Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 79 - Things Are Not What They Seem

The outside area of the Castle of Hearts afforded its residents with numerous facilities: from a flower garden, a labyrinth to travel, to a place where the Royals could play croquet to the newly established area that abided by the lake. Alexander Hartsmichdt sat together with his old friend in the Gazebo of Dreams. The now Queen Neo Anasthasia was seated in one of the available chairs, she sat across from him and rested her hands on the table. 

Her fingers were fidgeting even until now.

The now King of Hearts knew that he probably shouldn't have left the Royal Conference Hall and if even if he did—he should have done it to truly welcome the 'Joker'. Regardless of what happened in the past, the situation was now different in a way and he owed it to them that he reached this position.

And yet he hated the guy's guts.

Even thinking of it now only made his blood boil and he couldn't help but wish that he could afford the opportunity to shout something akin to having them 'beheaded' and yet that wasn't him.

"Please don't think of doing anything rash, Alex." The soft voice of his friend pulled him out of his thoughts. Her dark eyes were studying him and she said this even if she herself still appeared to be haunted by the Joker's arrival.

She was trembling until now.

He sighed and rested a hand on his cheek, "And even if I did, what's he gonna do with me? Will he kill me? He should have done that already right from the start."

She clicked his tongue, "You're the King of Hearts now, if you don't care about yourself—then think about the Kingdom and your Queen as well. Her Majesty Rosalyn Lockhart seems to care a lot about this doesn't she? You can't be selfish and just do whatever you want."

Her words struck a chord with him as he thought about the Kingdom and even then, the Queen of Hearts. His heart pounded at the mention of her but he shook his head, "You're being too kind… is the King of Clovers treating you well? He seems like another bastard to me." Alexander shifted the topic to something else he was more comfortable with—and was something that related to his friend.

This was the only opportunity they had to talk freely with one another and without pretenses.

"D-Don't be like that! What if somebody hears you right now?" The Queen of Clover looked around with a surreptitious gaze, her lips curled into a small frown. "He really isn't like that, well most of the people I've encountered are strange but it can't be helped. Their thoughts are different from mine and yours."

"You didn't answer my question."

He wasn't sure how much influence he held—Alexander was loved by the people of Hearts no doubt. But if he learned that the King of Clovers treated her badly, could he actually do anything at all? His own actual power over things made him sigh.

"Ivan Nordskov is a good man—he hasn't done anything to me and he even pays attention to what I say and even listens to my counsel. I was surprised but I am quite lucky." Neo Anasthasia straightened up as she gazed at him.

Alexander quirked a brow, "Lucky."

"Then let's use the word blessed—you're thinking too much on it though."

"Love. Wealth. Power. Luck." Alexander Hartsmichdt repeated the words with some begrudged respect. The Four Kingdoms were each known for their own unique traits and prejudices—that was what he learned when he became King. 

Although the truth of things somewhat failed his expectations. 

. . . 

"We are now adjourned, my gratitude for coming all the way here to the Kingdom of Hearts."

The meeting now ended for Rosalyn Lockhart and she could only feel relief flood her chest—the King of Hearts hadn't returned at all but she was glad of that. The Queen of Hearts couldn't be bothered at all. Except for the fact it came to her a bit late that she probably should check on what had occurred during the abrupt talk with Joker.

…and her Knight may have done something to salvage it.

If that had been the case then, well, she hadn't gotten over the attempt on her life, but in a way then she might have been able to give him some leeway. Now it wasn't like the Gathering of Hearts had come to an end but the main objective of their visits were now accomplished and what was left was enjoying one another's presence. Doubtable. Only pretenses for that. But she had finally done it.

"Ah, so that's how these meetings come to and end, huh? I mean, Your Majesty." Catherine Duke whispered to her with a conspiring grin on her face. Similar to her, it was the first time that Lady Duke had attended a meeting of prime importance and the woman looked pleased.

Had she also been able to adjust fast despite the precarious events for today?

Rosalyn Lockhart shook her head and stood up from her chair, "Your husband has yet to return but I'm sure that the situation has already been cleared isn't it?" The Queen of Hearts focused on the door. It had been a risk coming here if the actual ones targeting her were one of the other Royals in the room, but nobody would attack her in the open.

Even now, everyone seemed to have calmed down as they prepared to leave the room.

Until somebody asked a question and it was the King of Clovers, "I wish not to intrude, Your Majesty. But now that our meeting here is finished—do you not think that all of us should meet with and pay our respects to the Joker."

Rosalyn Lockhart paused but then smiled, "His arrival has been a surprise to all of us but I've already considered hosting a banquet in his honor and so I must urge His Majesty and the rest of the Royals and Delegates here to refresh themselves." There was no banquet in the Joker's honor but arranging something like that was easy enough.

And it was enough to make His Majesty of Clovers to cease speaking and nod.

"Her Majesty of Hearts is quite prepared."

"...It was only possible with the help of His Majesty, Alexander Hartsmichdt." Rosalyn Lockhart started with some restraint. "He was surprised at first, shocked even with the Joker's arrival but at the very moment he is doing the necessary preparations."

It was a complete fabrication.

But if no one was to point it out and say she had spoken falsehoods then it was the truth of the matter.

Ivan Nordskov raised a brow before smiling and nodding, "Ah, that makes so much sense. Well then, Your Majesty—we are looking forward to this banquet tonight. It has caught our Kingdom by surprise, but we will surely bring presents. After all, the Kingdom of Diamonds and Spades already gave you their gifts, haven't they?"

"T-That is true." Rosalyn Lockhart blinked and nodded. Francis le Diamant gave his gift in public but Alfred Villeuce… In the corner of her vision, she saw the King of Diamonds throw the King of Spades a look. Perhaps Francis le Diamant was curious if Alfred had given her a better gift.

And it had been quite timely to her. 

Meanwhile beside her, even Catherine Duke had seemed stunned about the 'gifts' but took it well. She hadn't been here when the other Royals had arrived in the first place. "A gift from the Kingdom of Clovers? My, my that is quite generous." Catherine Duke beamed beside her and curtsied in front of Ivan Nordskov. This woman didn't correct her as well when she was quite aware that the King of Hearts was with someone else.

They were still able to read the atmosphere at certain times. 




The door crashed open as a white-haired Knight came barging into the Royal Conference Hall. "Y-Your Majesty!" The man nearly sagged to his knees then and there in relief. His armor was stained and painted in red and it caught the attention of everyone in the room. Whether it was deliriousness or some other reason, he didn't care at all that there were other people within the room and marched towards her. 

Francis le Diamant recoiled at the sight as he and his Delegate were the first one who was about to leave the room. The blood was enough to make him queasy as he pinched his nose and only realized a second later that the Knight should have still greeted everyone.

He would have to graciously look over it.

Alfred Villeuce wordlessly raised a brow at the sight—if someone had asked him, he would have said that such a sight was far too bloody. A true warrior wouldn't have allowed a single drop on their armor.

And yet the Knight before him was more executioner than warrior, weren't they? 

Ivan Nordskov was silent about it but only a smile played lightly on his lips. He stepped back and allowed the Knight to venture forward as this was the end of the conversation. 

Rosalyn Lockhart blinked as her Knight barely stopped himself from throwing himself into her arms. Despite his armor and even hands stained with blood… his actions were reminiscent of the boy who had cried and approached her when he first lost a duel. There wasn't a look of enjoyment on their face, his face appeared to have been someone who had gone through a bloody battlefield to see her. 

And yet this wasn't the time for them to act this way.

The Queen of Hearts looked at her subject, "…Knight Ginellevé, it seems you have apprehended the assassins? My word, you've done a quick work with it."

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