Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 242 - Erratic Plans Of A Knight

How did one even consider the brilliance and genius of certain individuals? Did one consider military prowess to be a genius? Strong, decisive and even their gut instincts in the wars they waged and started that only resulted in glory and riches? 

Was it one's ability to command people—in general? Of a charismatic leader that gained the love of his people?

Would it be the ability to read the atmosphere and react accordingly? Even outwitting your opponent by ten paces ahead. Was that the genius that one thought and spoke of? 

The definition of such things has already been laid out before and given meaning by several individuals. Solidified perhaps, and written on paper that had been reviewed by one's several peers and those of well-sound and gifted minds.

And yet, there was another meter that some other individuals used to measure the outstanding intellect and creativity of such persons. Something that most believed was either an accompanied curse or blessing to the amazing aptitude portrayed.

There was no need to shy about it—a touch or hint of madness to each one.

Perhaps the words of one cat made sense. He said that everyone in the world of wonders held a certain amount of madness, and in turn, one might have noticed that it blessed the people with different gifts.

Of the Hearts came the passion that burned and raged. Turning some to frenzy.

Of the Diamonds came the quiet refinement, sharp and frigid.

Of the Clovers came their undeniable luck, caught in their pursuits and never stopping.

Of the Spades came the perseverance, letting everything else fall in their paths.

Needless to say, it was up to one's own interpretation to decide. Did it always require a drop of madness for people to be blessed with immense brilliance?

For here was the plan that was formulated in the mind of the White Knight of Rosalyn Lockhart. The man knew that something was amiss, because even an idiot could tell that something was wrong in the way the Castle of Hearts gloomed and slowed at the number of people that were around. 

But connecting all the seemingly disjointed pieces of information and creating a cohesive narrative required an ability to accept the fact that one might be wrong in their assumptions.

Or maybe just the rigid belief that one truly was correct.

The Knight of the Queen of Hearts had seen Alice already last night. It was an unavoidable fact that when he arrived into the gardens—he saw the young woman standing with the King of Hearts and thought they were the ones at fault.

'Were they lovers by any chance? He was disloyal to Rosalyn?'

The conclusion was shut down immediately at the way the two treated each other as distant strangers from that moment. It was only a passing thought as he focused more on his Queen's condition and her safety. 

While both the King and Queen had gone missing during the attack, Julius had naturally taken charge of the situation and ordered people to gather in the throne room. 

And it was there that he discovered and grieved for the sudden death of Royal Doctor Griphon—but despite all of that… He had been still aware enough to take note of the disappearance of the Lord Reinhard and that of Alice when everyone else had been panicking.

They were gone like the wind in an open field.

Those were the things he observed last night and it was now that he shut his eyes and thought about it fully. Julius connected it with the recent change of personality of the Queen of Hearts.

If anything, he could also tell that his Queen had a certain interest in this woman by virtue of them staring too much at Mary Ann prior to any of this. And in order to confirm such things, he needed to test it out and prove his theory by something ridiculous, that still might work. 

Of course, this was just the beginnings of such a plan and more things needed to be in order for it to be implemented properly. It also tied in the blabbering of the Joker if his hunch was correct.

"This will be an important act that you can perform in order to help the Queen. I hope that you are willing to do it, Mary Ann?"

The blonde young woman looked up nervously and bit on her lip. She looked up at him and asked, "Can I at least finish preparing the tea, Sir Knight?"


When Julius Ginellevé returned to the office of the Queen of Hearts, he carried in a tray filled with two teapots and the basket of tarts. Assorted flavor this time, not only was it filled with roseberry flavored tarts, but there was cinnamon, lemon-ground and even an exotic herb-like flavor that made a couple of the tarts green.

He inclined his head and managed a smile despite himself. "Pardon my lateness, but one's servant has experimented in one's desserts, Your Majesty."

Rosalyn Lockhart glanced at her Knight with a look evident of relief and nodded. "Serve us promptly." 

And so, he did. Things could have been simple like this, only heeding the orders of the Queen and not caring about anything else—he sometimes wished that he could only do this. But it was not enough for the kingdom to survive if they only relied on one head.

"Your tea, Lord Lockhart." Julius poured the earl grey tea for the Lord.

Reinhard Lockhart picked up the cup and drank, "I do not wish to seem indelicate, but it seems that you do not have a maidservant to do simple tasks such as this one, Your Majesty?"

No reaction appeared on his face.

Julius bit back a snicker—this guy truly did not have enough emotions to warrant him this much stress. 

"I think you've met Mary Ann already, Lord Lockhart."

"Ah yes, her." The Lord mused and continued sipping. "I remember her."

Reinhard didn't even once flinch, while the Prime Minister was already grimacing and trying to combine the earl grey and rose tea.

Julius Ginellevé really didn't like the man.

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