Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 248 - Trials And Duels

Truth be told, the chaos that reigned supreme over the trial showcased the fact that it was much less of a court trial and more of a heated debate. Several Nobles tried to speak up and state their opinions, before they were promptly shut up.

The Joker raised his hand—not the mallet and then motioned to his lips akin to a zipper. "It's much better if you all four cease speaking, will you? Ahem, can someone hand me the paper listing all of the so-called alibi of everyone present?"

Rosalyn Lockhart paused. Papers? 

Alexander Hartsmichdt stood up and procured some papers—not from the journal, but actually separate ones. He had spent a better time of the day by interviewing the Nobility, at least those who had approached him for some assistance in pleading their cases.

Sometimes, the Joker was malicious enough to say that everyone was guilty until proven otherwise.

Compared to the conversations with the Lady of the Eris House that somehow became a conversation about his relationship with Rosalyn—a vast majority of them had been nothing more but compliant and showed willingness to work with him.

At least to survive the night.

Was it true that the night would not end until a person was executed? Harsh rumors, good and bad spread amongst the Nobility and even the servants around. But Alexander, why—he had survived countless trials before in the Card Trial. He might have been the expert in this hour beside the Joker himself who gave the verdict.

Or those who had also watched the records of the Card Trial in the past.

The King and a small number of Nobility that did not approach him or the Queen stepped forward to relay the papers. Among them were Lady Catherine Duke and even her brother, Reinhard approached them and handed documents.

The Joker gathered them with nothing but an annoyingly placid smile—as if he was doing them a huge favor for tackling this case when this person was simply relishing the sight and satisfaction of seeing people die again.

"Alright, anybody else unable to give this are to be executed—"


Thunderous shouts descended in the trial hall—both from the Nobility and the servants. Until the Joker stifled a chuckle and waved the papers in front of them. "We are here to save time. Anybody who hadn't even dared bother to provide documentation about their locations are not worth my time."

"Hmm..." The King of Spades took it all with nothing but a silent hum. Olivia Deuce had made him watch it before—and well, he actually enjoyed watching it on a crystal orb, but to see it in person was truly something else.

Rosalyn Lockhart only stared at the man, until Mister Rosswall gazed back at her. "Don't worry, your name is listed here, Your Majesty." He smiled not exactly kindly, but neither menacing. "The King of Hearts naturally took care of it and so had your brother?"

The Queen of Hearts huffed. "Well, if I am to survive this—then will you at least not listen to the testimonies of the people who failed to bring documents?" This was the only right thing to do. 

"Sigh, sigh." The Joker actually said those words as he gazed about the number of Nobilities. They numbered at least around fifty. "Very well then, but be prepared to waste time, Your Majesty. I do not expect much from people who could not even be bothered to research or at least approach an expert on this matter."

"I am aware. But I do not think time shall be wasted here, we need the most accurate proceedings." Well, Rosalyn did want the trial to be hasty and done so she could move on from this… but there was still enough time for what she deemed to be an appropriate court trial.

Did she particularly care for any of the Nobility?

Beyond Lady Catherine Duke—nobody else really. She had all once considered them as enemies to the Lockhart House's prosperity and had no ounce of mercy for them… but surely, if the King of Spades was here then it must be done in an appropriate manner.

"Something like this is usually done and over in minutes," the Joker held the paper and then allowed them to become dust. "If any of you would like to put forth any accusations and words of merit against the dignity of a fellow Noble House or person, then now is the chance. Let us start with you—"

He pointed at a Lady with dark hair, pale skin and red eyes. She was seated at the back and around the edge of the trials, and it was almost like she was hiding herself in the shadows. But then she stood up and curtsied.

"The House of Hawthorne has committed no grave sin to the Kingdom of Hearts."

A smile curled on the Joker's lips, "But you are one from the House of Hawthorne—more than that, you say 'grave' sin but there are others lesser than this one then?"

"Yes. But it is irrelevant to this situation—House Hawthorne is not stupid enough to commit such an atrocious act and waste the blood of numerous people that were killed."

The Queen of Hearts narrowed her gaze at the Lady, and finally realized that there was something odd about the other Lady. Not because they shared the same eye color or anything at all, but their mere choice of words were well-made.

Did the Joker believe her? Can he tell the truth from lies?

Rosalyn Lockhart wanted to think that was the case. She at one point in her life had looked up to this man as someone respectable and even a joy in her youthful life. Now she wished to see if the man truly lived up to his legends.

"Ah, well it does make sense that your family will not let this opportunity go to waste," the Joker said with a meaningful look on the Lady's face.

Lady Hawthorne gritted her teeth but then looked away. "If you believe the Hawthorne House guilty, then we will also accept the punishment if necessary."

"No, no. It's fine." the Joker waved a hand and chuckled. "Let us move on with you—there, yes you. Who else am I pointing to? Stand up. Do not lie to me and say that your name was listed as I have memorized it. It has been burned in my memory."

Rosalyn Lockhart frowned at the Joker's choice of words more than she listened to the frantic testimony of the young Lord.


That was all the Joker said as the man finished his account of him staying in his room all night. The worried look of a much older Lady was upon him, nervous and white-faced and yet there was nothing she could do.

He rested a hand beneath his chin, looking like an odd mixture of bored and slightly amused. "If you tell us the truth of the situation then you could at least give your old mother a chance to not die of a state of heart attack, young man."

"What?!" the young man stared up at the Joker in anger. "How dare you speak of ill intent towards my mother!"

"I was only telling of what may come if you continue with your attitude, Lord Albert Lorie."

"You cannot predict the future, and try to scare me off with this tactic. What I have said is the truth."

"Your truth to yourself, perhaps. But not for everyone."

Alexander Hartsmicht gritted his teeth and tried to glare at the young man who obviously did not understand the intention of the Joker. If there was any hint of sin, whether it was directly related to the attack from the assassins or not—the Joker would like it to be brought out into the open and heard by everyone.

Whether it was to shame the person or let his actions be judged by others—this was a common thing. Would this young man cave in and tell the entire truth?

Rosalyn Lockhart's gaze flickered to the older Lady who seemed in good health. Certainly what the Joker said was nothing but an exaggeration… and yet her heart was antsy as she stared at the Lady. What was her son hiding? What were they hiding?


She remembered this—from her Informant. It had been so long since she read it and it never became relevant since she... and her brother hadn't made any plans yet to deal with them. And yet she knew what this was to be.

The Queen of Heart's gaze searched the entire room, past that of the widowed Lady of Lorie and towards the pesky Eris—

The sound of a sword unsheathed within the silence of the hall.

"Take that back! You have no right to judge us men."

"Bring down that sword," the Joker said plainly.

"No, this is a challenge—the sharpness of blades will bring the truth. I instigate a duel with you for your position and let the winner serve out the justice in this hall."

The Queen of Heart's mind turned to memory that she had scrambled upon, once upon a time at the look of enraged on the young Lord's face. Lord Albert Lorie was one of the beloved sons and third amongst his family, unlike that of his elder brothers, his skill with the sword was weaker and he was brash. 

Easily upset and turned to rage, similar to the deceased Lord.

"Do you think that I will accept the duel from a man like you?" the Joker asked.

Lord Albert pointed his sword up at the Joker and frowned. "A coward wouldn't."


That was all the Joker said.

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