laughing happily.

"You really do resemble Iris with your appearance general Aurora," a hooded figure says loud enough to grab the group's attention.

She turns around with her cold gaze meeting a fiery stare from close, making the blue eyes of Aurora become blue flames from reflecting the ruby gems in front of her to which she says.

"Oh my, to think there was a similar me in this world, and a pretty beautiful one at that, though you mentioned someone you shouldn't know anything about," Aurora's body started irradiating an ominous aura making Momo feel intimidated taking a step backward.

"I met her a few days ago and killed her, she said she had never seen such a pretty hair color that resembled her of snow," she removes the hood from her head surprising those around her, except Aurora who was used to white hair.

Aurora released her killing intent aura affecting those around making them immobile and in fear, together with her ominous aura who enhanced the effect further, causing cold sweat to slowly crawl down their backs.

If such an effect had to be described in a different way, it would resemble as if death was approaching them unable for them to do anything but give their lives to the Aurora, or even of a deadly poisonous spider tingling their skin with every step wondering which spot to bite.

Despite the overwhelming pressure, Momo did her best to bow forward in respect for her, as she came to help her in the wars to come to the utmost of her capabilities, in the other hand Ming who felt his and her sister lives threatened,  attempted to murder Aurora by slowly reaching out for his weapon trembling as he did.

Once Momo had reached a perfect bowing position the aura ceased as nothing had happened in the first place.

The white-haired girl lifted her head and met the eyes of Aurora once again, this time smiling kindly while sweating from the killing intent who greatly resembled her grandfather's aura, except for the ominous part as they had different elements.

The white-haired girl then gathered all the remaining courage inside the little body and said," my name is Momo a cursed human since birth, the killing as a joke, of course, I actually befriended her, and this is my older brother Ming the wielder of the unique fishing rod, a summoned weapon of the goddess Aria, it is an honor to meet you general of Prince Julius, and sister of the one," the girl bows once again to make sure she's not seen as an enemy of humanity which is what Aurora a non-human currently represents.

"Welcome to the army, when did you meet my younger sister?" She asks casually as if Iris truly died, Aurora wouldn't be alive anymore, at least that's what Aurora firmly believed soul-bound to be.

"A few days ago right before we came here, and also right after we left our old village since this place is where my cursed skill guided us to."

"Cursed skill? Is it the reason your physical body is like that?" Romeo who regained his composure, asked curiously as he had been warned by Prince Julius, that Aurora life force was so abnormal that he didn't have to protect her at all times, and the same was mentioned to Sophie, whom he requested her to keep an eye on the Saintess safety, since between the two even before Aurora gaining an element was the one he felt more worry for.

'It seems Prince Julius was right, Aurora truly is outstanding! Just what kind of skill was that? It certainly wasn't given by the goddess blessing since it was mentioned by him quite before that... maybe something she gained while as an adventurer? I do remember her saying she had a low rank in it.' Sophie thought on the possibilities calmly so that she could also achieve similar power, seeing as how powerful of an effect it contained.

"I don't remember you ever talking about a sister Aurora," Romeo points it out while feeling a small curiosity on the matter.

"She's kind of a secret due to the annual tournament, my sister fought in my place, as if it was me since at the time, I lacked an element, and since my father trained her in magic it worked out."

"Oh... I thought you had the ice and the dark element, I know the one you own is uniquely graded one of the best ones, but there aren't many people with the ice one... that I know at least," Romeo replied as he's been gathering all kind of knowledge from everywhere he can since he was the sage, one could view it as a class of knowledge, at least it had been in his past life.

"On that note, the grade of the element doesn't quite matter as every element has its own properties, advantages, and disadvantages, if anything even the hero class and the skills that come with it after a long discussion with this pink-haired hero, it didn't feel amazing, there's not even an experience boost or something that would allow us to make a difference in this world."

Aurora right after hearing that softly replied," you can't possibly expect to learn how the system works in the little time you've been here, after all, don't you find it suspicious for there to be a level for everyone's class?"

Romeo opened his mouth and then closed it, looking down while voicing out his realization on the matter," you're right... there is a great chance for the skill list to be increased as we level it up," he raised his head facing Aurora," perhaps I'll even get the abilities I had to create skills like in the past world, being able to help everyone easier and even seal some powerful monsters if we find any, maybe like the red dragon in the north."

'Ah... how much I want to kill him and revive him to kill him again, and again, and again, and again...' in a loop, this went on and on inside her mind while Romeo talked about all the possibilities he thought of in the past while the others heard quietly.

This went on for a while eventually leading to everyone's exhaustion ending up with Aurora taking the siblings to sleep in her tent while Romeo eventually grew tired going to a different tent with Sophie, leaving her alone looking at the night sky.


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