The tile that surrounds me seems creepy on the pale skin somewhat. Not popular. All the doors in the private room are open and there are no users. The floors are shiny and well cleaned.

Bend your legs and flex again, extending your legs left and right as well. Exhale with a colour of fatigue and hope to recover your hegemony. Remove the tip of the towel from the collar and wipe the face. One more time to remember.

Gacha. The door opened and a woman came in. How noble the air space is brewed. Point your face at me like you made a fool of yourself.

"Mr. Maricana, you want to go into the sauna, don't you?

I'm surprised you don't have any context. Good job and I bow my head small. The other one, uh, squeals his nose and disappears into a private room in the bathroom somewhere dissatisfied. There is a sound of locking.

I drag a tingling leg, from which I receive and drink a bottle of sports drinks from a soldier. Grumpy. When it was over, he gave it to the soldier, and he bowed his head.

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