Atsuatsu ho ho ho. The sauce follows my throat. Down from the dining room. Pierce the octopus roast with a yang branch. And carry it all the way to your mouth. Ooh. I want to eat more and more. The proximity of stress was due to hunger, wasn't it? It's not that simple. I'm the one with the complicated quirks.

They're looking at this one. Mr. Maelia putting her arms together. Dear Calcirast with one hand on his face. I think I'm free. Boredom is the natural enemy of life, isn't it?

"It's like a hungry tiger."

No, it's a grassy white rabbit.

Though a lot has been said. Instead? A box of handed octopus. Not even three?

"No, it's not, Marikana looks like a painting and she keeps on commenting."


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