Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 184 - A Queen's Soliloquy (Rosalyn Lockhart)

"I do not think I can ask for anything more… but if I could become more privy to the things that are bothering, Her Majesty? It would be an honor of mine to hear your woes and travails. It is what a friend would do, and I am not sure how I could be one to the Queen who lacks nothing."

To the Queen who lacks nothing.

What an ubiquitous phrase to be said. How pleasant it must be to rule over a kingdom and have wealth, power and authority? But Rosalyn Lockhart didn't need to focus on the latter words of the man, but on the former. To desire to hear her troubles and woes? Rosalyn Lockhart stared at him for a moment.

A smile curled on her lips.

"So that's how it is?" her tone wasn't kind. Even though it ought to be. Why was she losing her patience? The expression on Nicholas Hatter's face flickered and she forced herself to straighten up.

And yet her temper was only found on logic.

Was the man truly honest? The smile left on her face as she studied his face and then averted her gaze. "It is something to want to hear what bothers a Queen, possibly with good intentions. You have saved my life before and I owe it to you."

The Queen of Hearts needed to remind herself of that.

"And yet you do not find it reasonable to convey your troubles to me, Your Majesty?" There was no accusement in his tone, a touch of disappointment maybe, but he took it well. 

She stifled a laugh and shook her head, "Similar to how you refused the potion I brought you—to speak of the things that trouble me will indeed make you privy to my thoughts. And that would be something that many others would likely take advantage of. Your position as my friend is what you have asked, but I'd rather not press the burdens on you. And they are a heavy burden to bear."

"But if Her Majesty were to continue carrying it all by herself—"

"I'm fine." She smiled at him. And yet the man looked unconvinced. She fiddled with her hands and grasped her fingers tighter, squeezing her thumb. "It is what my role asks of me, to be a strong Queen who takes care of her people and ensures our safety and prosperity? Everybody knows that. I take care of it. I handle it all and that much is fine. I do have some assistance, His Majesty of Hearts is with me, the Prime Minister also oversees things and the Noble Houses also lord and sovereign over their territories."

Nicholas Hatter remained silent.

Until he cleared his throat, "Your Majesty, you don't have to tell me anything specific. I probably wouldn't understand them even if you try to explain it." A self-deprecating smile crossed on his lips. "And perhaps you can even pretend that I'm not here if that would put your heart at ease. If you could pretend that nobody is here but you speak of your troubles—that would make you feel better."

"Is that so?"

"I've talked to myself aloud in my shop, it helps me a lot." He admitted. "Perhaps it will also be helpful to Her Majesty?"

She gave him a look, "Then it's like I'm complaining about everything and that is unsightly."

"But no one's around!"

Rosalyn Lockhart stared at the man who insisted that she say these things aloud to help her case. She stopped squeezing her hands and glanced around the office—and nobody would be outside of the office. Most servants would be handling menial chores and tasks, the cooks were busy in the kitchen, stablemen would take care of the carriages from the arriving nobility. Guards and soldiers patrolled but wouldn't eavesdrop at all.

The Queen of Hearts pushed a stray lock of hair behind an ear and sighed.

She didn't need anything nonsensical like this—! But it was Hatter who said it and he was nonsensical, that was what she knew primarily of him and that eased her a bit. "This is a very stupid act, I am aware that you are here with me."

"But that's the best part, Your Majesty. You can pretend like I'm not here."

Rosalyn Lockhart gave Nicholas a flat look.

He cleared his throat and took off his hat, "Pardon me, Your Majesty. I possibly overstepped with my suggestions, but it is done in good faith I assure you. Nothing you say here would ever leave this room at all, and that is something I promise you. I am Nicholas Hatter and I keep my promises!"

Did he promise to stand by Alice's side until the very end?

The Queen of Hearts let out another sigh, a louder one this time but nodded. "Very well, I'll assent to this… suggestion of yours. It's probably quite similar to when talking to an adviser, I suppose. That is what benefits this procedure if I am to assess it as an outsider."

"It allows someone to get things off their chest, Your Majesty."

"I have said that." She eyed him. "Then perhaps it's suitable to find an adviser."

"Or a close confidant, but to also talk to no one at all and simply talking while in a room alone is actually quite good in a different way."

"And you've done this several times?"

"I do have conversations with Hattie."

"Pray tell, who is this Hattie?"

"A hat on my display shelf."

"Of course," Rosalyn Lockhart wouldn't go to that level for sure, but what if that was the consequence if she did do this? The Queen of Hearts eyed the man and smiled resigned. "It is different because you are here to listen."

He blinked and then smiled lightly, "That is correct, Your Majesty."

"Alright, I suppose if you are to hear of my problems—then it is appropriate we start from the very beginning."


"Hush. I'm talking to nobody in particular, it's simply me and the office." Rosalyn Lockhart placed her hands down on her lap and glanced around the room, until she focused on the clock. Its seconds hand moved rapidly, and she followed it along as it traversed through its route. "I am Rosalyn Lockhart-Hartsmichdt, the seventeenth Queen of the Hearts Kingdom—but that has not always been the case. Far from it, I was never meant to be the Queen and though I take the mantle and crown, and do what I see fit, I understand that I have my shortcomings."

Nicholas Hatter didn't say a word at all.

But she could feel his presence, only a small table away from him, and she could even feel the weight of his gaze. Undivided in his attention. Rosalyn Lockhart faltered only once under his look before she continued. Now she wouldn't say too much—she wouldn't go into details at all.

That was for both of their sake.

She wouldn't be able to look the man in the eye if she were to pour out every singular thing that had troubled her thoughts—that would take hours to unravel. And she did have a lot to say, from her childbirth to even the present day. There was a lot to tackle and discuss, but she would only give him the summary.

"Surely it is known to everyone in our age, especially those of older people that lived through it that the previous King and Queen's bloodline vanished through a great tragedy said to have been the unvanquishable Jabberwocky." Rosalyn Lockhart recited it with ease. What had been taught to her by her tutors when she was young. "And when that happened, a clash had emerged between the Nobility Houses of which were to succeed the Kingdom… they did opt to follow a form of government that was shared between them. Aristocracy. But feuds occured, pacts were made that it was decided that there had to be one ruler to govern the Hearts Kingdom or have it be ridiculed."

"All of the Four Suits Kingdoms had always been governed by a King and Queen through the centuries." Nicholas suddenly said.

She glanced at him momentarily and nodded. He did know a little about history then? Rosalyn Lockhart rested a hand underneath her chin. "That is correct… and it is believed that for the Kingdoms to stand eternal, then it must always be like this for an agreement has been struck." If what the Joker had said about the pact made between him and the founding Royals were true.

He coughed, "Forgive me for intruding on what your monologue—er, story, Your Majesty."

The Queen of Hearts puffed her cheeks for a moment. It was difficult to explain in layman how difficult of an arrangement it was of how all things came to be. But he was getting bored with it? Rosalyn Lockhart crossed her arms over her chest. Some indignation flowed through her veins. "Very well, I am sure you already know that out of all the Nobility vying for the throne—it was the Lockhart House that had succeeded in gaining more allies."

He didn't say a word but only nodded.

Perhaps he knew what would come next, but he only waited for her. And it was enough to make her quiet down, she straightened up. "It was my brother who was supposed to be King and I would be the one who supported him… except the Card Trials changed all that."

"And so you became Queen."

"That would be coming to the end of the story, but yes, I am Queen now and it is not easy."

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