We must stand up to the cowardice of the deep-window lady. I don't care much about the shaking of the bus. Is there anything you can't grasp from this method? Here the Fixer appears to be a match. Win. The world is back. As an intelligent life form, I don't like being liked by others.

We're almost at the next bus stop. I wonder if there are any points I can't get to because it's a bus that travels all over this country. The soldier in the seat next to him across the hall is lying on his back. I'll leave you alone. I am shaking to the left and right according to the bus.

Right rear of the bus. Second row from behind. There are steps and they are in a position with a high step difference. You can see the view from the bus. The lower boundary where you climbed and looked down from the top of the mountain. I wonder where downtown is. I wonder. Like that little diorama. Something similar to a feeling of superiority that doesn't know where it comes from.

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