Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 89 - A Joker's Perspective

It was finally the end of the night of fine dining and exemplary orchestration.

As the end of the banquet came, the Kings and Queens were soon parting away to their respective rooms. The prime purpose of the Gathering of Suits had reached its pinnacle and what was left was a few days of entertainment, socialization and meandering? The Joker took a sip of the dark red wine and mulled over it. 

It all depended on the individual Kingdom.

One by one, the couples and delegates began to depart from the Royal Dining Hall after paying each other their exchange of temporary farewells. There was no longer any need for exuding auras of royalty and power, it was finally the time for relaxation and elusive meetings. Some were perhaps intoxicated? There was a certain red-faced Queen who couldn't tolerate her alcohol.

Alfred Villeuce looked positively embarrassed as he led away Olivia Deuce from the hall. If only barely squeezing in a breathy adieu to the Queen of Hearts and a nod towards him. On another occasion, Rosswall might have gotten a tad upset at the short greeting but he was a gentleman and could at least understand the need for the Spades' Queen to depart immediately. 

But it did not evade his eyes to notice the expression of Alfred Villeuce's face, a mix of longing and some regret at having to leave too early? And, it wasn't directed at him no doubt. It was directed to the Queen of Hearts.

It was an interesting thing to take note of.

As for the other Royals this was their own actions. The Queen of Clovers lingered with her King, if only because the King's brother, the Delegate Dimitri was still conversing with the Prime Minister of Hearts. The shared looks between them were enticingly rare and scandalous if the Joker would pull the strings further. And thus it was amusing to him that the King and Queen of Diamonds were the first to leave and disappear from the Royal Dining Hall—even before the Spades actually.

Or perhaps it wasn't so surprising?

Both the King and Queen were… honorable? Respectable? The Joker didn't know what word was appropriate from them. Refreshingly boring? Ostentatious wealthy, the Joker would agree no doubt. And perhaps that was the reason why the two were quick to depart, frugal in their own way and measured each of their steps. Careful and safe. Sharp-witted perhaps for the Queen and a tad to pompous for the King but that was their only peculiar quirks.

Although that wasn't obvious from initial appearances. 

As for the Host King and Queen themselves, as much as neither would admit it to each other aloud, or they reluctantly admitted in the back of their minds that they did—they were able to work well as a team. The exemplary orchestration was not the music that played in the background, no, not all. Kudos to the musical accompaniment to the dinner though. But it was them orchestrating this event and making it a success despite all the odds.

Each of them played their strengths and made up for one another's weaknesses.

This was the humble perspective of the Joker. The entire Royal Dinner Hall was now being swept up and cleaned by the servants as the man remained in their seats. The King of Hearts was the one who thanked each of the attendees, from the King to even the lowest of Delegate. It made each individual feel seen and acknowledged.

In a way, Alexander Hartsmichdt could rouse one's heart.

And the Queen of Hearts? She facilitated the tasks behind him, she was the one who worked in the background. If he were to compare it to a clock, then she was the gears that made Time work and show itself to the world. Perhaps the saying that 'behind every successful man stands a woman' was appropriate to think off right now—the otherworld was great with their own words. The Joker had to acknowledge that right now.

"A-Are you done with your plate, S-Sir Joker?"

The Joker finally noticed a skittish servant in front of him. A young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, and perhaps a beauty? It depended on the beholder as well with their demonstration perhaps. The man appreciated people in fear of him when he wanted to—but there was no need to cower at this very moment.

He glanced down at his barely-eaten food and nodded. "I suppose so, Miss. But there is no need to clean it up. A man knows how to clean up their own mess." He flicked a hand over the table and made its contents disappear until what was left was nothing. The woman froze even more, and for this, he had to laugh. "I do not think that the Royal Kitchen will miss a set of fine plates and cutlery. Carry on, young woman."

The woman bowed and fled away from him. 

He could only shake his head at that and sighed, he leaned back against the chair. Soon enough it was only the Hearts and Clovers that remained alongside him and though it was originally Alexander Hartsmichdt who bade the guests each of their goodnight—it was Rosalyn who approached him.

Although she seemed to throw a look into the blonde girl's direction, the frightened Miss bowed at her before running away and helping out to clean the rest of the Dining Hall. An odd change. Peculiarities. He was right, Time often changed one's perspective?

The very thought of it amused him until the Queen garbed in red approached him and curtsied. "Joker, the banquet has finally drawn to a close, and as our Honoured Guest, the King of Hearts has prepared a room for your stay if you wish."

"That is a lie."

"...I do not understand what you mean, Joker." The Queen of Hearts did not look pleased.

He was accusing her of lying but that was the truth. He smiled and finished the last dregs of the wine in his glass and placed it down on the table thoughtfully. "The man would rather throw me into the dungeon cellars here than give me a room, I appreciate your method of trying to cover up for him—but there is no need to hide this from me, dear."

"...I am completely unaware of what exactly is going in between you, him and the Queen of Clovers but as the Joker—no, as Mister Rosswall, I offer you a place to stay tonight. A roof over your head unless you wish to return back to your place on foot." Rosalyn Lockhart pursed her lips together and eyed him with some mild disdain and concern. "I have not heard of any horse-drawn carriages or any other people who had come with you."

"A Joker is someone who walks their path alone."

"Then are you staying here or not?" She asked him with a touch of temper in her tone. She was not one for tricks and riddles—the little girl actually preferred it to be told clearly if possible. And that was one of the reasons for such a short-fuse.

The Joker shook his head and sighed a bit resigned, "You're not having fun."

And his words made her freeze. The Joker was a little surprised at such a reaction but he could only think of plausible reasons as he placed a hand underneath his chin and gauged the actual reaction. If she was upset, then she would have shouted in anger—in another time, she might have asked for his head. But his words instilled a silence to her. Almost unnaturally so.

"I did not know that I would have such effects like this?" He watched her icy state melt as she turned her gaze away from him and coughed slightly. She was hiding something and did not wish to share it but it gave him an inkling of a clue. No, it wasn't a small clue either. Her entire expression gave it away and he could remember something that helped him figure it all out.

She had already done this before in the throne room.

Amidst her portrayal of a Queen who knew her position and authority—She had even denied him the chance for a more warm welcome in lieu of getting down to business immediately—there was one event that made her forget her position. The Queen of Hearts was frozen in place because he had mentioned Time. And it was the same right now, the Joker was sure of it as he fought the urge to crack up and make a peal of laughter.

It was the funniest thing he had ever seen.

Oh, of course it was a serious matter in a way. But the sheer madness of it was enough to make him thoroughly amused. What exactly had happened between her and Time? He cleared his throat, "Are you alright, Your Majesty?" The Joker wouldn't really like handling if the King of Hearts thought that he was the one who troubled her...

She seemed to be lost in her thoughts.


"Really? That would be a sight to see." The man nodded to himself. "Well then, there's only one thing left to do."

"And that is—?" Before she could even utter the next words, her seat vanished into thin air as she dropped towards a chasm. She reached up, finding nothing escaping her throat as her eyes pinned to the man looking at her from above. It was at this moment that… He gave her a wry smile and waved fondly, as if they had been such good friends.

"Have a good time!"

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