Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 159 - Treason To The King And Kingdom?

There were things that Julius Ginellevé did not like… perhaps that much was obvious. And though he might have liked the idea of sitting and dining with the Queen of Hearts, it was something he had desired ever since the two of them played together as children—it also didn't help that she happened to be in between two other men.

It was a view that he didn't wish to see and even the food wasn't enough to make him feel any better. He couldn't even concentrate on eating it when the servant woman beside him kept shaking her knees.

Her fear was natural and even expected perhaps? But it inconvenienced him. He sighed and started to eat silently instead of thinking of complaints. It was perhaps something he had picked up by always being by Her Majesty's side, it was a little contagious. But whatever the actual scheme that the Joker had on his mind—the Knight would not fall to such attempts.

If he only did this to taunt him for his amusement then perhaps the Joker might have succeeded on that part.

'Joker' or 'Mister Rosswall' as the man had introduced himself a little over a decade ago was back. And though the others might assume that the reason for his arrival was either for the Queen or the King… 

Julius Ginellevé did not wish to think that the man had come here to simply haunt him. That would be too conceited of him, but even so, whether it was a mix of boredom and a wish for entertainment or some other agenda—Julius knew that he was also entangled with this mess.

He was much more involved than the Prime Minister could ever think he was.

And yet that only brought more irksome feelings to him. The small chit chat between the Queen and the Joker went over his ears, somehow he knew he should be more invested—but useless drabbling and information… He sighed inwardly and placed the small bite-sized meat in his mouth. It was good, if not a little dry.

Surely the chef knew what he was doing did he not?

"U-uh...Sir Knight?" It was a soft whisper.

He blinked and eyed the corner of his gaze, the timid looking Mary Ann beside him. Why was she whispering? He tried to be covert—but this much was obvious. "What do you need?" He hissed slightly.

"U-uh...I-I'm not sure what to use..." Her food was still untouched. Mary Ann's lips were pale and if not parched. Did she not even reach for her glass of wine to drink?

He wanted to question her intelligence but he gritted his teeth and picked up his own utensils. As for this woman's involvement—it might have been simply a whim of the Joker, but everyone knew that the girl was favored by the Queen. He would have to help her in one way or another.

But at a tender age, Rosalyn Lockhart figured out how to dine properly.

Even he had grasped it under one observation of the Lockhart House dining together one time during his youth. It should have been an expected response that when a servant was brought to her master's table, she would know nothing. Most were content to eat the scraps but here she was, the young woman worrying about manners.

He knew that if he had invited some soldiers, some might be shameless enough to stuff himself in front of the King and Queen.




One of the soldiers in the barracks coughed wildly. Ace thumped a hand over his chest and tried not to choke on his meal, and as he did, he received the jeer of his fellow soldiers.

"Eat a little slower."

"Quit scarfing down your food, you idiot!"

Yes, surrounded by his fellow men and women, Ace was glad that his shift of watching the Queen of Hearts during the day was over. He gave the others a look, "Someone should have given me water, I was out under the sun all day long—I would have died."

"Man up. I thought you wanted to get promoted?"

"I was trying to do some sword routines outside the Queen's windows, but she was too busy reading and filling up her documents to see them." He grumbled and scooped up more of his beef and potato stew into his mouth. It was piping hot but he was starving.




The embarrassment that she might have experienced from getting reprimanded vanished as soon as the luscious meat melted in her mouth. The Queen of Hearts enjoyed her meal. It was good, even if she preferred sweets—the savory flavor and texture of the meat was simply mouth-watering. Perhaps she did indeed need to be eating something more than tarts and tea?

"It's quite nice to see that you still eat as heartily as you did when you were younger." The Joker suddenly pointed out.

She eyed him and his still untouched plate. Someone might have gotten offended for bringing up topics that could only be understood by him and her, and possibly by her Knight, but she made no move to redirect the conversation.

Instead, the Queen of Hearts gave him a shrug, "I would have assumed that you would also reprimand me here—you were nagging me about having desserts before dinner. But would you be surprised that I'll still be having dessert right after?"

"No." His lips quirked into an amused smile.

Rosalyn Lockhart shook her head and cut off her roast beef, placing the morsel into her mouth. It was absolutely good. Heavenly and delectable. "I hope that you know what you are missing, Joker. I know others have not pointed it out because of politeness—but you always barely touch the plate." She met the older man's gaze and offered him a smile.

His actions were always offensive, almost as insulting as his words.

She could still remember the King of Diamonds nearly strangling the Joker—but perhaps that was also a bad example. King la Diamant was too sensitive, one needed to grow thorns if one wished to survive in being a ruler.

"Well, I get all the satisfaction from watching you enjoy your meal." He answered back with a grin on his lips. His eyes were even shut together as he did it.

A short grumble escaped the King of Hearts lips.

She didn't quite catch it, but perhaps it was in regards to the Joker's words—the man's eyes snapped open and glanced at the King of Hearts. "But if you could ever visit my Manor? I would treat you to a meal that would make you salivate." A twinkle of mischief sparked in his eyes. "Something so good that you'd never be able to leave—"

"Is that not a little funny, Joker?" The King of Hearts spoke up. "I remember staying at your manor but still leaving without any problems?" A tiny smirk formed on his lips.

It was a little out of nature for Alexander Hartsmichdt.

But then again, the Queen of Hearts had to remind herself that similar to how she presented herself to people with a facade—so did the King of Hearts. She often forgot it. He always put up a strong and amiable mask that it was the understanding and expectation that she had for him. 

Or perhaps he simply hated the Joker's guts that much.

"Your uncultured taste buds saved you, I cannot imagine how much salt you and your friend—" The Joker shook his head and picked up a wine glass. "You have indeed grown a little better into initiating me to speak, Alexander."

He used the King's names so casually.

"Or perhaps your guard is lowering now, old man."

If Rosalyn Lockhart had been sipping—she would have spat out her drink for a minute. She glanced at the Joker's unflinching face and a smile on his face. He was twirling the red liquid in his glass, the man always preferred red over white wine. 

"Yes, yes...I can't help but wonder when you'll finally grow old and I'd have to replace you." Only someone like the Joker would speak such words, it wasn't simply insulting now. She could not even blame the wine—because such words could be tantamount to sullying the King's honor.

Treason even.

But he then glanced at her and raised his drinks. "But long live to the Queen of Hearts—may you live a long and prosperous life." A crooked grin formed on his lips, "I believe that once your husband dies, you can surely take another. Surely a woman lives longer than a man, does she not? Time can be said to be on your side."

She froze.

Even if the words weren't an insult to her, it was defamation to the dignity of the King—she should be saying something. 'Defend the King' always ingrained deeply in her mind. She opened her mouth and yet could find no words. 

And the King of Hearts' immediate surroundings turned frosty. His gaze darkened over the man. Even as he picked up his own glass, he momentarily leaned back against his seat. "Well, they do say that death is one's escape from this world… if I could be forgiven for speaking these words bluntly. May death be a sweet release."

"...ah, that is a good line." The Joker laughed. The man placed his glass down for a moment. "I forgot from whom you picked that up from among your previous companions… Sarah? No, not her. It was that obnoxious boy—at least more obnoxious than you had been. Levin? I forgot their names."

"His name was Kevin." The King of Hearts replied.

Joker snapped his fingers, "I was one letter off, nearly got his name."

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