Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 63 - Concerns Of A Queen

Rosalyn Lockhart hadn't been able to get some sleep despite sharing some tea and a glass of milk with the Chesire Cat. Instead the Queen of Hearts had decided to pour out her time and energy into doing her paperwork duties. She had done a lot more work without the bother of anybody visiting her in the odd hours of the morning.

And yet it was also the reason why her head hurt a bit right now and she felt lightheaded this morning. On her table right now was a red rose that her Knight had brought for her, it wasn't a surprise that he had been the first to find her, although she had idly wondered where he had been yesterday.

It was a little surprising that he hadn't even bade her goodnight.

But with her paperwork cleared out, she had a lot more free time to speculate and plan in advance. Her journal lay in front of her and so did the calendar to which she had already encircled dates and occurences of note.

She still hadn't exactly pinpointed on what specific date when Alice would arrive—but she had around a year or so to prepare and that was fine for her.

All she had known, that Alice came around when there had been some festival of sorts. It was impossible to remember every single detail didn't it? Thus her need to recall everything she could and place them down in a parchment.

Rosalyn Lockhart would have stressed if she didn't have that much time to spare. She would have choked that Time Man with his cloak if he had given her less time to do so. Although forming friendships were something alien to her… she knew a lot about alliances and partnerships. Maintaining a social circle required her to at least spend some time being diplomatic.

And it was where Catherine Duke had served her much purpose.

Even Alexander Harstmichdt to some extent. Those two, the Lady and the King of Hearts had given her much leeway to do as she pleased when both of them were friendly and even charismatic to a fault. And if you asked her, there was a lot of fault to them.

Regardless, she paid attention to her notes and at the names she had jotted down. Besides the King of Hearts who later exiled her on account of Alice and Catherine Duke who doted on the girl after she had chased the Lady out due to her spicy tea… Here were the list of people she had to aim for.

1. Nicholas Hatter

The man was already her friend and it was an accomplishment that she had done it within a quick span of time.

But their relationship was far from over. She needed to maintain such a thing, like a rose had a need for water, sun and fertilizer—she would have to give him time, attention and most importantly gifts.

Perhaps she'd need to check her pantry or look for some new kind of tea? Someone like him would appreciate that, didn't he?

And his other friends too. Once she was done with him and kindled a better relationship, she had to befriend his friends next.

2. Chesire the Cat

This was her new target. Although she had only seen him once, several hours earlier. How would she be able to lure him out? Did she need to bring out more milk and perhaps fish? 

Such a thought amused her. And she chuckled, good naturedly until she caught the eye of her Knight who was looking at her with a worried expression and she calmed down. She wasn't mad at all! How dare that cat person accuse her of such.

"I remembered something funny," She flicked a wrist at her Knight and before he could say anything else, she turned back to her notes and scribbled some more possible gifts.

Her lips quirked as the image of the Chesire appeared in her mind once again, particularly his face. She wished to touch his ears, she'd never seen such a person like them before. Rosalyn Lockhart had taken care of cats when she was younger so it must be related to that.

But the list of people she needed to meet was far from over. There were question marks all over some numbers. She didn't know their names, only their peculiarities at the best.

3. ???

A blue haired man who carried around a pipe. Related to any underground crime syndicate??

4 & 5. ???

Twins. Can't remember their names but she'd know them when she'd see them. Their personalities would tell her.

The Queen of Hearts placed a hand on her forehead and sighed inwardly. This was the best that she could do for now and it bothered her to some degree, there was surely more right? But regardless of that, her circle of 'friends' did not need to be defined only by the people that this Alice had met.

Her mind lingered on the King of Spades. Alfred Villeuce. Her long sleeved gown hid the sheath gauntlet quite well and she knew that even Julius Ginellevé did not know of it. Would it be better for him to learn of this? Rosalyn Lockhart hesitated, watching the Knight sit on her couch quietly with no qualms and decided that the man did not need to learn of this.

If anything, she could train on her own in secret if needed to be.

Would it be possible perhaps that… Her Majesty Olivia Deuce could train her? The Queen of Spades. Her stomach churned for one moment. How could she forget that the two of them were together? 

But was it truly the case even?

The relationship between the Kings and Queens. The Nobilities even from the lowest Barons to the Dukes. There were always marriage ceremonies between a man and a woman if they wished to be acknowledged and thus it was only fit or right to call each other husband and wife—but the real relationship? 

Only a number could be said to be out of genuine affection and not mutual benefit. She took in a steadying breath and exhaled slowly. Only a lucky few… or fools had married for only love. And one of them was—

The doors slammed open and she jostled up from her seat. A flash of pink stepped into the office and gave her a bright smile, "Rosa—Her Majesty of Hearts, shall we have breakfast with the other Suits?"

Catherine Duke.

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