Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 182 - Wrapped Like A Gift (Rosalyn Lockhart)

Her mind was reeling, spinning and yet trying to find an anchor was akin to a ship trying to land in unsafe harbors, it was impossible. But her gaze focused on the item on the table, procured by the Hatter for her. It was a fascinator. And it wasn't exactly something that would fascinate her so—in the past, she had worn small fancy hats like this and had thrown them.

Fascinators like this one were a little too troublesome for the head, and she had opted for something else instead. And yet it was brought for her, and if she refocused her thoughts away from her own self-centeredness in a moment—she would notice the somewhat tired appearance of the man.

Or possibly it was always a thing that was ever-present with him.

It was a little difficult to notice worn out eyes when Nicholas Hatter had always seemed bigger-than-life in the way he interacted with her and his friends. A lively presence, even when he had gotten thrown into jail, even when they had ran from the assassins weeks ago—this man was always more vibrant than life.

His eyes were a plethora of colors, and his top hat hid not the unruly hair beneath it. He had even forgotten to take off his hat, possibly because it was a signature with him. And as for his clothes, they were an odd piece of craftsman clothes and a suit. Yes, even his clothes could not seem to decide if he truly wanted to be a Hatter or a gentleman that entertained friends and guests.

The silence dragged on in the room and for once, she made no move to fill it.

Watching the man somewhat uncertain and nervous in this hour, it was also unmistakable something that she enjoyed. It was better to have someone else uncomfortable than for her to be the one in that state.

"...Your Majesty?" he said. His gaze momentarily landed on her before it returned to his teacup. Nicholas Hatter sipped silently.

Rosalyn Lockhart's heart didn't exactly ease, but she finally remembered what it was that had brought this man here. She reached for the fascinator, and it was much more lovelier than what she had initially seen in his shop, and it was a marvel. The Queen of Hearts cleared her throat, "How long did it take you to make this?"


"Spit it out. Do not dilly-dally—"

"I only made it last night, Your Majesty." he said. The man would rush with his words, and smile. "If there's any changes you'd like for me to do, or possibly create a new one. I can make a better one if you don't like it."

Rosalyn Lockhart tilted her head at him. The expression on his face and even the gestures he did, they were all too kindly and polite. It wasn't as if she didn't like it when he was cordial, but it was during this time that he didn't seem so bright and colorful, it was as if he was slightly muted… and it was brought on by him being with her right now.

Had she damped his character?

Gone was the lively man that had once pointed out that she was heavy to carry while he ran and even earlier commented that it was good to see her despite running away from her for at least ten minutes prior. Rosalyn Lockhart sighed and placed it back on its box, a gift that had been carefully wrapped and presented.

"It's a gift."

"Indeed, Your Majesty." he nodded.

She frowned at him and picked up one of the roseberry decorated tart, she shoved it into her mouth and chewed. "You are a gift."

"Pardon, Your Majesty?" he blinked. Startled, possibly confused for a moment.

Eloquence was something that should have been instilled to her, but as she sipped her tea and then looked at him. She sighed and averted her gaze, "Gifts are meant to be decorated as you have done with mine, wrapped with colorful designs and tied with a beautiful ribbon—there is reason for it. However, I do not think that being a present suits you, Nicholas."

Silence took over in a second.

Until he spoke up, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I did not think that you would see it as that way." But it soon morphed as a small smile formed on his lips, and he snapped his fingers. "However, isn't it only appropriate to put one's best foot forward, Your Majesty? One acts differently with family and loved ones than when interacting with—"

"Strangers." she finished for him. His thoughts finally revealed in this particular time, she hadn't expected it, but this was what it had always been. The two of them were too different to actually form a relationship of equal standing… and yet she thought it may have been possible.

"Someone you want to impress." Nicholas Hatter answered with a serious look. But then he coughed wildly and waved a hand, "Your Majesty, it is true that I asked for your friendship before. It does not change the fact that you are a Queen and I am a Hatter, so I do try to be more… acceptable. And it is for good reason—Harold and I grate on Mallory's nerves."

She pressed her lips together at first and listened to him. And the last portion made her lips twitch for a moment, but in the end she still crossed her arms over her chest. Unreasonable? The Queen of Hearts was known for it, and now she would still do the same. "It feels like I am hearing an excuse for your behavior—and I wish not to overlook it."

"That sounds fair enough, Your Majesty."

Rosalyn Lockhart rested her fingers on a cheek, "You make it sound like I am in the right—which I am not denying—but this wouldn't be the same if I ask for a soldier to capture you and throw you into jail this very second."

"Then I would be forced to escape, Your Majesty." he answered in a heartbeat.

She blinked.

Nicholas Hatter coughed, "Er, I do not see reason on that decision, Your Majesty. And though it may strain our ties again, I would rather be free than thrown into the dungeon. Mallory and Harold had already done enough to get me out once, it would be tedious to make them go through the same perils."

"... I suppose only a mad man would tell me his plans." she frowned at him. But it was a small hint enough to the man's true personality, or rather as what she had known of him. Surely he acted more mad in the past than he did now, and it was what he was like in the past that Rosalyn Lockhart had found solace in than the current one.

A small chuckle erupted, "I think you are right, Your Majesty."

"Have you grown haughty with gaining the title of a friend?" she eyed him more carefully.

"I hope not, Your Majesty."

She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. Dwelling in this particular moment with all that she could—it was almost easy enough. She glared at him and nodded, "It does not exempt you from trouble, so you mustn't."

"Thank you for the reminder—"

"A warning." she corrected him.

"A good warning indeed, Your Majesty." he agreed.

Someone like him wouldn't have ever agreed before, but the silence that soon eclipsed between them wasn't as terrible as the earlier ones. Perhaps her own turbulence had slightly died down in this hour, even if this had been orchestrated by someone else. The Queen of Hearts almost forgot about it now that Mary Ann had run off.

She had asked this of her Knight before, and so she would repeat it.

"What do you think of my servant, Mary Ann?"

"She's nice."

An exasperated sigh escaped her lips, "Is that all you have to say?" Why were men so silent when questioned like this? This man should have at least more opinion than her Knight at least, Nicholas being more outspoken than the two of them.

"Your servant cares about your well-being, Your Majesty." Nicholas replied. "I had trouble gaining entry at the gates—"

She gave him a look. "It's a bad time, the Noble Houses are arriving today."

"It may have been a little stupid, but during all times of our meetings—it was always you who summoned or visited me, Your Majesty. When I did visit you, I got thrown into jail. So I am not exactly sure how to visit and gain an audience properly… unless Her Majesty had never thought that I would visit her?" the Hatter took off his hat and scratched his head. His hair was unruly, but handsomely so. He looked into her eyes, searching. "Was it never intended that I would visit you, Your Majesty?"

The Queen of Hearts blinked and twisted her hands on her lap, "Well, I am a Queen with many responsibilities—so to have you seek an audience with me whenever you please is out of the question. It's clearly something difficult to arrange, and I am sure you understand that, Nicholas." 

To admit that she had never considered that he would come here out of his own volition would be embarrassing. But how would he react? Rosalyn Lockhart didn't care for it—but would he get upset at her? Her foot tapped silently on the floor as she watched the man.

"Hah, then it seems that I must be really grateful that you granted an audience with me today, Your Majesty.." A smile broke out on his face, "Thank you."

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