Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 87 - The Royal Banquet

Even though the Joker had not asked for a banquet in his honor—it didn't mean that he did not appreciate one. His work was often resented by the Royals of the Four Kingdoms, and to now have time to be respected for it was a pleasant change. The man was seated on the most forefront of seats by himself and could see the entire guests along the sides of the table. On his right side, he watched the King of Hearts struggle to keep up with appearances.

Alexander Hartsmichdt held a wine glass.

" ...and it is with great relish that I announce that this banquet tonight is held with the success of the Gathering of Suits—which I sincerely express my gratitude to the Kings, Queens, and Delegates who have joined us. But not only that, we give our respects to our unexpected guest of honor. We are quite… fortunate to have this man accompanying us tonight, and it is a privilege to have the Joker stay with us."

It seemed like the boy had managed to get past his own apprehensions with the situation. Or they managed to play the role of the King much better than the Joker expected. The King raised the wine glass and forced a smile. "To The Gathering of Suits and The Esteemed Guest!" 

As for Rosswall, well, he simply smiled at them and inclined his head at the crowd as he took the first sip of the dark red wine. He would have liked to tease the man for old time's sake and ask if the wine had been poisoned, but he'd let them have a peaceful banquet.

Although it was a bit difficult to not stir up trouble, he held back.

The Joker could almost get used to such deferential treatment of the heads of each Kingdom, and it struck a deep contrast to the Card Trials. Alexander himself had once tried to murder him but look where they were now? He bit back the urge to wipe crocodile tears from the corner of his eyes. Instead, the Joker simply observed the crowd gathered together.

Seated at the King of Hearts' right side was the Queen of Hearts. The woman had changed into a beautiful evening gown that made her fair skin glow underneath the light of the chandeliers. The deep cherry red dress brightened her eyes as the Queen sipped from her own glass. The woman looked perfectly alright—and yet to the Joker, it didn't seem that way. He had noticed that there was a bit of redness in her nose.

She looked as if she had been crying.

And yet as much as he was curious to ask, it was not his time and place to pry. The Joker could only wonder if the King of Hearts had actually noticed it at all and if not? Well, the wine he sipped tasted a bit bitter, but the man uttered not a word. There truly were some troubles that lay beneath the surface.

The Joker wouldn't interfere in this matter.

Instead, he paid attention to the other guests, and whether it was intentional or not, the King of Clovers was on the Joker's left side. Ivan Nordskov placed down his glass with a bemused expression on his face, but it wasn't him the Joker paid attention to. It was the second victor of the Card Trials, the unexpected little bird who had escaped her death. It must be the reason why the King of Hearts had placed the Clovers right in front of him? 

If only to have this girl, no, Queen of Clovers close to him.

Old habits truly die hard for humans. And though he could feel the eyes of the people on him, awaiting him as the guest of honor to take his first morsel of the delectable meal in front of them. The Joker took his time in picking up his utensils—they could die of salivation if they wanted. The caricatures and societal norms in the Kingdoms were always strange, but then again, it wasn't only here that such strict rules were implemented.

He raised the fork with a cut portion of the roasted beef to his mouth and chewed.

"Hmm, it's good." The cooking was adequate. He had tasted much better cooking, but his duty was done. The Joker wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin and watched the banquet truly begin for everyone.

. . .

Rosalyn Lockhart sliced the piece of chicken and took a bite. She chewed quietly and lingered her gaze around the banquet table—there was no fish dish for tonight. It had been prepared in preventing Chesire from visiting the banquet tonight, though she doubted that it could actually stop the cat person from heading here if he wanted to.

But they were cat-napping now.

Somehow, the banquet was going as smoothly as she hoped it would be, and the King of Hearts had done his responsibilities without any further troubles. But she couldn't help but feel awkward that the Queen of Clovers was right across from her, and the woman seemed to be nibbling on her meal.

Rosalyn Lockhart tried not to look at her left side to see where the King of Hearts had his eyes on, but she wouldn't look at her right side either. The King of Spades, Alfred Villeuce was seated beside the Queen of Clovers while the King of Diamonds, Francis le Diamant lay on Rosalyn's own right side.

The Prime Minister, Delegates, and other Representatives were on the other half of the banquet table, and each one of them was having their supper in relative peace and silence. Perhaps they had been all famished? Well, there was no trouble as an ensemble was summoned to play music for the guests in the background—only the best that the Kingdom of Hearts could offer.

She could almost imagine the Queen of Diamonds sniffing from the corner in envy.

And yet, Rosalyn could not help but think that if she had more time, she would have liked to invite Nicholas Hatter and sing for them. Not the same exact Fairfarren song that gave her a terrible premonition. But something else melodic and enjoyable. But that was simply thought for her.

The Queen of Hearts had no doubt that the Hatter was busy making hats or having tea with his dear friends.

It was a slight shame that she couldn't be there… it was a strange thought for her to have. As she took in the grandeur of the Royal Dining Hall and its sights—she was positive that there was no other place she would have liked to be more than this place.

The first King who broke the silence turned out to be the King of Spades himself, he didn't direct it to anyone—it could have been just a remark. But Alfred Villeuce's gaze had settled on her that time. "Ah, if there is something unique in the Kingdom of Hearts... I believe that the talent of your people is truly in spades, Your Majesty."

… He had the time to make jokes like that?

Rosalyn Lockhart blinked at him, and before she could thank him for the compliment—she heard a chuckle. "Ah, the King of Spades has quite good humor, I appreciate that." The Joker remarked for a moment.

The lighthearted expression on Alfred Villeuce's face broke slightly but the man glanced at the Joker and flashed them a grin. "To hear that from the Joker himself is quite an honor, perhaps if you retire—I can replace you."

A knife could have dropped on the floor—and perhaps it wouldn't exactly be heard with the music in the background. But the effects of the King of Spades, Alfred's words were quite imminent. The Joker simply returned it with a good-natured laugh, "Is that so? Your Majesty of Spades, let me know when you have first conquered the entirety of the world, and then perhaps we can talk, King of Conquest." The Joker said it in jest and with a smile in the end.

But the atmosphere turned prickly.

It was akin to being surrounded by an overgrowth of thorns around one's body. Rosalyn Lockhart blinked and saw the Joker turn to her and smile. The sensation retracted almost immediately.

It was not an imagined experience at all. 

"Y-You idiot!" A slap on the back of the King of Spades' head shattered it immediately. The Queen of Spades was not shy about showing public violence if necessary as she inclined her head to the Joker, "His Majesty of Spades speaks the most insane things without even considering the effects of their words, my sincere apologies, Joker."

Rosalyn watched the Queen of Spades, Olivia Deuce, who single-highhandedly dispatched the soldiers in her Kingdom bowed her head to the Joker. She couldn't help but feel like she truly didn't know as much about the Joker as she should have, and yet the Queen of Hearts felt no sense of apprehension with the said man.

He was still the same man that she had met years ago.

There was only one thing in her mind—had the Joker made some deal with the Time Man to stay that young?






A certain Hatter sat down on the cold stone dungeon all by himself. He leaned back against the wall and couldn't help but be somewhat impressed, "The others always rumored that the people ended up killed right away and had no dungeon—I suppose they are wrong." Nicholas heard a grumble and placed a hand on his stomach. "Ah, I wonder how long I'll stay here?"

It was in the darkness that he soon noticed a pair of glowing eyes.

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