Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 214: Princess Diana

James Pov contd.

Only the Lord knew why he was so proud of the fact that he had taken the help of a woman to win the battle as my eyes fell on his living trophy!!

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you to my wife. Sir James this is Katherine, royal princes of Wunsunstan empire and Katherines, this is Sir James, the commandant of the first order of nights which serve on the borders." 

"It was nice to meet you, her majesty" I said bowing my head again and she nodded, suddenly I felt like going back to the palace and taking a rest. How did this tiredness affect me all of a sudden!

"Shall we have dinner now, your majesty." I asked politely hoping that this drama would soon end.

"Why, you have just come. Let us accompany you for some drinks and have a good chat in between" said Charles and his father nodded, I could only smile and nod.

"Why don't you entertain the duchess for the meanwhile. Show her the garden or antiques room" said Charles and both nodded simultaneously and moved.

Soon a bunch of maids entered wearing skimpy clothes and my brows furrowed. Don't tell me there was one more drama  that i need to bear!

"James, I heard that you met the daughter of Earl Pipkins, the one who lives in the east estate?" asked the emperor, though his white brows tried to be casual as if he was asking generally but i felt there was something odd in his tone or was I just imagining!

"I did, your majesty. My mother is looking for a daughter in law as she is not sure when i would get another leave"

He smiled as he looked at me, and I felt like I was going to be hunted.

"James, your father is a man to be proud of and so are you. You have achieved a lot in this young age. The whole empire is proud to have a man like you." he continued having the praise which only increased the ominous feeling in my heart.

"James, I can assure you about your posting to your mother. Since the chances of war have ceased and there is peace, the commandant of the second order of knights Sir Richard can take your place at the border. You should serve the royal palace.

Oh, by the way, how was your meeting?" This was the second time he had asked me the same question when I avoided the answer the first time. And I did not need him to verbalise to know what was in his mind.

"It did not go well, your majesty. We are still looking for the bride"

A smile of satisfaction bloomed on his face as he nodded his head, and my suspicions confirmed.

"James, Diana, my younger daughter, has grown into a beautiful lady. She is a demure lady. She mostly stays at the palace and learns etiquettes. I assure you that you would not find a better lady than her in the whole empire.

She is good at taking the duties of the place and well versed in music and all the etiquettes a princess should have '' he continued singing praises of his daughter while his son tried to maintain his stiff smile. 

I was sure he did not want me as his brother in law.

And to be honest i was feeling like a customer which was forced to take the product he didn't even want.

I was not against having the princess as my wife but the way he was praising her it felt like he was trying to sell a commodity.

Did it even matter how beautiful she sang or danced! It was not like we were going to participate in the theatre!

"So, what have you thought about meeting her. If you want I can call her here and we can all have dinner together." he added and looked at the servant who bowed and left the room.

The sip I had taken got stuck in my throat as I realised I was trapped. It was clear that he would not take no as an answer and I had no rights to reject a princess.

"It would be honor to have dinner with the princess, your majesty" it took all my strength to accept the offer as I knew only an affirmative answer could be given after the meeting.

That was the reason I hated diplomats. They would always find a way to trap you.

"I know you are a smart man, James. I assure you I would take care of you and your family in the future. And you don't need to worry about Marianne too. Cassius always listens to me."

Even if I ignore the starting lines, the last line was a blatant threat to me. He must have grasped that Mari was my weakness by the conversation we had before. Shit! I once again fell into his trap. So he was intentionally targeting her since she came with me to know her worth in my life!

"I am assured your majesty is a fair ruler, how could anyone suffer under your judgement" 

This was turning more and more tiring, and I knew the end would be worse.

"Ah, there she is. Come Diana" he said and I turned back.

A girl with slow footsteps was coming towards us. Her eyes were set straight, she was beautiful there was no doubt in it. Her dark blue eyes and brown hairs were mesmerising, her face was broad and chiseled, her skin was fair and supple as porcelain. The mole on her lips was accentuating the beauty of her lips. But her smile was fake and as Marianne said she was too young.

She was looking like a young teenage lady who was still in academy studying. She deserved much better than me who had already seen the whole world.

"Hail to the glory of the empire, your majesty." She bowed her head, surprising me as she treated them as royals and not family.

"Diana meet Sir James, our guest for tonight"

She turned towards me with the same blank face as she nodded her head.

"It was nice meeting you, Sir James"

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