Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 152 - Separations And Revelations

The world welcomed a new day and the sun rose and basked this one with its glow—and the rays of it were a fickle thing. Some would touch one of the land and bless it with spring, a warm and bountiful warmth that certained harvest. Others faced its harsh and drying heat, its inhabitants shielding under its stinging rays.

And there were those who received little, atop their lofty precipices of mountain and stone—the rays of the sun were blocked by dark clouds and even frostier winds. Last but not the least were those who received the sun's rays when it came to its end, seemingly of a summer's end when all the leaves match the colors of a setting sun.

The people who lived in this world see no reason for question—as the moon rose during the night, each inhabitant faced their own climatic environment.

A woman who had risen from her bed and stared out the window, taking note of the golden rays of the sun and found it odd that it was so huge.




The Queen of Hearts was already on her way—days from yesterday long gone. It almost felt like a dream. It must have been a dream for she had tasted defeat.

And it certainly wasn't sweet.

Rosalyn Lockhart had not much to ask, for what she wanted had already come at last. The King and Queen of Clovers were about to leave and she was hardly aggrieved. Good riddance to them. She could not mask any of her emotions.

A basket filled with tarts to the brim, she had promised it to the Delegate of Clovers on a flimsy whim.

She glanced behind her and found the Knight. Save for the odd time when he had been gone and she found him with the girl—he more or less kept at her side. If not even more silent than ever.

And yet she was glad, exuberance was surely clear in her countenance when she stepped out of the gates and saw the light green carriage in front of her.

Everyone of them was present—the Joker had not been there when the King of Diamonds and Spades left, but for this instance he was here.

It was probably all due to the Queen of Clovers.

She had never gotten along with the dark haired and petite Queen. Perhaps she should have attempted to kindle ties but she only did what was necessary for the rest of the days.

Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner.

The Queen of Hearts attended them all and spoke when asked, and she had even engaged in small talk. 

"Your Majesty of Hearts, we are delighted to have you see us off along with the Joker and His Majesty of Hearts." 

She smiled at Dimitri and offered him the basket, "It is the least that I could do, I look forward to the next gathering."

"Indeed, may the fates will it to happen."

Rosalyn Lockhart did not say that she wished to never see them for the next months, and that even she had grown weary of him. When a guest stays too long, this is what happens but being the host—she was unable to refuse with the King of Hearts.

She wasn't even that upset at Alexander with all the relief that flooded her chest.

The Queen of Hearts inclined her head.

"Does the Joker not wish to accompany us if he is also leaving the hospitality of the Heart Kingdom?" King Ivan Nordskov asked.

Almost uncharacteristically.

A smile on his face that made the Queen fear that he would strangle the Joker on the very first moment they left the gates of the Castle.

"A carriage cannot unfortunately contain my presence." The Joker responded with a bemused look. He looked as if he would have laughed at the very idea of it.

The King of Clovers raised a brow, his lips twitching, "Such a shame, we would have been gratified of your presence, Joker."

"Alas, one does not get everything that they desire—even Kings and Queens are refused." He said it with a twinkle in his eyes. "I bid you, the little bird and the Crown Prince a safe journey."

Neo Anasthasia curtsied, "Thank you…" She looked at the Joker with a touch of hesitation, but more than that was a look that she gave to the King of Hearts.

It was so quick that if nobody paid much heed then it would not be noticed. Especially when both the King and the Delegate also thanked the Joker.

Rosalyn Lockhart refused to be ruffled by that momentarily look, hardly a trifle to someone who could not care any less—for once they were gone, she would be more free. Free to do as she wished.

And that was the most valuable of all.

There were many things that had been accomplished in the duration of her time since she first returned but there was more to finish.




Lord Warth Duke incidentally happened to be still staying at the Castle of Hearts, but his presence was less imposing than those of other Nobility and Royalty. He was more driven to follow the will of the King.

And it was for that very reason that he had urged his wife to return to their estates earlier on while he took care of this matter.

He might have found it tedious to interrogate each and everyone in the Castle as well as investigate on possible routes and other clues that might have led to a more satisfying answer in regards to the attempted assassination.

Perhaps it would have been easier if the Knight of the Queen had spared one—but all of them perished under the man's blade.

But there was also the chance that it would be for naught.

A sworn oath that kept a man's tongue trapped if they uttered a word or not a clue on the direct one who hired them and simply kept in the dark.

Be it either, it could be said that whoever might have sent those assassins had at least been intelligent enough to leave no tracks.

Not a singular trace.


The bodies of the fallen ones were of no use, even sketches done by the artist and spread all throughout had made no family member approach the Castle to inquire about the people or even claim the body.

He opted having some fed to his dogs and others was for fertilizer. Lord Warth Duke clicked his tongue and checked the documents of some testimonies gathered by servants and even soldiers.

There were those who shared that they had seen the assassins but immediately fled, others were allowed to leave and ignored them and some had witnessed a rabid cat attacking the intruders by the door.

The last report miffed him.

Strange and unexplainable things, he detested them. But as he checked the report of Julius, it was for the tenth time this hour, a frown tugged his lips.

It was less of a report and more of the man sharing about how he dealt with the men and yet there was one thing he said at that time that was odd. It was almost ridiculous.

"I doubt that they entered through any strange or surreptitious method, if you need more methods to have the servants confess if they are involved...but have one considered if this was nothing more but a way to send a message?"

"A message?" He raised a brow. "We have not received any sort of missive and the soldiers had already searched the entire Castle of Hearts, inside and outside." No notes or any contact were made or received from the side of the enemies.

The Lord would have known if there was anything suspicious.

"What if there are those who still do not agree with the Kingdom's and Joker's ruling?"

"Then they would have assassinated the King, not just the Queen." The Lord informed the Knight with a raised brow. "Surely they have no problem with a true Heart bloodline ascending the throne."

Julius let out a sigh and gave him a look, "If the King of Hearts had not the Queen then it would show evidence that the King is not fit to rule. Especially if there are contemptuous nobles or even outsiders who wished to seek the throne."

"There is a rule and a treaty that the Four Kingdoms shall remain as allies."

"That does not mean anything if one can seize more power."

"Consequences." He reminded them. "There is a reason why the Card Trial's winners prevailed for there are consequences, grave ones if I remind you."

"There might be ways to overthrow it, if the people of the Kingdom itself were to decide to overthrow the King. That much is easier when the Queen is dead, not everyone is as loyal to the King as yourself."

Lord Warth Duke blinked. His thoughts had never considered that at all, the King was loved. But the Knight had pinpointed it with accuracy. He coughed. "I am loyal to the Kingdom."

"Very much so."

It was surprising that the Knight said it back then with no trouble. He spoke of his Queen's imagined death with detachment. The Lord Warth Duke nodded back then and held back his tongue. He had agreed with the man's assessment… but that was also one thing.

"He said that the King of Hearts was not fit to rule in his own way, almost unconsciously so." Lord Warth Duke stifled a chuckle. He put the report down on his table and shook his head. "That's to be expected however from someone once on the opposing side—surely the Knight would know if there was any remaining supporters."

And yet when Rosalyn Lockhart was chosen to be Queen… the Knight chose to be loyal to her instead.

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