Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 244 - Dragons And Steel

Some people spoke of names without a hint of reverence, simply dismissive of things. And while that may have spoken of arrogance, ignorance or simply sheer stupidity—it might have also been a certain assuredness in one's self.

Rosalyn Lockhart had been raised and taught, and the King of Spades was right… it was a thing out of myths and legends. But here was the thing, while she may have not experienced or seen it for herself, a sighting of the creature had been seen.

"That monster landed on this very Castle, didn't it?" Alfred Villeuce rubbed his chin and glanced around. "It's almost impossible to imagine actually—but then, there must have been a lot of repairs."

Neither one of them could have spoken for it.

Both Rosalyn and Reinhard were still children and in the Lockhart House at that time. Same could be said for the Prime Minister. But then, Gine spoke up. "Royal Doctor Griphon once told me about it… but yes, there were a lot of repairs. Honestly, I think a good portion of the castle has been reconstructed back then."

If a Knight had suddenly spoken out of place, then it was something worthy of a heavy reprimand or punishment. Alfred Villeuce barely batted an eye, and was intrigued. "Ooh! Someone alive back then, I'd be interested to talk with them—"

"They're dead now though. Assassinated," Gine spoke coldly. "Just last night."

"I see…" Even the King of Spades wasn't that cold-hearted not to see that it was a sudden death, of surely a great man who could have spoken about events and secrets that happened from a distant time. But Alfred Villeuce perked up immediately and looked at the Knight. "The creature escaped didn't it?"

The jovial tone was mocking, but perhaps didn't appear that way to the King.

Rosalyn Lockhart knew she should be upset, but couldn't find it within her to be mad. She knew nothing about the previous monarchs beyond their listed accomplishments and their deaths. What had mattered back then was when they died—and finding the Noble House who could take up the Royal mantle.

"It did," Reinhard Lockhart confirmed.

"Then that means it's still somewhere out there!" Alfred Villeuce slammed his teacup down into the table and grinned at Gine—he couldn't say anything about the physique about Reinhard, but he did know that the Knight was something almost close to a reputation as great as he is. "Have you ever thought about chasing it down and hunting it?"

Julius Ginellevé stayed silent for a moment but then shook his head. "No. It goes beyond my duties as a Knight, Your Majesty." The Knight finally remembered to use honorifics for the King of Spades.

Not that the King had noticed the casual interaction earlier.

If anything, Alfred Villeuce was buzzing and thrumming in energy. "Well, if I could make an expedition to hunt something like the Jabberwocky down—I'd be honored if you joined it. I also heard that Lord Warth Duke's dogs are really rabid too. Imagine that! I'll gather the strongest men from the four Kingdoms!"

Something like hunting for sport and excitement never crossed the Queen of Heart's mind. Perhaps some other King and Queen would like this, if only to honor the previous monarchy and avenge their deaths… but it never crossed Rosalyn's mind. 

The dead were dead.

… She was the only one who had managed to evade it so far, thanks to Time.

And yet, she had to focus on right now. The look on Julius Ginellevé's face was blank and unamused compared to the King of Spades face. Her brother didn't also seem interested, but still paid attention while sipping his tea. The Prime Minister looked spooked.

"Pardon me, Your Majesty." Prime Minister Blyke Edelweiss said.

Alfred Villeuce looked at the smaller man and raised his brow. "What? Do you want to join too? Do you know how to use a crossbow? Seems like a perfect weapon for you."

"Er, if anything—isn't it better to let sleeping dragons lie?" Blyke Edelweiss coughed. While Julius was lower ranked than him, he didn't even get much of a word in! He also needed to put some logic into this battle-frenzied King. He could already imagine all the consequences and funerals that would happen if they actually found the Jabberwocky.

"Dragons wake up in a couple of years, go around the air and snatch Princesses—do you think it's a good idea to let them sleep and wake later?" Alfred Villeuce asked. "I mean, if we're lucky, maybe we'd find it in a cave still sound asleep, but that's not really a fun, er, fair fight either."

Blyke Edelweiss scratched his head. "Is that so? I still think that the Jabberwocky is no ordinary dragon—"

"Have you ever seen one yet?" Alfred Villeuce asked. "I don't think so either. But don't fear—the Kingdom of Spades has killed some in the desert. Nasty Wind Dragons that sometimes attack. And hey, if we can deal with those—that's just one dragon."

"It's a named Dragon," Reinhard said. 

"Named?" Alfred Villeuce asked.

Rosalyn Lockhart wished she had something to say. She hadn't paid much interest in dragons in her youth unless they were the games of pretend that she and Gine once played in. A small smile crossed her lips at the thought of a boy in a white cloak declaring and vanquishing the dragon—often Rosswall—and saving the Princess which was her.

"It's not merely some type of dragon. It has a name, and names often denote power," Reinhard said. "It's a dangerous idea, Your Majesty. If the previous monarchy and the ones before it could not kill the Jabberwocky, then there must be a good reason why it is surviving."

"They probably relied on magic too much," Alfred said. "With cold steel—we'll vanquish that dragon, named or not! I think we also have names too, so doesn't that mean we have power as well?" 

"Its scales are tougher and darker than an evil man's heart," Rosalyn finally said.

"Hmm, Your Majesty?" Alfred glanced at her. He raised a brow, perplexed… and just found it cute that the Queen had spoken. "Is this a warning of sorts from ancient text in this kingdom?"

"It was just a poem, I've heard." The Queen of Hearts cleared her throat. "However, before one thinks of dragon-slaying and other quests, I believe that the swords first still need to be produced, right?" She smiled at him. "Your men need to arm themselves with good steel in order to fight and win if they have to win against an enemy like that." 

The King of Spades laughed and nodded. "Ah, you're right. Of course, I will not forget something like that, Your Majesty. But my, you do return the topic to where your brilliance truly shows—business and trades. As expected. Even my own desires for adventure could be made into a lucrative deal for you."

Rosalyn Lockhart's lips quirked at the compliment, but she inclined her head. "I am only looking out for my kingdom naturally. If there is a need, I do think we can import magical stones from the Diamond Kingdoms if one truly wishes for swords that can slice through a dragon's scales."

"Indeed, thank you." Alfred smiled, pleased that there was finally someone who considered his proposition. Even if it was just to profit. "Although, I did not expect you to recommend the magic stones from the Diamond's mines. Surely, the cost and time of production would have risen if they were all imbued with magical stones."

The Queen of Hearts shrugged and smirked slightly. "While the Queen of Diamonds and I do have our own disagreements sometimes, it is in my best interest to provide the client the best. Even if it means that I'll have to deal with Her Majesty's Monique's personality."

In another time and place, she wouldn't have openly diminished the Queen of Diamond's attitude. But somehow, this was a crowd where she did not have any hesitation in speaking her mind, even if she was initially worried. 

Alfred Villeuce chuckled. Once again taken by her personality and attitude. Although he had been hoping for a conversation without everyone else in this room, a much more private one, it was still pleasant to be around her presence.

The King of Spades was either oblivious—no, not oblivious—he was happily ignoring the looks from the three other men in the room. 

The Lord Reinhard Lockhart couldn't help but feel some annoyance erupt inside of him with the way that the King of Spades flirted with his younger sister. Somehow, it managed to unlock a sensation he hadn't considered at all before when he looked at his younger sister.

He felt… protective?

Julius Ginellevé did not need any more reasons to explain why he was unamused, and clearly unhappy about how the King of Spades was in the Queen of Heart's good graces. He would much prefer to slay the King than the Jabberwocky, and that spoke a lot about his priorities.

No matter the memories, words and nightmares… his Rosalyn mattered more.

Prime Minister Blyke Edelweiss—why, nobody would have thought he'd be annoyed. But not only was he being dismissed by the others in the conversation. The Prime Minister was actually quite a good man and he understood that the King of Hearts was actually devoted to his Queen. 

Surely it surprised him before and made him question Alexander Hartsmichdt's tastes… but he still felt loyal to the King's decision to support and protect his Queen. This was clearly something he was going to report! 


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